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wait. no one can lock me in. I thought as I stared at the gate pointedly.

suddenly some thing hit my rump, so naturally I turned around in anger.

How did they do that. There was another horse standing in front of me, I whinnied but when I saw what was sitting on top of him that stunned me.

A human was placed on his back and he didn't mind at all? what kind of horse was this?

I had to save him. I charged at the human taking a huge bound, before I leapt off the ground and over the other horses back, taking the human with me.

I landed on bare ground that scraped my knees, with a human pinned underneath me.

Where was the horse?


"This horse has to go!"

"we can't!"

"Fine, put him in the paddock!"

I was then taken out, and let go.

they really meant it? After all this time? I could finally Find Kara?

I galloped. To a fence. Which no one on the face of this earth would've expected, especially not me, especially when all I want is to go home, rule my herd and find Kara.

No one realizes the disappointment in this.

I had many lonley days, I just stood there waiting, craving the company of other horses. Now I was sick of it!

I ran forward and i knew it was going to hurt, but I also knew it was my only chance.

I closed my eyes for my chest to hit the hard wooden fence.

I heard a snapping noice and in all the pain I was in, lying on the ground above broken peices of wood, and I wasnt really sure if it was my chest breaking as well.

No one heard the crack that ran through the silent night like fireworks.

No one felt the pain I was in.

When darkness faded to light still, no one came.

My blood had dried, but the pain was even greater.

My every breath rasped at my throat,

I fought against sleep as another night came to day.

Finally I heard the screams of panic I'd been waiting for.

" He can"t make it!" I heard through the rain that was now plumeting down I fought but my eyes closed to an over whelming darkness.


ooooo, suspence! is he dead? better wait and find out...

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