I Care.

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"Dad it's not true I swear." He held his hands out as if he was begging for something.

"Listen kid I don't know what to think anymore. Explain to me what you are doing with that girl." Jake paced around rubbing his temples.

"Nothing! Nothing is going on Dad! I swear, we're just friends. Plus she wants nothing to do with me anyway. With all due respect can I please go?"

"Yea just go Neteyam." Jake sighed as Neteyam walked out. Eclipse was coming so the sky was various hues of pinks and oranges. As he left the pod he scanned around looking for Lea and Lo'ak, but the two Navi were nowhere to be found. Neteyam thought that would help him feel at ease but it didn't. They were nowhere to be found, nowhere, together. 



                                                    1 Week Later

It's been one week since the incidents that took place. Neteyam had been gifting Lea with a multitude of gifts, necklaces, bracelets you name it and he gave it. Lea and lo'ak had grown extremely close, along with Tsireya and Neteyam. Which drew some confusion from several. And Lea was supposed to be meeting Lo'ak at the beach, where she planned to talk to him about Neteyam.

"Hey Lo'ak!" She spotted him sitting along the shore drawing in the sand.

"Hey Lea. So what did you want to talk to me about?" His head tilted slightly. Lea fiddled with her hands a little trying to find the words.

"Um, It's about Neteyam," She paused and watched his body language. His brows furrowed slightly; but quickly went back to resting position. He adjusted his seating, fixing his posture. He was obviously intrigued.

"Well what about him? Did he do something?"

" Well no, but," She doesn't know what to say. How does she tell Lo'ak that she's developing feelings for his brother? They only recently started talking again, but Lea still doesn't know if she should trust him. But what reasons did she have not to? "In the past, has he been known to um, well has he ever...did things with other girls," She stopped and looked at Lo'ak's face, which was filled with concern. "wait no, I didn't mean it like that. I mean did he ever date anyone or hurt anyone."

"Are you asking if  my brothers a hoe?" Lea tilted her head with confusion. "A person who has dated a lot of people. But yes, back in the forest my brother was quite a ladies man," Lo'ak stated smirking. "I was too though. But actually it seems like he never stopped being one." Lo'ak pointed to Neteyam talking to a group of some girls from the village. "Lea do not do anything, It's okay, I'm sure he's just making friends." Lo'ak looked at her and studied her features, her lips began to quiver ad her eyes began to droop. She was about to cry. "I have an idea. Instead of crying and giving my hoe pf a brother an upper hand, be the bigger person. Show him you don't care. Show him that you're better than that and you can do better. Because trust me, my brother is a great guy. Very sweet and kind and blah, blah, blah. But, he can be a major idiot." Lo'ak smiled at Lea, feeling triumphant for the amazing pep-talk he just gave.

"You're right," Lea wiped her tears and fixed her face. "You're right  he is just being friendly. And I can be the bigger person and not get emotional." Lo'ak shook his head in agreement. "But," She stopped and looked at him. He made a face, almost like a what did I Just say face. "Okay." Lea stood up and adjusted herself. She began walking in the direction Neteyam was in; which was near the Ilus. She walked past with her head held high, as she did Neteyam's eyes met hers briefly.  And his face dropped.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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