Déjà vu

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“Eek!”The rays of sunlight shinning so bright. Its illumination made her hiss. She furiously mumble under her breathe. Lilith sluggishly sat upright moaning at how she got bothered by the sunlight. She dragged herself out of the bed moving close to the window for a little penetration of fresh air.
       She stood upright at the window which the curtains were tied up to the extreme of the bracket.

“ Hmmm...nothing feels like getting a pleasurable wallowing moment like this." She smiled, admiring the scenery of the valleys and  mountains, and how peaceful it was up there.

“ Lilith come downstairs to have your breakfast." Came a lovely soothing voice. 
“ oh damn it! It's Monday" slamming her palms on the window which she whimpered onwards.

Lilith ran downstairs, soon came to a halt.

“Lilith, today is Monday you have to go to college as early as possible—"

“ I'm so sorry mom, that alarm in my room wholly worthless. I can't believe that junk didn't beep... I frantically explained cutting her off.

“ I told you last night to quit playing that ridiculous game but you never listen to me"

She couldn't help but roll her eye balls. Basically, parent are so lame and nerdy precisely her mom.
“ Mom, what are we having for breakfast?" A low high pitched voice echoed in the mansion of
Chengs'. “ I made casserole. Won't you have a little dear?"
Lilith's expression changed in a jiffy after those words were uttered.
        “ No!!!" Lilith exclaimed.
“ Lilith!" A loud husky voice roared behind her.
‘ I know this familiar voice' she thought to herself.
She wriggled just to see a tall man on a cloak standing at the door holding unto the door knob. Her Dad.
         “ You can't always have what you want." He said with an expression of a calm ocean.

“ Why? You always rebuke me from having what I want and need at a crucial time, not like that's ample, you're coercing me to marry after my graduation in 2months time to a cove I don't love nor have anything to do with. I'm no longer a kid, I'm seventeen for goodness sake! I can't have freedom. It's like I was born just to be your  little puppet." She cried out with tears pooling at her eyes.
“ You always—"
“ Shut your gob Lilith, you can't speak to me in that tone. Now before things get fussy have breakfast and leave!" He retorted with an imperative tone.

Her face pooled with tears. ‘ How would I make this man understand the torture of being impinge by a man whom is so called your father . I have been feeling soppy and depress lately, this charades I'm putting on to be okay is killing me' she thought to herself.

“ You see Ariel, you have spoilt this pathetic daughter of yours, look, just look at  how she just spoke to me" Mr. Cheng said with a fierce tone.
Lilith on the other hand clenched her fist so tight while gritting her teeth. She just hates the way her dad blames her mom for everything that goes wrong.
“ It's not mom's fault, I want to stand up for myself. Dad...you can't always get what you want" she peered at him with a sharp gaze while she spouted those words.
      Lilith really don't feel impertinent speaking to her dad in such impudent manner, so she technically used his words on him.
“ Lilith!!!" A loud sound echoed in the mansion.
   Astonished in dismay, eyes widen in disbelief, the tension blazing hot. Lilith fell numb.

“ Cheng why did you slap her, she is just a kid. Mrs. Ariel Cheng said pulling his cloak.
“ No mom I'm not a kid, I'm older now to experience such, I had a Déjà vu this cruddy morning would come momentarily. I ain't a kid any longer so you don't expect me to sit back and watch my life get ruined with no succumb" she managed to exclaim with tears streaming down her velvety cheek.
She took some apples and grapes, a fresh clean bottle water from the fruit bowl which was on the dining table whilst ran to her room.

Lilith opened the door of her room, slammed it and immediately paced to the bathroom.
         Minute ticked by, she intimately departed out of the bathroom headed straight to the mirror, took a brush from the dressing table and sedately brush her long silky glossy hair that was still dripping droplets of water.
She looked like an exquisitely ravishing lissom demigod that had just made itself out of Heaven.

She flicked those long dark thick lashed of hers to look at her reflection which she was totally nude. Not quite long she was lost in a fantasizing void realm flawlessly fitting her existence. Still loitering in her own null world tryna figure out why her world was too sentimental, clustered with moodiness and shabby complex thought. She wholly felt like an inferiority complex. Still scrutinizing, her smartphone beeped. She shuddered.
Ultimately she was back to reality. She leaned forth to the bed soon realize that it was Morgan calling. She felt so paranoid at that precise moment; how things has being going crud for her.
“ I'm just gonna say any expectation of a sliver lining is not really a hunch for me apparently situation like this were hopelessly cruddy for me"
She shot her eyes for a few seconds, summoning all her courage. Soon enough a ray of hope flashed across her psyche. She heaved a sigh.
      “ Hey Lilith! How are you doin'? Aren't you making your way to school yet"
    “Ummm...yeh I'll. I just have to ummm...put my uniform on that's all" She said in a low tone still brushing her hair.
“ Are you okay, you sound a little blue"
Morgan asked rather curiously
“ You know I'm your best dearie you could  always feel comfortable at my zone"
“ Not at all. Hey I have to go now, I'll catch up with you in school, later, cheers!"
“  Ooo...okay, sure! Cheers bestie"
    Lilith ended the call.
She knew she just made things worse cause Morgan would be worried sick ‘bout her. She  just made things cruddy!

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