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Once again I followed the GPS to the stripper joint sonic told me about. It didn't take to long to figure out which building because one had a lady with a fishtail light and it was one of those animated ones showing her ripping off her seashell bra. "Yep.... This is the place..." I thought. I entered the building and saw posters of women and men with stage names like, glitter dick, candy tits, and golden fuck god. I been to strip joints with shadow for his cousin's bachelor party and it was nothing like this. Mostly because I'm surprised it wasn't busy until I saw the sign saying they were closed for a private party. I went in anyway because I needed to talk to the owner. When I walked in a saw a green hedgehog with scars on his chest looking up at pink hedgehog who was already naked and dancing on the big stage. "Yeah show daddy how that body moves~" he said and she smiled gliding down. He licked his lips  admiring her as another woman who was half naked walked up with his drink. She was a platinum blonde with a bang over one of her blue eyes. Then a white bat walked up in a very short dress that rose up passed her ass and her breast almost exposed. She leaned over to the green hedgehog handing him a envelope of cash. I watched him count the cash and took two big bills out before giving her the rest. "Nothing was uncomfortable was it?" He asked her. "No sir" she replied. "Good" he said still watching the pink hedgehog. "Oh hello" the blonde said and he looks over. "Hey the sign said closed dipshit get out!" He yelled. "Actually I got some questions for ya" I said showing my badge and the girls gasp. "Amy my beauty get dressed" he said. He gets up with his glass and heads to the bar. I followed him and he took a drink. "Names Scourge Beast detective what can I do for you?" He asked. "I was wondering if you knew anything about this symbol" I asked putting out the drawing. "Oh yeah that symbol some dick drew it over there and I couldn't get it out for six fucking years." He said and took a sip of his drink while pointing at the wall. Looks like Sonic's story checks out about that. "Do you remember what he looked like?" "Hairy hands, deep voice was in a hood. Didn't bother saying anything because he gave one of my girls a big wad of cash so I lit it slip." He said and once again sonics story checks out. Guess my prime suspect is starting to become innocent. "You smoke?" He asked lighting up a cigarette. "Yeah but I don't need one right now" I said. "So detective why the questions about this symbol?" He asked. "Well I will say you cleared sonic from being behind the murders" I said. "Sonic a murderer?! HA! That fucker may put the fear in others but doesn't have a killer bone in his body. The worst I and this city has seen him do is rob a bank outside of town. Some place called station square. Big heist proud of the bastard." He chuckled. "Wait he was behind that?!" I said. "Yeeeeeep" he smirked taking another puff. "Well at least I can put him away for that" I said. "Good luck because what the city doesn't know is that he gave 3/4 of it into the city. Anyways you got any else? I'm a busy man and have shit to do before my private party shows up." He said squishing the cigarette bud in the ash tray. "No...." I said and got up. "Perhaps I could offer you one of my girls before you go?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Not into girls" I said and started to walk away. "Maybe one of my boys? Shape can become anyone you desire" he smiled. "I doubt that goodbye" I said and left in defeat. I can't believe I walked into a dead end whatever I need to return to the office and let sonic go to my disappointment.

"YOU WHAT?!?!?!" I yelled. "I wasn't in control I'm sorry knuckles!!!" Tails yelled. "HOW WHY?!" I was furious and just dumbfounded that tails let sonic go what if he was guilty and I would have to sent a search party. "I was put in a trance! I was not in control!" "A TRANCE THIS ISNT SOME FAIRYTALE!!!" "IN A WAY IT IS!!!!" He yelled and I blinked a few times. "We're....... We're Fables.... Real fables" he said and I burst out laughing. "Yeah right ok and I'm the king of Denver." I said. "I'm serious knuckles my real name is Robin Hood." He said and I started laughing again. "Robin Hood that's a good one." I said and he growls at me before picking up the phone. "Who are you calling?" "The people you meet so far." He said and pushed me down on a chair. Thirty minutes later mayor white, Scourge, Amy, the two other girls, Luigi and daisy. "Ok hood why are we here?" Scourge said. "He need to know what we are. Because sonic used his power to trance me to letting him go." Tails said and I saw the nervousness in their faces. "Very well then" Pauline said. I saw some of them reach for one of their jewelry and a light glows. Scourge turns into a beast man like creature, daisy turns into a fairy and the blonde turns into a mermaid. I step back seeing their true forms and fall back into the chair.


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