Chapter 1: New Arrival

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"Sooo...where did we end up, dad?"

A group of three people step out of a strange portal. You know 'em, you love 'em, it's DAMIEN!! But accompanying him on this adventure isn't Chaeyu like it usually is. Instead, he's joined by two young girls in their teens.

"Not sure yet. But we seem to be in the right place." The taller male says and steps out, looking around.

"Hey, wait, where's Darling?!" The second girl says, starting to freak out a bit.

"Did she get separated from us?" The other asked and looked around.

"Seems so..." Damien sighs. "Yuhae, try contacting her."

The girl known as Yuhae pulls out her phone and dials her Darling, only to get sent straight to voicemail. "Nope, she's not picking up."

"Hm. She should be fine. I picked out a pretty harmless dimension for your first visit." Damien says. "Nora, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, dad." The girl known as Nora speaks up, calling Damien her dad, despite looking barely any older than her.

"Good. Usually the first world hop makes you feel woozy. I know mine was..." Damien chuckles. "You may be a natural at this."

"So, what Dimension are we in?" Nora asked.

The trio exit the alley together, and sees kids playing a familiar game on a bench. "Cardfight!! Vanguard." He mutters and spots a familiar face. "And there he is..." He smiles.

"Is that...?" Nora asked in awe.

"It is! It has to be Mister Nanu!" Yuhae cheers.

The volume seemed to catch the young male's attention, who turned and faced them. "Are you talking about me?" He asked. The male seemed to be 18 years old in this dimension.

"Hahaha. Sorry about that." Damien laughs and approaches. "I'm sure you've heard this before, but we're from a..." He trails off his sentence, hoping Nanu would finish it.

"...a different dimension, right?" He asked.

"Bingo." Damien nods.

"Huh... I always knew the multiverse was a thing. I also have dreams about it too." He says.

"Well I'll have you know that they're not just dreams, they're all real versions of you that exist in the rabbit hole known as the multiverse." Damien smiles.

"Damn, that's awesome! Oh, right. You guys know me. But I don't know you." He says.

"My name is Damien, Damien Primrose. This is my daughter, Nora." He introduced him and Nora together, and put his hand on her shoulder to indicate who he was talking about. "And this is Yuhae. She's a pretty big fan of yours." He says.

"Well, it's nice to meet you all. I take it you're new to Vanguard?" He asked.

"They are. I have some experience, but that was a couple hundred years ago..." Damien says.

"Really? Can I see your deck then?"

"I left it at home. After all, this Vanguard may be different from the Vanguard I've played." The blonde male explains.

"Ah, makes sense. Then how about I take you guys to my place and we can get you some decks built?" Nanu offered.

"Sure, that sounds fine to me. How about you two?" Damien asked the two girls.

"Okay!" Nora says excitedly.

"Are you sure we'll be good at this game?" Yuhae asked.

"Anyone can pick up Vanguard. It's just a matter of trying." Damien says as he follows Nanu onto a bus.

The bus ride was filled with chatter, mostly Nanu asking questions about himself across the multiverse, and Damien giving him very vague answers. But once it stopped, Nanu and the gang stepped off and arrived at a run down, abandoned amusement park called "Wonder Hill". They enter and see a bunch of people playing Vanguard, or "fighting" as they call it. Nora and Yuhae would peek over some shoulders and watch as Nanu came back with boxes filled with cards in his arms. He soon dumped them on a table, all the cards were sleeved so they wouldn't be damaged, and let the three look through.

"Pick whichever strikes your fancy. Vanguard is all about connecting with your other self, after all." He says.

"That's right." Damien nods. "As for me, I know who I want I pick up." He says and picks up a card. "This one. I can hear him calling to me."

"Rorowa? You some kind of flower boy, or something?" Nanu asked with a laugh.

"You could say that. Dad is very sensitive, and is well versed in the language of flowers." Nora calls him out with a giggle.

"Flowers have been my closest friends for as long as I can remember until I met Chaeyu. So of course they hold a special place in my heart. Much like Chaeyu does..." Damien smiles as he holds the card he picked up closely.

Seeing this, Nanu smiles. "That name is familiar to me. I've seen her a lot in my dreams as well."

"Hahaha. I won't say anything more, so just focus on the two newbs over there." Damien laughs.

As Yuhae looked around the pile of cards, she did find two that caught her interest. She picks them both up, and stares at them for a bit. After some silence, she puts one down and holds the other one up. "This one!" She claims.

Nora looks at the card Yuhae put down, and hears something. She instinctively reached out and picked it up. "Chronojet...Dragon...?" She wondered. "Didn't Miss Chaeyu use this card?"

Damien leans in and smiles. "She did. It seems a bit different, but it's Chronojet alright."

"Is it weird to say that I can hear it calling to me?" Nora asked.

"Not at all. That's the reason I picked up the cards I did when I started. And I can hear Rorowa calling to me as well." Damien smiles.

"You really are a veteran, Damien. I can tell you're gonna be really strong." Nanu laughs.

"Well I did stop a Vanguard invasion before, so I would expect myself to be quite good." He chuckles back.

"Well then, let's get to making your decks next. You'll need these special card for your deck, Nora and Yuhae." He says and hands them two Crest cards. "I'll even help you make your decks. I assume you can make your own, Damien?" He says.

"Yup, I can handle myself." He says and sits down, gathering Stoicheia cards and reading the ones that best supported his deck.

And as soon as they all finished their decks, a certain someone walks up to the group. "Hey bro." A tanned woman spoke up to Nanu.

"Oh, Nanna. What's up?" Nanu asked.

This was Nanna Kanzaki, a rare twin of Nanu's that appears once every few dimensions. On rarer occasions, Nanna is there, but Nanu is not. In terms of appearances, she's basically Nanu but a girl.

"What's this? Newbies?" She asked.

"Yup yup. I was just about to teach them how to fight." Nanu says.

"Oh really? Then how about we show them a real game? I've actually come to pick a fight with you." Nanna smiles.

"Heh. Well alright then. I'm game for a fight!" Nanu cheers. Once he stands, he and Nanna do a special fist bump and head up this special Merry-go-Round of Wonder Hill, that had a fight table right in the center.

"Ahem..." A blue haired woman clears her throat. This was Azura in this dimension. She seemed to be getting ready for something. "HEEEEEEEY GUUUUYS!!!" She screams at the top of her lungs, shocking the different dimensional guests. "Tonight we have a rare occasion at our plate! Nanu vs Nanna! Brother vs Sister!! Last time they fought was 3 MONTHS ago! Let's see who comes out on top tonight!" She announces as if she's some kind of sports announcer. "Are both players ready?! It's time to...!!"

"Stand Up! La! Vanguard!"

Cardfight!! Vanguard Dimension-D! New Generation, New JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now