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Beomgyu came to stand beside Haneul, expecting her to once again be angry

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Beomgyu came to stand beside Haneul, expecting her to once again be angry. But as she took off her mask, he was surprised to find that instead of a scowl, there was a grin plastered on her scarred lips.

The boy raised a brow.

"Haneul? What's got you smiling all...creepily like that?"

"We've got his full name, Beomgyu. That's why. Also, there's a tracker in the cuffs."

A flicker of apprehension crossed Beomgyu's face.

"Will he not dispose of them when he gets the chance though? How do you expect that to work?"

Haneul only rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, Beomgyu. Have a little faith," she said, pulling out her phone. The screen displayed a map; following a moving blue dot. "He's obviously got a base somewhere. We follow him for now and if he does dispose of the cuffs, I also placed a tracker in his gun when he practically handed it to me."

The boy pushed his orange hair back off of his forehead as he glanced down at the device. He still couldn't hide his hesitancy although this time it was mixed with a slight feeling of admiration for the guard who stood next to him.

"He's not predictable and we can't trust him when he says that he knows nothing of the man that attacked him. We need to call for back — "

But Haneul, already placing her mask back on and making sure that her weapons were up to her standard, cut him off.

"No time for backup, Beomgyu. We can't lose his trail."

He grabbed her arm before she could take a step.

"No. Not this time, Haneul. Every time, he manages to slip away. This time, we need back up," he stated firmly.

She regarded him with a frustrated look but then let out a resigned sigh. Looking back at her phone, she saw that the blue dot had stopped briefly. She activated the tracker for his gun; a red dot showed up on the screen. The two of them suddenly started moving in opposite directions.

"Fine, Beomgyu. I'll give you the data and the location where the signal is coming from. You call for backup and wait for them to follow the cuffs. I'll follow the tracker I placed on the gun. We're running out of time."

"Alone? I can't allow you to go alone."

Beomgyu's hold on her wrist remained firm and she jerked her arm away in response.

"Don't you understand, Beomgyu? It's not something we can wait for. He could have disposed of either one of them, for all we know, he could've disposed both of them. But we'll never find out if we don't go now. You have to guide the others, I don't trust them to not make a mess of things. I can handle myself, Beomgyu. You know I can."

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