Page #7

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You truly wanted to behave and be the most perfect princess for your Papa. But it seemed like no one wanted you to succeed. The thought of a ball and a new pretty dress excited you but it was all ruined by that dumb Viktor. You couldn't believe a prince could be so two faced. 

To think you're brothers thought you two were similar. You were nothing alike! He was completly different. Maybe you both were a bit loud and stubborn. But he was different and worse. From his dumb smile, stupid stories, pretty eyes and handsome face... and w-well you didn't like any of that one bit! He's the worst and you'll never forgive him!

☆*: .。. 🌸 .。.:*☆

"What's this stuff?" You tilt your head at the maid kneeling before you, a golden tray with a beautiful porcelain tea set placed on top of it.

The sight confused you.

Behind you stood the Emperor and your brothers, along with the Empress and Advisor Huang. All of you ready to leave for the North Eastern Palace to attend Tsar Nikolai's ball.

Your father rubbed your shoulders and gingerly grabbed the cup from the tray, "It's tea my blossom, drink it before we leave." He softly pushes the cup into your hold.

You don't think as you sip away, trusting your father easily. Though as you drank a shiver ran down your spine. The taste was far too medicinal along with it smelling too strong.

You grimace and place the empty cup back on the tray, your father nods approvingly and gently pats your head before leading you to the carriage in the enormous stone yard of the palace.

"No fair! How come Big Sister gets a drink!" Zhen whines watching the maid skurry back into the palace.

You shrug with a smug grin, "Simply because I don't wet the bed." You giggle at the boy's horrified stare.

"Don't say that out loud!" He lightly hits your arm.

Lorenzo hums, "Don't feel too embarrassed Little Brother, she only knows that because she's too scared to sleep in her own room." He pokes at the pout taking form on your face.

"Well, it's not my fault. There are definitely monsters in my room." You try to argue though you only earn teasing cackles from your brothers, even Ji-woo!

Your face warms the more they laugh, "It isn't that funny." You grumble.

Empress Xinyi smiles at the playful nature between you all, her umber eyes glimpsed at Yijun who only sighed for what was to come.

"That's enough children, enter the carriage." Huang finally turns to you all after announcing orders to the guards and servants.

You all did as told and stepped toward the large ruby wood carriage. Golden silk acted as curtains that would hide you all from sight. Though all would know that royalty resided in the stunning coach. The large stallions and guards following after were more proof of that.

A coachman graciously opens the door to the carriage for you to enter, Lorenzo holds a hand out for you before you enter and helps you in. They waited patiently for you to situate the beautiful silk gown you wore before entering soon after.

Huang follows and bows to the Empress as she enters the carriage and nearly goes in himself until he notices the lack of the Emperor's presence.

You took notice as well and pulled at the silk curtains, "Papa? What are you doing?" You question the sulking man.

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