I'm Sorry.

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Aonung and Riy'Lea headed to dinner and as they walked in stares where all on them and they heard whispers as they walked. "Riy'Lea, you are late. Do you know how bad it is to have the chiefs daughter be late? It is disappointing. However I am glad you decided to join us this time. Aonung, Thank you for getting her.

"Father she was-" Aonung was interrupted by Riy'Leas tail hitting him in the back of the leg. Their father raised his "Eyebrows" at them concerned. He ignored it and motioned for them to sit. Riy'Lea sat between Tsireya and Aonung.

"Would you like some mangoes Lea?" I got them just for you?" She looked at her sister with pleading eyes as Neteyam and Aonung watched their interaction from afar. Riy'Lea looked at her sister and slightly smiled.

"I would love some. Thank you Reya." She smiled taking the mango from her sister. Tsireya smiled and looked at Aonung surprised to hear Lea talking to her again. Their parents noticed the tension between the three drift away and they felt at ease knowing that whatever was going on is now over with. Laughter and joy filled the air as everyone sat with their families enjoying their presence. Aonung looked up watching his sisters talk and laugh at each other. It brought joy to his heart to finally see her smile again. However he couldn't help but think about their latest interactions. When she yelled at them yesterday, and then just before coming to dinner. How long has she been feeling that way? And why did he never notice. Him and Lea were never really that close to begin with, Aonung always felt like Lea resented him a little for some reason. He always wanted to be closer with her but she was always distant. But he still has never given up.

Soon dinner was over and everyone went  back to their pods to sleep. "Well, dinner was amazing but me and Lea are going for a swim." Lea looked up to Aonung and he was smiling awkwardly. Their parents shared a confused look but nodded. "Let's go Lea." He grabbed her by the arm and looked back at Tsireya giving her a thumbs up.

"What's your problem?" Lea snatched her arm away from her brothers grasp and backed away.

"I'm sorry to have grabbed you like that but I need to talk to you." She motioned for him to continue  talking, "Yesterday when you yelled at us, have you always felt that way?" Lea froze. She couldn't move, and she couldn't speak. Aonung waited for an answer, but nothing was said. So he continued, "Is that why you always resented me? Cause you wanted to be like me? Is that why  no matter how hard I tried you never really wanted to talk to me? Is that why you used to always yell at Tsireya  when she would follow me around?" Tears were starting to spill out of his eyes. Lea just sat there silently crying.


Hearing all of this from Aonung broke her. All these years he had thought that she hated him. And deep down she had always resented him; because she could never be like him. That feeling always has and always will kill her. She didn't know what to say but she thought there was no point of keeping it in and lying anymore. "Aon, I'm so sorry. I never knew you felt this way."

He shook his head, "No, no, don't even start. Stop it. I don't want your sympathy cause this isn't about me. It's about you and how you've been keeping all of this inside. And how you could've confided in me and told me and I would've helped you and we could've been close and we wouldn't be in this situation. You could've been happy and you wouldn't be suffering but instead you saw me as competition." He started smiling through the tears, "Your so stupid." He laughed and wiped away the tear streaming down her face as she smiled. 

Lea smiled, "I'm sorry."

"Can you stop apologizing please? You have nothing to be sorry for." She nodded and they walked back to their pod. As they were walking they spotted Neteyam.  When he saw Lea he started to walk over.

"Hey Lea, Can I talk to you?" He asked her whilst glancing at Aonung who was giving him a dirty look. He looked at Lea with pleading eyes, "Please, It's important."

" If it's so important then go ahead. Talk." Aonung glared at him and put his arm around Lea.

"This doesn't concern you so I would rather not but if you are so eager to hear our conversation that's fine." He turned to Lea and began to speak, "Lea I wanted to talk to you about last night. In private, but it seems your brother would like to hear. I thought that you would prefer to speak in private though. Would you not?" Lea sighed and turned to Aonung. He was fuming with anger.

"Aonung please go I will catch up with you later."

"What does he mean by last night? I am not leaving until I know what you were doing last night with him." Aonung pointed to Neteyam as he spoke. Lea looked to him with pleading eyes begging him to leave. And eventually, he did.

"Sorry about causing that scene." Neteyam scratched the back of his neck as he spoke. Lea rolled her eyes and he continued speaking, "I just wanted to ask you, why didn't you say anything when you left the cave? Did I overstep any boundaries did i say something wrong?" His voice trailed off.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I actually wanted to thank you for being there even though I asked you to leave." she chuckled.

"Don't worry about it. And if you ever want to talk again you know where to find me." He said as he walked away Smiling and doing something weird with his eye.

"Who does he think he is?" She mumbled to herself.  She had to admit she thought he was really cute and sweet. And his eyes, she truly could get lost in them forever. She sat there smiling but then thought back to Marek and what he did to her. Surely Neteyam wouldn't do that, right?

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