They're real

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I felt the eyes on me after what felt like hours. "Fables are real...." I said. "Fables are real..." I said again and press my fist on my lips. "Is he going to be ok?" The other stripper asked. "Give him some time Rouge." The mermaid said. "Rosalina is right." Tails said. They all just continue to look at while I just sat in the chair still processing this. "They're real.... The myths... the fairy tales..... monsters..." I looked at them. "Do monsters exist like vampires and Frankenstein?" I asked. "Frank lives a few blocks down." Hook said. "And I'm a vampire" Rouge smiled showing fangs. "Great... great Umm cool.." I go back to processing this. "You all go on and go tails and I got this" "You sure snow?" "Yes Amy" Pauline said. I hear the other leave and tails brewing up some coffee. "Knuckles I'm sorry I should've told you...." She said. "It's ok I ummm I get it..... but why keep yourselves hidden?" I asked. "Well could you imagine Scourge, Rosalina, and Daisy being in cages and treated like freaks?" Tails said handing me my mug. "No.... Nevermind.... I see now.... I'm sorry..." I said and take a sip. "It's a lot to process but I guess your more safe knowing. I will inform all fables that you are aware of what we are. Go home and get some rest." Pauline and I nodded before getting up. I arrived home and got undressed to take a shower. I got out and pulled up my sweatpants before I walked to my room where something felt off. "Well shit you look sexy as fuck too bad you're covering the best part~" I turned around and saw Sonic sitting on my couch and drinking one of my beers. "How the fuck did you get in my apartment?!" I said. "Well I mean when your part jersey devil and incubus you gain a lot of power. Like mist cutting through the cracks after following you home~" he smirked. "You have peeked my interest though~ No normie no fable was ever able to not get hypnotized by me. I looked deep in your soul yet nothing~ so I want to learn everything about you. And I mean~" he looks at my lower body that is covered by my pants. "Everything~" he lick his lips. "Get out" I said sternly. "Why? I feel your  desire of being touch once more in a very sexual way. Why not let me since my story checked out~" he smiled and disappeared. He reappeared behind and grabbed my neck and wrists in one swift motion. I felt something slithering up my leg. "What do you say we have a night of sinful passion~" he whispered in a very seductive way. "No" I said hiding a small moan that's in my throat once the thing that was slithering up my leg wrapped around my member. "A big boy aren't you come on I know you—" "GET OFF!!!" I managed to slam the back of my head to his. His grip loosened and I escaped. I turned to see a long devil tail and the makes a crack sound after it whips itself. "My you're very resistant! I love it!~ Fine you win~ but I'll win you over my sexy detective~ just you wait~" he smiled and walked to the door. "Someday~" he said and leaves.

"I won't ever be your you fucking demon" o

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