Giving up control

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After a long day at work Kathleen walks out of the building to the parking lot and gets into their car. They fumble for their keys, but the keys fall down onto the floorboard. They lean down to pick them up and put them in the ignition. She sits back into the seat and suddenly a hand appears from the backseat and grabs a handful of hair. A knife is felt on their throat. Scared and unsure of what to do and frozen stiff, they hear a voice. "One slip of the knife is all it's going to take if you move babygirl, drive." Worried and unsure of where they are driving to, she dare not utter a word to whoever sits in the dark backseat. Thoughts of who it may be and where they came from fill Kathleens mind as the car is put into gear. After a few minutes a house is reached, and she is told to stop. She looks over and notices, "This is my house, she thinks to herself." Suddenly additional thoughts start to enter her mind of how this person knows where she lives. The voice in the back says, "Don't move bitch." She does as she's told but mostly out of fear and the unknown. Warm breath is felt on the back of her neck. From the backseat is whispered, "you're not going to move until you are told, you will not turn around you will do as directed." Her heart is racing at this point. She is terrified with a loss for words. Only a mumble escapes her mouth to signify she understands. "You don't want to know what I will do if you don't do as I stated." The dark voice said. The knife is removed from Kathleens neck, and the hand is untwined from her hair. Kathleen fights the strong temptation to turn and see who this person is. She can tell they are close behind by the taps of shoes matching their every click on the concrete. The door to the place is finally reached and she turns the doorknob. The door pops open and both walk inside. The house that once felt safe that day before work now felt unfamiliar, darker, and unsafe. In the entryway, Kathleens throat is once again met with the knife. 'Walk into the kitchen sit in the chair keep eyes at the floor', the voice directs. The temptation becomes stronger. She turns her head to take a peek at the identity of the familiar sounding stranger. The knife is pressed harder against her throat. Deeply assertive voice with a growl speaks again, "I told you not to look you worthless whore. You are not the one in control and your life depends on the importance of you understanding that." You swallow hard and answer yes, "I understand". The knife is removed temporarily. With the threat on her life, she begins to shake, eyes still fixed on the floor. "Close your eyes bitch!" the voice demanded. Kathleen closed her eyes, and a piece of fabric is tied covering her eyes. Hands strapped to the chair, this causes her mind to wander and begin to think of an escape. Nerves causes her to question if she will be ok. Kathleen starts to tremble. Her hearts pounding harder and her face reddins. Heat radiating from her cheeks from pure panic. As her thoughts are focused on her escape her cheek is met with a hand smacking hard against her skin. Welts are left from where the fingers hit. "That slut is from your curiosity that will not happen again." said the voice. The fear of being smacked again has Kathleen froze.

Footsteps are heard tapping on the wood floor as if leaving the room. She begins to try to break free twisting her wrists. Kathleen is unaware that familiar voice hadn't left the kitchen, she was being watched the whole time. Suddenly Kathleen feels a sharp point on her throat. At this moment, her struggle halted, the realization of what had just occurred is suddenly clear. "You are a troublesome bitch aren't you. Looks like a lesson is in order you fuckin slut." the voice states. Kathleen quickly realizes the sharp tip on her throat is the knife. It moves slowly down the front of her neck to her shirt. The voice says with curiosity, "Let's see what we have here you fuckin whore." As the knife lowers tearing of threads is heard and the shirt opens, bra showing. "You don't need this either." Tearing of fabric continues and the bra falls to the floor. Breasts bare, hands begin to caress and tease her nipples. Her nipples hardened at every touch. Soft hands against her skin is arousing and thoughts of kink begin to replace the panic. Kathleen begins to be wet and clenches her legs shut. Hoping her arousal hadn't been noticed. The knife continues to tear fabric from her body. Slowly the knife is drug along her thigh. Starting from the top of one thigh moving towards the other thigh. Kathleens legs still clenched shut so tight her legs shake worse. " Open your legs bitch." the voice raised. Terrified of what may happen she keeps her legs clenched. "Cum slut I told you to open your legs." As the words left their mouth hands force Kathleens legs open. "Keep them open or that pussy or yours will know the feeling of cold steel." the voices demanded.

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