22: Shawn: Lying for love.

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I watched the group dance, and it hurt to not see Sarah out there. But then again if I would of seen her I would of broke down again.

I tried to act okay because they all knew about Sarah being "sick and not feeling well". If I acted all sad everyone would put together the puzzle.

"Everyone welcome the one the only Shawn Mendes!!!!!" I hear the crowd scream. I grab my guitar and put the strap around me running on stage. I thought they we screaming before... They were breaking my eardrums now. Something I could never get used to.

Once I stand up to the mic I feel all of my worries lift off my shoulders. I forget about Sarah for just a while.

I get done with most of my songs and I start talking to the crowd.

"Can you sing us something new?" Someone in like the second row screams.

"I don't really have anything new." I say rubbing the back of my neck because I didn't have anything new except for the song I wrote for Sarah.

"Please!!!!!!!!" Lots of people yell back.

I don't if this is a good idea. "Alright alright... Its not done, and its pretty rough." I take a deep breath in and start to strum.

"This is called kid in love." I feel a sharp pain in my chest.

I start to sing and every word makes me feel more and more overwhelmed with heartache.

"Maybe im just a kid in love. If this is what its like falling in love then I don't ever want to grow up."

The next lines were supost to be cause I got it all. But I didn't have it all....not anymore! I feel a tear stream down my face and I stop strumming.

I breath into the mic. "I told ya it was a bit rough." I look over to the side of the stage where Emma was looking at me with real concern.

"You guys have been an incredible crowd! Thank you!"

I walk to the front of the stage and take a huge bow. I walk of stage wiping tears from my cheaks.

"Shawn are you okay! What's the matter?!" Emma was my best friend and usually knows everything that is happening with me but I just couldn't right now.

I shook my head "Emma I don't want to talk about it right now.". I hear the crowd scream which ment the 5sos boys went on. I start to head to the dressing room. Emma follows me into the dressing room.

"Shawn! Tell me wh-" Emma's phone starts to ring as I plop on the couch.

She awnsers the phone and puts it on speaker so could talk to who ever it was while she tried to do other things. Emma could never just do one thing she had to multi task constantly.

She sits the phone down on the coffee table and wraps her arms around me trying to comfort me."hello."

"Hello is this Emma?"

"This is she." Emma sits up and grabs her phone looking at her phone to look at the number. She shrugs her shoulders not knowing who it is.

"Hello Emma, I am with the trauma center here at the Saint Michel hospital and we had your number as an emergency contact."

I feel my heart race, all of the dancers had Emma as their emergency contact while we were on the road. All of the dancers were hear though...except Sarah!

Emma's face is pail. "Who's hurt." I see her cringe because we both know who it is.

"Sarah, she is one of your dancers correct? While you guys are on tour?"

"Yes. What happened."

"We need permission to take sarah into surgery right away, she has gotten into a very bad car crash and has lost extreme amounts of blood. If she does not go into surgery there is a serious possibility that she could go into comma or..."

"Yes put her in now!" Emma jumps as I yell. My heart hurt so bad I can't believe that I might never see her again.

Emma hangs up the phone and I grab my keys.

"Shawn I need you to stay here and tell everyone what's going on."

"If you think I am staying here your fucking crazy." I must of looked crazy! I couldn't think about any other then getting to see Sarah again.

"Shawn they aren't going to let you see her anyways! Why do you even care?" Emma screams at me as I run down the hallway and out to my car.

I get in the car and turn it on. Emma slides into the car just before I peel out of the parking lot.

"Shawn slow down! You driving like this is going to get us into a crash ourselfs!" I could hear Emma yelling but soon I her words started to slid together.

"Shawn! Slow down!"

"Emma this is all my fault! Sarah would have been in this situation if it wasn't for me! I killed her!" I feel a sharp pain go through my body as I feel every emotion possible come to me.

"Sarah felt bad and had to go back that is no where near your fault Shawn! Now slow down!"

"No Emma you don't fucking understand! Me and sarah have been dating for almost a year and I broke things off tonight because it was getting to risky with you being around all the time! You didn't want anyone on the team to date me so we kept it a secret. I loved her so fucking much and now I broke her heart and I killed her!"

Emma's face looks blank and pail. She almost says something then turns and just stares forward. Tears stroll down her face.

We get to the hospital and Emma still hasn't said anything. We get walk through the doors that say trauma in big red letters.

We walk up to the counter. "Hi um our friend was admitted for a car crash... When can we see her?"



"Only family members or life partners. Sorry"

Emma looks at me and puts her hand on my arm knowing that I needed to see Sarah.

"Um this is her fiancé. Can he go see her?"

"Yes but she is still in surgery so you will have to wait in a different waiting room sir."

"Okay thanks" I say pulling Emma over to the side.

"Emma what if they find out that she isn't my fiancé?"

"They won't! Your are obviously pretty good at lying."

"Emma if you are pissed about me and Sarah why did you just lie so I could see her."

"Because I understand that you love her. I'm not pissed that you and Sarah are together I am pissed because you didn't tell me. I am extremely happy that you guys are happy together. You guys are cute together. I just wish that I would have known."

"Sir we will take you back now." The lady came out from behind the desk and opened a door gestering me to go with her.

I pull Emma into a tight hug and kiss her on the forehead "I love you!"

She squeezes me tighter "I love you too, now go!"

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