Chapter 24

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"I hate weight-lifting," Y/N complained.

"Come on, it isn't that bad," Hajimed tried to comfort.

"Yes, it is that bad."

"Well, the work-out isn't as hard today."

The two friends stood around the bench press. Weight-lifting day ranked at the very bottom of Y/N's list of gym activities. Such a dreaded, dreaded activity. It didn't help that the weight room was already humid and smelled of metal from the previous class. Y/N could already feel their hair starting to frizz up.

"That's easy for you to say," Y/N retorted.

"I'm serious!"

"Yeah, okay."

Hajime rolled his eyes, sliding off his hoodie and putting it off to the side. "You think I'm joking?"

"Yes. Can't we just skip?"

"I mean we could, but why waste an hour?"

"You just don't want to skip because you're a goody two shoes."

"Yeah? So what if I am?"

"...23...24...25...!" Akane counted out from the other side of the room. She trusted the barbell into the air. On the metal rod, it seemed to hold at least 140 pounds.

"Girl, you can stop now. You're only on your first set," her partner said, a tad bit horrified.


"How is she doing that?" Y/N uttered. "I've never seen anyone bench press so much weight."

"That's Akane for you," Hajime replied, unphased.

"Do you think you could do that?"

"Oh yeah, definitely."

"You're lying. You can't even open a pickle jar."

"You can't even open a water bottle."

"Yes, I can," Y/N retorted. "Why are you so mean?"

"I'm not trying to be," Hajime laughed, bonking the plastic water bottle on Y/N's head. "Come on, this barbell isn't going to lift itself."

Y/N lowered themselves onto the bench press and aligned their spine to the back pad. Hajime was behind the set, spotting them. They looked up at him. "How much do I have to do?"

"8 reps, 3 sets."

"I hate this."

"Suck it up. Ready?"

"I guess."

Y/N reached for the overhead bar and lifted it from the rack. Y/N panicked when the bar plunged heavily, causing them to lose their breath. It came down easily, but it could not have been said the same as going up. When Y/N pushed upwards, it was a struggle to lift it more than a couple inches.

"How"—Y/N heaved—"much weight did you put on here?"

"Forty total," Hajime replied.

"For...ty?" Their efforts drooped, the bar dropping an inch.

Hajime swiftly caught the bar. "I've got you. Push, you can do it."

"No, I can't. I quit."

"Don't say that. I know you can do it."

"I can't."

"I'll help you."

"I can't do 16 of these."

"Then just one set. You only need to finish one set."

Y/N hesitated, their arms shaking like a snake's rattle. "You better not let go."

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