Chapter 7: Heiđrún Returns

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A few weeks had passed since Summer and Riptide had become mates, and Leyla was with the others at the Roost when they heard a call ring out from outside.

"Hello everyone! I'm back!" A very familiar voice called out to them from the air.

"Hey! Isn't that Heiđrún?" Winger asked the others, who had all heard the voice from outside. Leyla and Aggro turned to look over at Summer, who sighed softly and smiled at them without the others seeing it.

They then went outside and saw Heiđrún flying down to visit along with three other Night Lights, one of which looked like Heiđrún but with bright blue eyes.

"Hi guys, nice to see you all again!" Heiđrún called out with a happy wave of her wings. "I came to visit and I brought some friends with me," she said while gesturing with her tail to the three other Night Lights beside her.

After a few moments of silence, Heiđrún spoke up in an attempt to break it. "Hey, where's Riptide?" She asked them, blinking in confusion and looking around for the sky blue Fastfin.

"Oh um, she's not here right now," Summer told her while giving Leyla a sideways glance that only Aggro saw. "She's off helping a young Fire Fury mom who lost her hatchling." 

"Hey there!" Dak said, giving the three newcomers a friendly wave in greeting. "I'm Dak and this is my twin sister, Leyla, and this is Winger, Summer, Cutter, Aggro, and Burple. I'm afraid Riptide is busy elsewhere at the moment."

"As you already know, I'm Heiđrún." She said with a small giggle before she turned to face her three companions. "And these three dragons are my friends Pouncer and Ruffrunner," Heiđrún said before turning to smile at the Night Light that looks like her. "And this is my girlfriend of three months, Dart. She's their sister and the future Alpha Queen." Heiđrún said, smiling brightly while Dart lowered her head, a bit embarrassed at the attention.

"Wait, you guys are WHAT?!" Pouncer and Ruffrunner both screamed at the top of their lungs and almost falling out of the sky in shock. As the two shocked Night Lights turned to face their sister and her new girlfriend, Summer sighed in both relief and embarrassment that she had been jealous of someone that already had a girlfriend.

"Please just ignore them," Dart sighed softly and rolled her eyes with an exasperated groan. "It's good to meet you all! Oh, and by the way, thanks again for helping free my girlfriend from that net." She added shortly afterwords with a friendly smile on her face.

"It's nice to meet you too, Dart." Leyla greeted her with a warm smile before blinking in confusion when Pouncer and Ruffrunner both latched onto Heiđrún with a tight grip.

"We're really sorry to cut this meeting short, but we need to talk to Heiđrún about something really quick!" They said while dragging her off to the side and causing Dart to sigh yet again and shake her head in frustration.

"What are they doing?" Burple asked them curiously. "And why do they need to talk alone with Heiđrún?"

"It looks to me like they're interrogating her," Winger said with a nod of his head in the direction that the three other Night Lights had gone off to.

"They're my brothers, and this is why we never told them," Dart sighed and shook her head from side to side. "We were planning on telling them soon, but I didn't realize it would be this soon. Then again, telling them away from my parents means that we can wait to tell them and have Pouncer and Ruffrunner help us, well that is if they give their approval before then."

"Hey, Dak." Leyla said, looking at Heiđrún having both Pouncer and Ruffrunner threaten her. "If you ever do that to someone I date, I will have Riptide carry you in her mouth headfirst high above the sea, and have her waterblast you as far away as she can."

"Noted, I'll keep that in mind, sis. But it's not like I have to worry though cause we spend most of our time around dragons, and unless you want to date a dragon, which due to the size difference won't work, I don't have to worry." Dak shrugged with Aggro being the only one to see Summer blush.

After Pouncer and Ruffrunner had finished interrogating Heiđrún, and deciding to give her their approval, they decided to spend the rest of the day playing with the others before they left to inform Dart's parents about her and Heiđrún dating.

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