letter to whoever

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I want so badly, so deeply for my words to mean something someday, to hold value and have impact on someone. 

I want to tell stories of the youth, along with fiction and romance. Writing and creating an imaginary life for people to get lost in and be able to forget their own burdens in this world. 

My words will have purpose and meaning and tell beautiful stories. I want to create. I want to express myself and hope I'm heard. 

I want to be able to heal with my words, and maybe someday I will. 

Maybe someday someone will come along and find comfort in the stories I tell, and the parts of myself I share. Maybe they'll feel joy that they finally found someone who understands their emotions when no one else was able to. 

Someday my stories will be shared and talked about in positive ways to those who could never seem to piece together what they'd overwhelm themselves with. 

Someday my words will shake souls. They will create more universes and worlds where we can escape and get lost in when the real one is too much to handle in the moment. 

I want so badly to mean something and to be of use. I want my words to have purpose, so it isn't just something I drown in. 

Please understand, I want my silent screams to be heard just as much as you do yours. I'm trying so hard to have faith in the world as cruel as it may be. I hope you are too. 

You will figure it out just as I will figure it out, and we will remember this with nostalgia filling up our minds, wondering how we got from here to there when it felt utterly impossible to obtain. 

Peace is not out of reach. Happiness is only a state of mind, and you do not need to feel it 24/7 in order to be okay. You are worth every breath you take. You are everything and more. Do not think less of yourself just because you aren't where you want to be in the moment. Look behind you for a second, see all that you've managed to accomplish so far. Do you see? You're capable of it all if you give yourself a chance. 

Everything will play out the way it should, always. Your only job is controlling yourself and your reactions and feelings. Nothing more, nothing less. 

Our time will mean something in this life. You will always be special. You will always have something to offer, no matter how many times someone tries to steal your light. 

Maybe this is a letter for myself, but to whoever reads this, I hope you know everything I said is true. You will be everything and more as long as you accept yourself for who you are, flaws and all, and understand you have everything you will ever need in this world. 

If you take anything of what I said in this note, I thank you for being kind to yourself and giving yourself a chance even if all you did was wake up in the morning.

Thank you. 


you know, it's 2:33am while I finish writing this not knowing where to publish this, whether the start or now. I'll probably do the start, but anyway, I wrote this in one go so maybe it won't make sense, but I don't want to be apologetic with my writing or my words. so if you did read, thank you and please never forget to be kind to yourself, you're doing the best you can with what you have been given and you're doing so well!!!! again, thank you.

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