Chapter 19

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Y/N rummaged through their wardrobe, carefully selecting a formal outfit. Their hair was already done, but finding good clothes was the problem. They didn't own many dressy clothes, which caused them to scrutinize everything they owned. Guppy loafed on the bed and watched the frenzy unfold, his golden eyes glowed curiously.

"Don't judge me," Y/N said sheepishly to the cat.

Guppy tilted his head in response, and continued to observe.

It took a while but with a bit of mix and matching, Y/N was satisfied with their pick of an all black outfit. Y/N then went on to do their hair and face which didn't take too long. They brushed through their hair with their fingers to make sure there weren't any tangles or knots and then styled it as best as they could. Finally, Y/N adjusted their top and took a deep breath.

Today was the big day, the day of the dance. Their heart fluttered with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, for this was the night they had been waiting for. They hadn't even set foot into the school but their heart seemed to race eagerly. The chocolates they had prepared for Nagito nestled on the bathroom counter. It was now in a decorative, heart-shaped box topped with a messily tied bow. Y/N internally debated once more if they should keep the bow or not. They had watched tutorials on tying but they could never get it to look the way they wanted to. Next to the box was their phone, which vibrated. It was a text from Hajime.

Hajime: Are you done?

Hajime: I'm at your door

Just then, they heard the doorbell ring. Guppy became alert and hopped off the bed, gliding to Y/N's feet.

"He's already here?" Y/N murmured to themself. "He's always on time." They self-consciously straightened out their clothes and glanced in the mirror one last time. They couldn't even believe their eyes, it was different from what they would usually look and wear and for some reason, it made them feel more confident. Y/N hastily grabbed their belongings and hurried down the stairs.

On the last step, Y/N saw their mom and siblings standing around the front door. Y/N halted. Great, they beat me to it.

"My, don't you look dashing," Y/N heard their mom say.

"Thank you," Hajime blushed.

"Come in," Mom invited. "By the way, the chocolates you made were delicious."

"Are you going to take Y/N on a date?" Belle inquired.

"Uh, not exactly," Hajime replied.

"Good, because I won't let you."

Y/N peeped around the corner and were taken aback. Hajime did look... good. Though his body was hidden by the crowding family members, his chest and up were visible. His naturally spiky hair had been gelled into place and slicked back. It made him look clean and it incredibly suited him.

"Maow," Guppy whined, catching up to Y/N. Everyone at the door turned to look at the source of the noise.

Hajime noticed Y/N peeking from behind the wall and made eye-contact with them. His expression quickly brightened. "Hey, Y/N."

Everyone's eyes were on them. Y/N felt too embarrassed to show themself so they remained on the last step.

"Well, look at you," Mom awed, craning her neck.

"Pretty!" Jeffery added while Belle gave them two thumbs up.

"What are you doing over there? Come over," Mom beckoned.

Y/N shyly came out and over to them. Upon closer inspection, Y/N realized that Hajime's outfit was concealed by his coat.

"Wow, I can't believe you're going to their first high school dance," Mom gushed. "Isn't it exciting, Y/N?"

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