Uninvited Guest

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After the chiefs children left Neteyam couldn't stop thinking of Riy'Lea. But it wasn't long until his thoughts were interrupted by some yelling.

"I trusted both of you! How can you not tell that the people here hate me! I am a freak to them, I am not the chiefs daughter I am some freak that they can stare and laugh at! And I know I say I don't care but I care so much! I work so so hard to be like you," The sully family's ears pricked up at the sound of the yelling. their parents tried to distract them but it was no use. everyone was trying to listen to the outbursts outside. "But I always fail finding myself in your shadow! And I try so hard to be someone that you look up to but you don't even care! It's like I'm a nobody and I'm sick of it. I am sick of everything!" Silence took over the room as no one knew what to say.

"I'll be right back" Neteyam excused himself from the pod. He needed someplace to go to think; after hearing the conversation outside. Neteyam couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl. After all, he knew exactly how she felt because he felt the same way. He has to be the strong one in his family and he had to pretended that he didn't care what people thought about him when  really he did. As he was walking along the beach it was eclipse, and everyone was looking for Riy'Lea. He doesn't even know her but yet he couldn't help but worry. When he arrived on the island he took note of their being a forest. He knew going there would help him calm down at least a little bit. 

He walked in the forest feeling a little more at ease as it reminded him of home a little bit. But still, this forest could never compare. He walked deeper in until he saw a cave, the way it was lighting up was mesmerising. As he saw it and went closer, it somewhat reminded him of Riy'Lea. The closer he got to the cave he hear silent sniffles.

"Go away, please." He heard someone plea from inside. But hearing that made him do the exact opposite. He walked in and saw Riy'Lea curled up against the wall, her face stained with tears and eyes red from crying. "Did you not hear me? I said go away!" The girl had hissed at him showing her fangs. He flinched a little but continued to move closer to her. Until he was right in front of her face.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot just leave you hear like this." He reached his hand out and held her arm in an attempt to comfort her. but she backed away as far as she could. "I heard what happened earlier. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I don't. because I don't know you and I don't want to get to know you now go away!" Neteyam would be lying if he said her words didn't sting at least a little bit. As he sat there thinking he knew how to get her to open up. Because even though he had just met the girl, he already cared for her and wanted to help her.

He sighed, preparing himself for what he was about to say, "I know how you feel," He paused as she lifted her head from her arms revealing he face stained with even more tears, "I know how you feel about having to be strong, knowing that deep down you need help too. Having a role you need to fulfil. Having to be a good role model.All of it. I get it." he looked at Riy'Lea with hopeful eyes praying to eywa that he didn't just make a fool out of himself.

It was silent for a couple seconds, over time Neteyam could hear her sniffles growing louder and her breath getting heavier. She started to break down. "I can't do it. They don't respect me they don't like me. They treat me like a freak like I'm a nobody," she paused as she couldn't control her breathing and she started to shake. Neteyam noticed and immediately embraced the girl and held her.

"It's okay Lea. You are not a nobody." He started to rock her back and forth trying to calm her down. Eventually it had worked and she had fallen asleep. He didn't know if he should take her back and wake her up so he didn't. He sat there thinking. Here I am holding a girl that I already care for so much.And I just met her. But still he wondered, why had she chosen to trust him in that moment. Why has he already taken a liking to her. Why did she ignore him earlier. All questions that left unanswered as he got comfortable and fell asleep with her.

Why? (Neteyam x oc)Where stories live. Discover now