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I had recently noticed Tris waking up in the middle of the night to train, and I had also noticed Four with her, she wasn't weak but she wasn't strong, of course I couldn't judge much myself, but at least I was getting up the rankings fast, Of course Peter stayed at number 2, Edward at number 1, Peter was not happy that Edward was beating him, probably had something to do with his massive ego.

I hadn't spoken to Peter since that night, I hadn't even looked at him, I just couldn't, I had embarrassed myself so much, I decided to focus on my training. As I'm training, I notice Christina fighting a girl, not so much fighting more like getting the shit kicked out of her.

"Stop. Stop" she says catching her breath,
"You want to stop?" Eric asks.
She nods in pain, blood dripping down her face, Eric offers her his hand which was really weird to me,
"Everybody let's take a break" now this is really weird, Eric was a pain, the worst of the worst so why was he being so nice to Christina, some would argue he likes her but that's impossible.

We walk over the bridge to the Pit, when he pushes Chris off, "CHRIS" I yell as she falls, catching the railing just in time.
"You have got three options, hang there, and I'll forget your cowardice, fall and die or give up. But if you give up, you're out" he stares at her sternly watching her struggle, water drips down onto her hands making her guaranteed to slip, she hangs there, struggling, before he yells "TIME."

I run and pull her up, Edward runs over to help me" is she ok?" He whispers, I nod whilst holding her as she cries, "DAUNTLESS NEVER GIVE UP" he yells for all of us to hear. Edward and I walk her back to the room, and sit her down, she's still in shock.

"It's ok Chris, you're ok" I say stroking her back, she stands up and walks to the showers whilst Edward stays and talks with me, "Eric is a dick, I'm sorry Christina had to go through that" we are both sitting facing each other on my bed.

"I can't believe he's allowed to do that to us, it's not fair."
"I know it's not, but I'm going to make sure you're safe, since we are friends now?" He says in a curious tone, I smile and laugh.
"Yes Edward, we are friends" his body relaxes, and he laughs.
"Ok good, I've wanted to be your friend for a while now."
"Really, why?" I ask.
"Who wouldn't want to be friends with you?" I smile and stand up and he does the same,
"Well, who wouldn't want to be friends with the number 1 person here" I say standing closer to him, it's obvious something is there but I don't want to initiate anything.
"Working hard pays off" he chuckles.

We are standing pretty close together until someone comes and interrupts, can you guess who?

Peter and boy does he look angry, "we have training hurry up" he clenched his fists waiting for all of us to leave, as Edward leaves, he gives him the biggest glare in the world, I go to leave the room, but he grabs my arm tightly.

"Don't talk to him."
I stand there shocked; how dare he tell me what to do after rejecting me and embarrassing me.
"You have no rights to tell me what to do. After embarrassing me, I can talk to whoever I want" I pull away from his grip and walk away, he stands there for a bit before following me,

"You never let me explain, I never wanted to embarrass you. That's just not how I wanted the night to go" he runs after me,
"Yeah of course you didn't just do us both a Favour and leave me alone" i finally walk away by myself and he just stands their thinking.

I hate being mad at him, truth is I've always been mad at him, he tormented me all my life, but this time it's different, it's a different mad, it's easier to be mad to be sad.

I understand why he's so jealous of Edward. He's a 6-foot four blonde hair, muscular blue-eyed man who constantly beats him at everything even I'd be jealous of that.


"As Dauntless we fight to protect every life inside the fence without fail, that's why we train you the way we do, to teach you not to give up and to find out who has what it takes. Even though it's been quiet out there for years that could change any moment, so we have to be ready for anything."

Four takes us to the wall that divides out from the outside world. I've never been this close to it, and I never thought I would. It looks rusty and old, and it's protected by electrical barriers,

We climb up and look out to the distance out beyond the wall.
"what's out there?" Tris asks.
"monsters" Christina jokes
"Amity farms" I answer.
"No, I know, but beyond that."
"Places are never recovered from the war" Will says.
"Do you know?" Tris looks at Four.
"let's just say they built the fence for a reason" he states before walking away.


We are throwing knives at target to practice out aim, I think it's the one thing I suck at, and the one thing Tris is good at
"you're weirdly good at this" I laugh.
"thanks" she says in response.
Al on the other hand is doing terribly, not hitting a single target once I kind of feel bad.
"That was pathetic" Eric says behind him.
"It slipped"
"Well go get it!" He yells loud enough for us to hear.
"While they're throwing the knives?" He says shocked and scared.
"Are you afraid?"
"Of getting hit by an airborne knife, yeah."

He groans and yells "everybody stop."
We all stop confused and look at Eric, then Al, then Eric again, "Stand in front of the target."

Al slowly walks around the target clearly afraid. "You're going to stand there throws these knives at you and if you flinch, you're out."
Everybody was shocked, and I could see that Tris was really mad, Four walked up to the target, but before he can throw a knife, someone interrupts.

"Stop" Tris yells.
"Anyone can stand in front of a target doesn't prove anything."
"Then shouldn't be so hard for you to take his place." He says cockily.

Tris hesitantly walks up to the target, her breaths became slow and deep, she was scared, no wait, she was terrified. Four walks in front of her, holding 4 blades in his hand, ready to throw them.

"Same rules apply" Eric shouts.

four throw the first one, loudly hitting below tris' arm, "oh come on Four" he throws another blade, landing right beside her face.

"Get closer than that."

"Want me to take a bit off the top?" Four asks sarcastically, "Yeah just a little bit off the top" Eric replies.

he throws 2 more blades, on top of her head and another landing right next to her ear, cutting it slightly. "Points for bravery stiff, not as many as you lost for opening your mouth! We train warriors not rebels" He leans in and says sternly. Everyone starts to walk back to train, Christina and I wait for Tris, and she wipes the blood from her ear, "are you alright?" Four asks, "you cut me" Tris responds.

"I meant to."

she stops, slowly turning to face him, looking shocked and angry, "you meant to?"

"You think eric would let you off without a scratch, you would still be standing there if I didn't" he wipes the knives down slowly facing tris, she stands there looking like she wants to punch him "am I supposed to thank you?"

"you're supposed to be smart, if I wanted to hurt you, I would have" he says not yelling but clearly upset. "We are done for the day, everybody gets out" Eric shouts, and everyone starts to walk back to the room.

Love To Hate You- Peter HayesWhere stories live. Discover now