A New Home

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A great silence overwhelmed the small crowd of people gathered around the heap in the dust.

I was taken to my stall that night. A time of sadness had overcome the farm like a plague of rats. The rooster didn't crow that morning as I as loaded onto the float, I watched the figures of the people who's life's I'd entered and now left, disappear.

My every muscle ached on that long journey, the only thing that kept my standing was my curiosity.

I awoke with a startled neigh as the float jolted to a stop. I was lead out and jumped my ears flt on my head my first instinct of defence as I saw what was above me.

Big metal birds flew above me. Making loudd, disturbing noise.

The hustle and bustle of people filled my twitching ears.

I stood rigid with fear, as another bird flew over me.

They tied me to the float as the humans walked at a fast pace to a massive structure. Suddenly an extremely noisy bird flew over and i couldn't take it anymore I pulled with all my might on the float.

When I felt the grip being loosened, I ran down, only to look back up at the float falling down towards me.

I ran, I bolted and even though I was faster then most, the thing still followed. It scraped at my hocks, slammed into my rump pushing my legs out from under me making my knees get grazed, all while pulling my head towards it.

It was painful.

The pain ceased as I came to a fence, still wild with fear.The float slammed through the wired fence, breaking all the links as I swerved.

My neck stretched out and then, BAM, the rope snapped and I was flung backwards from the force of the pulling as the float tipped over skidding into the flying Field causing a plane to take off early.

I ran.

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