Duskwood Detectives - Chapter 1

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Duskwood detectives

MC and Jake had been working together ever since they found Hannah, they had decided to team up and solve some of the unsolved crimes in duskwood. Alan had cleared it so they could have access to the files and evidence. MC knew she wouldn't be able to stay away from Jake not after he told her that he loved her. She helped him clear his name and now here they are 2 years later solving crimes for the Duskwood police. They had just been given a new case to work on. This one wasn't like any other case they had worked on before. This case involved abduction and spiking people's drinks. There wasn't much information to go on but something MC spotted worried her. She showed Jake the file and he too had a look of concern. "What are we going to do Jake? There is someone out there abducting women and spiking their drinks" Jake put the file down and walked over to a worried MC. "we will find out who this is we always do"

Jake tried to reassure MC but his words had little effect "Jake what if it's him!! What if he's come back and he's the one doing this" Jake pulled a chair over to where MC was sitting and he took a seat. "If it is him we will deal with him I promise" Jake went back over to his computer and started to do some digging. The crime was dating back to 6 months ago. Everything was pointing to him after all this time Richy had come back. Everything was pointing towards him but Jake needed to be sure he needed to be sure that he was still somehow alive after the mine explosion.

MC and Jake searched for hours for clues that could lead back to Richy checking CCTV cameras MC came across something. "Jake, come and look at this I think I've found something" Jake got up from his chair and came over to MC looking at her computer screen. "What's he doing? Has he really just done that to that woman?" Jake looked concerned as he watched the footage showing Richy in disguise slipping something into a woman's drink and leading her away. "We need to stop him Jake, he either needs pulling in jail or shooting" MC let her anger get the better of her slamming her fists down on the desk. Jake took hold of MC and embraced her in a hug holding onto her as tight as he could. "we will get him MC I promise I won't let him near you" MC tried to wriggle free of Jake's grip but he kept holding her. "You better be right"

After looking at some more CCTV footage Jake and MC decided to go check out the dare house and see what clues they could find there. "What's gonna happen if we run into him while we are there? Can I kick his teeth down his throat?" Jake stopped and gave MC a look that she knew all too well. "I'm not going to let him anywhere near you and you're not to go near him either" Jake took MCs hand and continued making their way through the forest. When they arrived everything was even more run down than normal. It was clear that someone had been staying there inside. It wasn't much better because the roof had caved in, the water pipes had burst at some point and flooded everything. There was dirt and grime all over the walls despite some light coming through the roof it wasn't easy to see.

Jake pulled out his phone and turned on his torch. They went down to the basement and discovered that someone had recently been there. The candles hadn't been put out long; the blanket on the floor was still warm as they looked around the small space MC spotted metal chains hanging from the wall. On closer inspection they found dried blood all around the restraints. The smell was absolutely awful. All the people that had been forced to stay there had a small bucket to use for the toilet. It hasn't been cleaned for some time and the smell was just sickening. After MC had finished taking photos of everything they quickly made their way out of the dare house and headed back home.

When they arrived back home MC went straight to her laptop and started to upload all the photos. She had been quite the whole way home Jake knew there was something wrong. He went over to her and kissed her softly on the cheek "what's wrong? And don't say nothing I know when something is bothering you" Jake took MCs chin and turned it so she was looking at him with tears in her eyes she didn't need to say anything Jake quickly put his arms around her holding on as she let everything go. Once she calmed down a little she pulled away from Jake, wiping her eyes. "It was seeing all those photos and the conditions that all the women were forced to live in. Why is he doing this Jake why?"

"I can't tell you the reason for that MC but we will find out and we will stop him at all costs that I promise you" they both stayed in each other's arms for a few more minutes before returning back to the case. Jake found some more CCTV camera footage of Richy getting off a train. He was doing his best to avoid the cameras but despite how busy the station was he failed to notice one of the cameras. While Jake was looking through more footage MC found something that could get them closer to Richy. "Jake can you come here please you have to see this" Jake moved over in his seat to where MC was sitting. "I've managed to hack into his computer and I've found a list of women's names" Jake took a look. There were about 20 different names on the list; some of them had already been crossed off leaving 10 more names. "We need to go back to that dare house Jake, we need to find out if he's keeping anyone else there" Jake sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"We can't just go back there without a plan MC we need to come up with a plan first I can't handle it If you get hurt" MC saw the worry in Jake's eyes and she wrapped her arms around him. "We need to do something Jake, we can't just leave whoever he has locked up in that awful house" Jake pulled out his phone and tapped away at the screen for a few moments. "Give me some time while I place a tracker on his phone and on his laptop, once I have done that we can come up with a plan and we can go out tomorrow morning early. It's too late to be going into the woods now" MC looked at Jake and she knew he was right, it was far too dangerous to be going into the woods tonight.

Jake went into the office and started working on placing an untraceable tracker on Richys phone and laptop. While he was waiting for the program to do its thing he took a look at what Richy had on his phone. Jake's eyes nearly popped out of his head and his skin turned a pale white colour. He found more pictures on his phone, these ones detailing what he had done to them. He was able to save copies of the photos without Richy knowing.

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