You remind me of him

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I closed my eyes and accepted my fate letting out a large air bubble as I felt the blocks hit the ground of the river. This is it I'm going to die.... At least I discovered who was responsible. I may not have caught him but I found him. It's enough to bring me peace.... I heard a muffled loud splash and in my blurry vision I saw something sink down quickly. It was Sonic he'd escaped and sank himself to me. He quickly swam over and used his demon tail which had sharpened and I was freed. He grabbed me and we swam up out of view of the observatory. I took the longest gasp of air before coughing up the water that entered my body. Sonic was looking above us and saw the observatory was gone. "Come on" he said and we started to swim to shore. It was getting dark so I build a fire to warm up. Sonic sat on the ground across near me but not next to me. I looked at him wondering if he would say some kind of remark but he just sat there. I looked down and then back up at him seeing something I didn't see until now but first.... "Thank you.... For saving my life....." I said and he looked at me. "You're welcome detective" he smiled. We sat there in silence for a couple of minutes and I sighed breaking the silence. "You remind me of him....." I said. "Who?" He asked and I took a deep breath. "My late fiancé... Shadow.... That last victim you mentioned when we met..... that was him...." I admitted and saw guilt form in his eyes. "I'm sorry.... So ummm home do I remind you of him?" "It's ok and honestly you're straightforwardness." I chuckled and teared up a bit. "When I met shadow I was in the park doing a animal forensic project and he just walked up and asked me how old I was, did I like guys and if I was single." I shook my head smiling remembering that sweet moment. "When I told him yes to all three he just shoved his number in my jacket pocket, told me the date and time and where we were going on a date then walked away." I started to chuckled and wiped a tear that fell. "So I went and wound up having a very happy life with him...." I said and told sonic the rest of my story from my parents to shadows Murder. "Knuckles I'm so sorry you went through all that.... He sounded like an amazing man..." "He was.... But I came to peace with it and finally got the sign to move on...." I smiled and looked at him. "You know how you say you'll stop at nothing to win my heart?" I asked. "Yes?" He replied and and I scooted closer to him.

"Well looks like you just won it"

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