Chapter 13

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You: where did you even find that

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where did you even find that

Hajime: ;)

Hajime: It's a secret

You: lol okay

Hajime: Oh yeah, Ibuki wants to meet

You: like now?

Hajime: Yes, like now

Hajime: In the band room

You: why

Hajime: I don't know, but she told me to tell you

Y/N walked faster toward the school. Ibuki had called for a band meeting that Wednesday morning. She had claimed that she had exciting news and couldn't wait. Y/N shivered as they paced down the frosty street. Y/N tucked their face deeper into the hood of their jacket. Winter break was over, but winter itself was not. It had only been a couple of short weeks since school started again, but Y/N could feel the energy being sucked right out of them with every passing day.

Upon arriving at school, Y/N let out a sigh of relief as the heaters promptly warmed them up. They started to make their way towards the band room. Even before entering the room, Y/N could already hear the sounds of Ibuki's enthusiastic chatter. When Ibuki spotted them, she pulled Y/N in and circled everyone.

"Guys! Guess what?" She didn't wait for anyone to guess before continuing. "The school's going to let us play for the Valentine's Ball!"

"What? That's awesome!" Kazuichi exclaimed, high-fiving Twogami.

"Ooh, I love the Valentine's Ball!" Hiyoko joined in. "Do you think they'll let me dance for the band?"

"Wait wait," Hajime interrupted. "How did that even happen?"

"Apparently, a band the school hired dropped out at the last second or something, and now the school came to us to play for the festival!" Ibuki clapped. "Isn't that terrific?"

Hajime looked worried. "But that's just a month away, if not less. How are we going to practice in time?"

"Simple, we can practice every day until then, duh," Ibuki tapped her head.


"You can calm down, Mr. WorryPants. We can practice at my house. I've got the space and instruments."

"I'm not sure..." Hajime said, turning to Kazuichi. "Some of us have work."

"Screw that! Do you know how many girls I could snag by publicly performing in front of the school?" Kazuichi responded. "I'll clear my whole schedule. Girls go crazy for bass players."

"And it doesn't have to be 24/7," Ibuki added. "Maybe just a few extra times a week. If you're so worried, you can make us a practice schedule. You're smart, Hajime, you can do it."

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