you miss her while she's working (sakura)

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''Kkura!'' you yell as you run up the stairs for the third time today you enter Sakura's office to see her still typing '' baby I'm bored you said you would take a break after you finished the last chapter '' you whine

'' I know jagi but work came up and i have to get this in before the end of the day '' she sighed out
you whine again and Sakura spins her chair to face you ''okay how about you come sit in the chair beside me but be quiet I've gotta finish this''

You immediately make you way over to Sakura giddy and excited to finally spend some time with Sakura even if you can't talk to her being around her makes your heart skip a beat you walk over to her but instead of sitting on the chair

You sit on her lap a smirk on you're lips

Sakura's cheek heat up blush spreading across her face as you just lay you're head on her shoulder snuggling into the crook of her neck as you peck the soft skin Sakura put one arm around you're waist and one arm on her keyboard ''i guess this works for the both of us''

'' I love you y/n ''
''I love you too Kkura ''

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