Chapter 18

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"Okay, let's run this through one more time," Y/N said.

"Alright," Hajime nodded.

"Chocolate melts, freeze dried strawberries, butter..."

"Check, check, check."

"Powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla extract."

"Check, check, and check."

"Okay, I think that's everything. Is everything measured correctly?"

"I'm pretty sure," Hajime assured. "But why do you have so many supplies?"

"My siblings are home. I was worried that they would try and eat the stuff, so I got extra supplies to work with."

It was Friday and Hajime was over at Y/N's house. It was an unexpected, last minute arrangement. Before he had come over, they were both at Ibuki's house with the rest of the band practicing songs for the dance. The Valentine's Day Ball was approaching and it was unbelievable that what was once a month away was now a day away. The band used every ounce of perseverance left to keep pushing through that week. When they were finished and feeling confident, Hajime opted to drive Y/N home.

"Are you doing anything later today?" He had asked, fishing for an opportunity.

"Yeah, I am," Y/N responded.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I was planning on making something."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Uhm...A dessert, I guess."

"Oh, are you finally picking up cooking skills?"

"Very funny."

"I know. What are you making?"


"Oh? For someone?" Hajime had glanced at Y/N, a smile on his lips as he said that.

A soft blush crept across Y/N's cheeks. Their lips parted slightly, but no words escaped their mouth. Though they didn't give Hajime an answer, the silence was a good indicator of Y/N's intentions.

"Maybe I can help you."

"With the chocolates?"

"Yeah, let's make them together. That way, you don't mess it up."

"I won't mess it up."

"After what happened with the cookies, I don't think you should be trusted."

"The flour was all your fault."

He laughed, reminiscing about the past event. "Still. Two heads are better than one, right?"

And that's where they were now, the two of them in Y/N's kitchen. Making chocolates. They were already feeling sheepish, revealing to Hajime that they were whipping up chocolates, but it made them feel worse that he didn't know they were meant for Nagito. Over the course of a few weeks, Y/N planned to bring homemade chocolates for Nagito when they confessed to him. The idea behind the sweets was to thank him for all that Nagito has done and to act as a grand gesture. When he was over for Christmas, Nagito enjoyed the meals that Y/N's mom had cooked. Y/N hoped that he would appreciate their cooking as well. He had told Y/N that he liked sweets previously, so chocolates seemed like the best option, being both classic and sugary.

Outside the kitchen, Belle and Jeffery were watching over Guppy to make sure he didn't consume anything that he shouldn't have and mom was out grocery shopping. Earlier when Hajime had arrived, unlike Jeffery, Belle wasn't too enthusiastic. Though Y/N thought that Belle had started to warm up to Hajime, she had swiftly reverted to her somewhat harsh self. It was strange that she was only that way with Hajime, though. Nonetheless, Her spirits seemed to lighten when Y/N told her they were making chocolates.

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