No copy cat

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I bolted up and tears started falling down. I been given a chance to bring justice for Shadow and his family. Yet I mustn't tell the mayor this she will take me off the case for sure. I looked at the time on my phone and decided to start early. I did my routine except jog because I don't know this city well yet. I put on my black jeans with a black belt, grey button down shirt tucked in, and black blazer. I placed my new badge on my belt clip before pulling back my hair leaving two strands down. I grabbed my satchel as I slipped on my shoes then grabbed my keys and left. It was still dark but I could see where the sun was rising. The roar of my engine scared a cat that was hiding under the muffler and I put it in gear. Once I arrived at the office it was empty. Not surprised I did get here pretty early. I decided to take the steps since I never did my jog and arrived on the detective floor. I saw the elevator and looked straight ahead. There I saw my new office with the fresh lettering on the blurry glass. My office was very neat and clean but not for long once I start. I pulled out the evidence board and start pinning the pictures that matches the descriptions in their files. I even added the names of the victims from the cases that were in my city as well. It crushed me a bit to add Shadows name but I needed to add every detail. If I need to prove my theory I need the cold case files. I decided to call up my old boss and have him send me the cases. "Knuckles you know I ca—" "Vec please I was a rookie then but I'm mature enough just trust me please I see the connection and I just want to make sure" I said in a serious tone. "Fine I will send them your way good luck." he said. "Thank you" I smiled. The boxes arrived just before everyone started coming in the only box I didn't put up was shadows. Mostly because I ran out of room. So far my theory was correct this was the exact same killer. No copy cat. "Good morning Sir" I turn seeing a two yellow tail fox in a green suit with big glasses, and blue eyes. "Hello ummm-" "Oh my name is Tails Prowler Hood" he smiled. "I'm your assistant can I get you anything mr echidna?" He asked. "Oh ummm sure maybe some coffee black two sweeteners please." I said and he nods before leaving.
I stare at the board sipping my coffee which tasted unlike I ever had. Tails and I got to know each other and how he and his wife Cream Marian have a son about five. As young as he looked I'm surprised he has a kids but hey ok. Mayor white came by and I told her my findings so far. She was please and wished me luck before heading back to her office. I took a closer look at the recent killings and noticed a match book. "Hook bar?" "Yeah it's down on main." Tails said. I get up and grab my keys because I want to see if there was anything else the police missed.

I hope I get a lead there....

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