27: Ashton: Are you fucking kidding me!

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"Tara...". She looked so happy she was on my bed and was watching cartoons on the TV.

"Yeah" she didn't take her eyes off while a bar bell fell on one of the characters and she burst into laughter. She was so innocent! I didn't want to tell her that her best friend was in the hospital dieing.

"We need to talk." My voice was heavy and my tone soft tho. She looked up and furrowed her eyebrows. A look of worry came across her face and she turn off the TV.

"Ash...? What's happened?"

I really thought I was going to be able to tell her and stay strong. Knowing this would break her heart made mine break. It had been about 2 months since I saw Tara cry, that was when that dick Kian broke her apart. I didn't know Tara then so it was easier then now... Now I know her and I know how much this is going to take her down, I've grown so close to her I can't just rip out her heart like this! "Ash?"

I sigh and sit on the end of the bed and the bed squeeks. I grab Tara's hand and take a deep breath in. "Its Sarah." It came out shaking and unsure

I look up and see Tara's sink. Her eyes start to gloss over and fill with water. "What happened?" Her voice barely came out and it was cracky.

"She got in an accident and got hurt pretty bad. She is in the hospital now with Shawn." A tear rolled down her face and looked up at me with a confused face.


"Yeah I guess they are like together." I brought up my hand and swiped away a tear with my thumb just to have her push my hand away.

"Are you fucking kidding me." She looked away with disgust on her face.

"No, Tara i-" I reach out to grab her arm but she stands and starts to yell.

"My best fucking friend didn't fucking tell me she was dating! What the Hell! I tell her fucking everything! I can't fucking believe her! What a Bitch!"

"Tara you don't mean that. You are just upset about Sarah being hurt. Listen there's a lot of emotions right now but you can't start to get angry like this."

She stares out the window and grinds her teeth. "I going out." I turns and grabs her purse and heads for the door.

"The hell you are!" I grab her wrist and pull her back towards me.

She looks at me with fire in her eyes "Fuck off Ashton!". I have never seen her like this. Not even close. I let go of her wrist and she storms out the door.

I watch the door close still in shock. I stare at the door knob that she just turned to get out of here. Then it hits me " ashton what the hell are you doing!"

I run out the door and look up and down the hallway. She wasn't there, she probably got in the elevator already.

I run to the elevator and push the button over and over again but it was taking to long.

I look around for another option and see a sign that says "stairs"

I run down the 4 flights of stairs and get to the bottom of them and have to take a second to breath.

I run out to the loby to see Tara get in the cab. "Wait!" I Yell running out but it was to late the cab pulled out and went onto the busy road.

"Fuck!" I run my fingers through my hair and run to my car. I start the car and pull out. I get to the road waiting for a clearing for me to pull out. I look around in search of her cab.

I saw a cab keep my eye on it but then I see another then another. Damn it there was like tons of cabs out here! I have no fucking clue which one was hers.

A clearing came and pulled out. I might not be able to find the cab... But I sure as hell am going to try and find her.


Drove for about and 2 and a half hours before deciding to go back to the hotel hoping that she would be in her room.

I had her extra room key...just cause we hang out a lot. We were together a lot... I really hope she is okay.

I get to her room and switch on the light. I see a lump under her covers "thank god you are okay!"
I hear the bath room door open and Tara walks out in just a t shirt. It came down to her mid thigh and made her look really good. I just kinda wish that was my shirt... I mean...yeah.

"Ashton what the hell are you doing here!"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay! You fucking scared me!"

"Babe?" The bed behind me creeks and I finally piece everything together... The oversized t shirt, the lump under her covers... That wasn't her.

I blush and start to feel really uncomfortable "sorry I didn't mean to interupt I just-.... YOU!" I turn to see Kian rubbing his eyes naked in with just a sheet covering him.

"Are you fuckjng kidding me!" I turn to Tara who jumped at my raised voice.

"Go away ash." Tara pushed past me.

"No, what the hell are you doing!"I felt every part of my body tense.

"I think the lady said to leave!". Kian slid on pants under the covers then stood up and start to walk towards me.

"You better fucking leave! You have no right to even look at her after what you did to her!" I take a step closer to him so that my face was right in front of his. "I will beat your ass with out hesitation." I scowl down at him.

"Guys please don't do this. I don't need this tonight!" She comes up and trys to push us apart.

"Bitch sit down!" Kian grabs Tara's wrist and throwns her on the ground. My anger bust through the roof.

I grab kian at his waist and throw him on the floor and get on top of him and straddle him so I have his arms pinned down.

My fist makes harsh contact with his check. I bring my fist up again this time making contact with his nose. Blood gushes out of him while I continue to punch make more blood come out. I didn't care all I cared about was him not being able to touch Tara ever again!

"Stop Ashton! You are going to kill him!"

"THATS-WHAT-I-AM-GOING-FOR." With every word I punched him and the last word I punched him harder. I spit on him and get up "Come on Tara let's go."

"I'm not fucking going with you!". She collapsed next to Kian and puts her hand up next to kid face as he moans in pain. "Go ash! Now!"

"Are you seriously staying with him after everything he did." I can't believe her! She was putting herself in this situation.

She turns and gave me a cold stare "Go.". She said it in a harsh voice... There was going to be no reasoning with her.

I scoffed at her and turned slamming the door on my way out.

I need to get my mind off this.

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