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"Listen up, know what's this board is? It's your life, we grade you every day if you're still on the road by the end of the first stage you're out." Eric says, I frantically look for my name and I see I'm in the red zone, ranking 26, I see Peters name in rank 4, obviously, he was the most fit and strongest guy here.

"I'm never gonna make it" Tris says with sorrow in her voice.
"Yes you are" Christina says,
" I'm the weakest one here"
" then you'll be the most improved"
" I thought candor weren't supposed to lie" tris says
" I was candor, and I'm not lying"
"I think my parent would let me back if they cut me" Al says tieing his shoes up.
"It doesn't work like that" I sigh
"Even if they would take me back I wouldn't belong their"
"This is depressing, let's do something, go for drinks and get tattoos?" I jump up and smile


We head to the tattoo place, with a built in bar of course, the city had no bars or any place for drinks, to get some was very rare but we were lucky enough to be in dauntless, a place of rule breakers.

There were some new initiates and some older dauntless getting tattoos, and some spread out at the bar, Christina and Will are looking at back tattoos, clearly flirting, Tris is talking to Tori, and my first stop was the bar.

I sat down and order a tequila shot when I felt someone behind me, I think you can guess who.

"Wow stiff, getting drunk and tattoos, you really have changed" he chuckles
"Maybe you will be more likeable now" he leans down and whispers in my hear causing my whole body to tense up.
"Shut up Peter" I scoff downing my next drink
He sits down next to me and stares at me before finally speaking up.
"10 bucks says you can even finish a third drink" he laughs and smirks
I smirk and order 3 more shots and finish them all before he can finish speaking

He stares at me completely shocked before laughing, "Wow stiff you really are something"
I smile and laugh back, watching him as he finishes his drinks, I've never drank before so this was all new and I had no idea how I was going to act drunk, I look over at Tris getting her tattoo which obviously puts ideas in Peters head.
"Go get a tattoo" he whispers, I don't even have to think before getting up and choosing one.

It was a tramp stamp tattoo, I wanted something a bit hidden but also something that showed I wasn't a weak Stiff anymore, that I had changed, and I was also drunk at the time.

"Bold tattoo stiff, yet girly just like you"he chuckles staring at a few more options, "Get one too, you can match with me" I turn to face him not realising how close he was to me"Ok I will" he blindly picks one and walks away

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"Bold tattoo stiff, yet girly just like you"he chuckles staring at a few more options,
"Get one too, you can match with me" I turn to face him not realising how close he was to me
"Ok I will" he blindly picks one and walks away.
I was so pleased with the results, I stood up and sat back at the bar waiting for Peter to finish, I had no idea where everyone else was, by now everyone would be asleep, but I wasn't, I felt like something was going to happen, I couldn't describe it but I didn't want to leave just yet, the night had just begun.

Peter walks away with a smug look on his face and I immediately noticed his tattoo, it went around his arm,
"Love the tattoo Peter, why not on your face?" I say sarcastically,
"This way people can see my huge biceps when they ask about it" he chuckles and flexes, I groan and start to walk away but he grabs my arm before he can.
"Let me see your tattoo" he whispers, shivers went up my spine, I don't know why he made me feel this way. I slowly lift up my shirt revealing my tattoo and I can feel his hand press against my lower back, "it looks..." I was expecting a snarky comment but instead he turned me around to face him.

"It looks good stiff" he whispers admiring my face.
"Thanks.." I whisper back, we are pretty much standing inches apart and there's a long moment of silence.
"Another drink?" He asks picking up 2 bottles, "of course" I laugh and take the drink chugging it down, he leans down close and whispers, "follow me" before taking my hand and leading me down a dark hall, I have no idea where we are going but I don't argue I follow him.


He leads me to a roof, above the training grounds and stands near the edge,
"what would happen if I jumped"
"You would die" I laugh and sit down
He follows me and sits next to me and we just watch the stars, we sit in silence for a bit before he finally speaks up,
"Your not as bad as I thought you were Delacour" I'm shocked
"Wow what happened to stiff?"
"Your not as stiff as I thought" he smiles and looks deep into my eyes, I don't know if it was the many MANY drinks I have had or how nice he was being but I really wanted to kiss him.

I slowly lean in and realise nothing is happening, I open my eyes and realise he is standing up, this intense embarrassment washes over me and I quickly stand up to leave.
"Wait don't go I'm sorry look I just.."
"No no it's fine" I cut him off, "this was a bad idea anyways so I'm just gonna...go" I quickly run out the door trying my best not to cry, how embarrassing.

I should have known Peter wasn't into me, all my life he was a play boy, never caring about girls feeling so why would he even care about mine. I finally make it back to the rooms and go to sleep, I know I'm gonna regret everything when I wake up tomorrow.

Love To Hate You- Peter HayesWhere stories live. Discover now