12 : Kissed

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A d d i n ' s P O V 𖤐

I was gripping the steering wheel tightly trying my best to control my seething anger.

" Calm down Addin. And drive slowly." I heard Rahil saying who was seated beside me on the passenger seat.

" You sure I will find that bastard there !? " I asked. The information which Rahil provided me on the party night in return of me not ditching the party was that fucker's whereabouts.

" Yess I'm 100% sure he's been hiding there since long now. I hacked his address as well. " Rahil spoke confidently. Rahil was my only friend whom I trusted with all of me and he was a great hacker as well.

I nodded my head and speed up my car even more. I can't wait to get that fucker.

" Addin you know right he is just the ladder to find them, he is not the actual culprit. So you can't kill him. Calm down your anger." Rahil told me trying to calm down my fuming anger.

" I know that, but I'm gonna torture the shit out of that fucker if he doesn't speak up. " I gritted out.

We reached the said location and I immediately got out walking inside followed by Rahil.

As soon as we entered we heard loud screams and noises from upstairs. We both ran upstairs together. The scene infront of me had my already blazing anger increased ten folds.

That fucking bastard was choking Noor. What the fuck was she doing here in the first place!? I looked around to see Najma on floor unconscious with her forehead bleeding.

I gazed beside me to see Rahil's eyes wide open and he gasped.

Fisting my hand I growled loudly. "GET YOUR HANDS FUCKING OFF HER RIGHT NOW FUCKER."

I stomped towards them and directly grabbed that bastard's neck in a deathly grip. He left noor abruptly making her stumble backwards, she twisted her leg and fell down on floor. She started breathing heavily and started grasping for air like a hungry person.

I looked infront and glared at the man who was struggling in my hold. My blood boil to no extent.

" HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR FUCKING FILTHY HANDS ON HER !? " surely my eyes were red by now as i could literally see red dots infront. I tightened my grip on his neck more.

" NAJMAAAAA " i heard Rahil screaming and i looked at him to see that he was running towards najma's unconscious figure.

He bend down and took najma in his arms patting her cheek and calling her name. But she was still unconscious.

" WHY THE HELL YOU BOTH ARE HERE ALL ALONE NOOR !? " Rahil screamed angrily making noor flinched but she didn't reply anything as she was still trying to breathe properly. I looked infront to see that bastard trying to free himself. I hardened my grip on his neck.

" YOU FUCKING HURT HER. I WILL TEAR YOU APART WITH MY BARE HANDS FUCKER." I snarled. I don't know I felt anger surging to every part of my body as i remember how this bastard was choking noor.

" wh..o are y..ou !? " he tried to speak.

" IM THE ONE WHO WILL MAKE YOU REGRET FOR EVEN BEING BORN ASSHOLE." i barked leaving his neck and kicked him hard on his stomach. Then I sat on him punching the life out of him. As I was about to grab my gun from the waistband of my pants, I heard siren voice and soon footsteps were heard. I moved back immediately getting up. The cops entered holding the gun and surrounding us.
What the actual fuck!? Who called the cops!?

" Who is Noor Alam? " one of the cop asked most probably the head cop and I frowned. Is she crazy !? she was the one to call the cops!?

" That's me" Noor spoke struggling to stand up.

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