Fallen Tears and Petals

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☆*: .。. 🌸 .。.:*☆

A long-haired woman panted as she took refuge underneath a cherry blossom tree. Finally escaping the sights of the maids that smothered her very being, she could finally breathe. She could never understand of this foreign place she now called home. If one was pregnant they were to be confined for a month and another after their child was born. All of these new rules, they were so...

"Exhausting." She huffed as she fell to the ground, fallen petals stirred at her action. The woman gazed at the murky sky, her blank eyes stared at the passing birds that mocked her position. They knew she wished to be in their place, away from here, far from the palace. Not in an unknown city, filled with strangers that were just as unknown. She didn't belong here.

If ever questioned about her future, she would have never pictured herself in a position like this. If she was given the chance to guess all the ways she'd be punished she still wouldn't imagine this one. Becoming a mother and living in luxury, what a turn of events. Her life turned out for the better but only after she failed. It was bittersweet, no matter how happy she felt at the moment.

She didn't deserve this.

A gasp rang through the foliage as a painful kick poked at her stomach. "I'm sorry. I should be more positive. I wouldn't want you turning out like me." She groaned and poked back at her eager unborn child receiving another kick.

"You'll be a fighter for sure." She sighed a smile growing on her face as she rubbed her swollen stomach. She leaned against the hard tree bark closing her eyes.

A moment passed, and she finally caught her breath. The adrenaline from her escape wore off and she could feel the cold temperatures cling to her skin.

The mother finally noticed her shivering, the cold crisp breezes flowing around her. Pulling her shawl closer around her body the mother allowed herself to relax. Taking a deep inhale of the fresh grass around her. The tree bark of the bright pink sakura tree pressed against her back.

The sound of the traitorous birds chirped around her. Even the noises of the harsh wind filled her ears along with the soft steps of an intruder. An experienced one a that.

She almost didn't notice if she herself wasn't just as experienced. The mother pushed herself up, the tree being her support. As the intruder stepped closer she reached into her boldly colored shawl revealing a beautifully detailed dagger. One of many. Her relaxed state dispersed, she was now completely alert with the intruder growing near, her child taking the moment to kick her with all their might.

She gritted her teeth from the sharp pain remaining quiet. "Tone it down a bit though. Mama can only take so much abuse." The woman stood slowly sliding around the tree. As she made her way around the blossoming tree's trunk, the intruder finally stood where she sat. Most likely looking for her.

She spun the dagger in her hand with great control and pounced forward. The attacker heard the shuffle but before he could turn a dagger was placed at his throat.

Any struggle would no doubt draw blood. Not like the man was worried.

He looked down at the dagger before following it to the pouting woman holding it. "Trying to kill me again? I thought we established I'm no threat, my love." He placed his hand on hers moving the blade from his neck.

She huffed childishly pulling her hand from his and pointing the dagger at him. "I thought you would know better than to sneak up on me then, my Emperor." She hissed placing a leg behind her other prepared to pounce.

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