Schedule board

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The next day

Everyone arrived at school, Tanjiro arrived at school together with his friends.

"Kentaro what is that?" Inosuke asked while pointing at the school's schedule board. "Oh, seems like they added something to the schedule board." Tanjiro responded. When they came to check the schedule board, they saw a field trip plan for the freshman and sophomores. "A field trip? What is that?" Inosuke asked confused because he never had a field trip before. "It's like a trip where you travel with friends and stuff." Zenitsu answered. 

Tanjiro saw the date for the field trip, it was next week. "Guess we better get ready for it!" Tanjiro said excitedly, he always liked field trips.

Kanao was walking nearby, noticing the crowd around the schedule board. Then Kanao approached the schedule board joining the crowd.

"Oh good morning Kanao! Seems like the school just added a new field trip plan here." Tanjiro greeted. "Oh good morning too, Tanjiro." Kanao returned the greet. "Are you going to the field trip?" Tanjiro asked. Then Kanao hovered her eyes into the date of the field trip, it was next week. "I think so, I don't really have any plans at that time." Kanao responded. "Alright then, it's our first field trip in a while so I hope you'll have fun!" Tanjiro said while having a happy smile on his face. Kanao just smiled back at him with pink tint on her cheeks.

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to write a longer one next time :)

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