Chapter 2 (Edited)

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Chapter 2

Caroline's POV

After driving the 7 hours it took to get from Wyoming to Bozeman, Montana, I finally made it to Yellowstone. While pulling into the ranch, I had a weird pulling feeling as soon as I hit the gates of the ranch, almost like something was drawing me in and it made butterflies erupt in my stomach. I wonder if this was the feeling Mama was describing. I pet Minnie as a comfort to myself, stomping on the gas pedal, trying to get there as soon as possible. It takes about 5 more minutes for me to see the road that leads to the lodge and bunkhouse. The pull I felt grew even stronger as I pulled to a stop in front of the house. I looked around as I saw John Dutton come out of the lodge with my best friend. "Lee!" I yell as I jump out of my truck and run over to him. "Caroline Magnolia Breeland! I've missed you, girl!" Lee says, hugging me and spinning me around before putting me down. "I missed you too! It's so good to see you! Hey Mr. Dutton!" I greet him with a hug. "Caroline it's John. I'm glad you made it safely!" John smiles at me. "Yes, sir." I giggle. "Thank y'all for thinking of me for the job seriously. I appreciate it. I just want you to know that." I acknowledge them both. "Absolutely," John confirms as he looks over at the bunkhouse. "Ryan, Colby!" John calls over to the Cowboys. "I have your cabin ready for you. I'll get the boys to unload all your stuff and take it to the cabin for you," Lee says to me. "Thank you, oh wait," I say, running back to my truck. "Come here, Minnie." I coax the puppy over to me. "Atta girl," I say, picking Minnie up and holding her to me as I walk back over to John and Lee. "Sorry, I had to grab my baby. I can't leave her in the truck by herself," I say, rubbing her head. Just then, the feeling in me got even stronger as two cowboys walked up to us. "Woah..." I say out loud. "Boys, this beautiful girl here is Caroline Magnolia Breeland," Lee says to the boys. "I'm gonna leave you to it, boys do whatever she asks of you. Understand?" John says with a smirk as he walks off. "That one standing with his mouth hung open all wide is Ryan and that cheesing one is Colby." Lee chuckles. I stared at them wide-eyed and immediately started smirking. "Lee..." I trailed off. "Oh Carebear, I already know. I saw the look in your eye the moment you saw them. So did my father," Lee said to me, smiling. "Gentlemen, that feeling you had as soon as she hit the property that urges you to get closer to someone, that magnetic pull you feel, that there is the soulmate bond you've heard so much about. Caroline is your soulmate," Lee explained to them, taking Minnie in his hands from me. "Wow... Both of us," Colby said, smiling. "Really? Wow!" Ryan exclaimed. "Yeah, both of you," Lee chuckled at the clueless cowhand as he rolled his eyes. "Thank you, Lee. I didn't have the slightest idea how to describe that. But hey guys." I said, walking over to them. "I'm a hugger. Do you mind?" I ask with a shrug. "Not at all," Colby said with open arms. I smile and walk into his embrace and smile. The feeling inside of me continued to grow. "Do you feel that?" I whisper up to Colby. "Yes, I do. I didn't know what that feeling was until Lee described it." Colby replied, hugging me tighter. "Hey, what about me?" Ryan mumbled. I giggled and walked over to him. "Hi, darlin," Ryan said as I hugged him. "Do you feel that?" I asked Ryan this time. Ryan replied with a nod and smiled, hugging me tight. "Yes, for the first time in my life, I do. I feel that miraculous feeling pulling me toward you," Ryan replied softly. "Alright, boys, I'm sure Caroline is tired of driving all the way here. I'll give you back Minnie and unload your horse while the boys show you to your cabin," Lee said, handing me Minnie. "Sounds perfect," I say, walking over to my truck. "I gotta get my stuff first," I reply. "Hang on, we'll send the other hands to get that. This way." Colby said, stopping me by gently taking my hand. I nod appreciatively. "Thank y'all it took me 3 trips to load all that shit," I sigh dramatically before giggling. "Of course, Darlin! Lee, would you get the guys to help bring her stuff in?" Ryan asked, grabbing some of my bags and handing them to Colby. "I can take some of it." I offer. "No, ma'am. The boys can get this," Ryan answers quickly. "Yes, Sir." I give in, earning a wink from Ryan as I smile at them and pet Minnie on her head. "Ya'll ready?" Ryan asks as he takes the bags and leads us toward the cabin. "Lead the way, sir," I smirk as Colby and I walk hand in hand, following Ryan down the dirt road up to a two-story cabin. "Wow..." I say in awe as we approach the cabin. "This is beautiful..." I said, admiring the beautiful structure in front of us. "It's all yours, a beautiful cabin for a beautiful lady," Colby says, squeezing my hand gently, and I smile as we walk up the steps. Ryan unlocks the door and holds it open for me. "Ya'll this is amazing..." I say as I bend down to put Minnie on the floor. I admired everything about this house. I walk upstairs, search for the biggest room, and set my stuff at the foot of my bed. "Ya'll just set them here please, guys. I'll put it all away soon." I sigh, sitting at the edge of the California king-size bed taking it all in. Colby and Ryan brought the rest of my stuff upstairs that the other cowboys brought down for me from my truck and sat it with the rest of my stuff. I smile as I pick up Minnie and put her beside me on the bed. "You need any help?" Colby asked me, sitting beside me. "Oh, thank you, but y'all have been more than helpful enough. I can't ask you to do anything else." I smile at him. "But maybe you can do one thing for me," I say with a flirtatious wink. "Anything you want," Colby replied, smiling widely at me. "Would you mind bringing me food?" I ask sweetly. "Of course! Anything okay?" Colby answers. "I'm a meat and potatoes kinda girl, so anything sounds great." I giggle. "Gotcha. I'll be back soon." Colby says, kissing my cheek before exiting the room. I smile and start unpacking my bedding and place it on top of the sheets, making it up neatly. I unpack Minnie's bed and food bowls and set them aside, putting my laptop on the desk by the window. I grab my toiletry bag and head to the bathroom and unpack my toothbrush and toothpaste and put them by the sink, shampoo and conditioner, body washes, and put them in the shower where they belong. I made a mental note to spend time in here today. This bathroom was the biggest I've ever seen, and I love it. Hell, what girl wouldn't? "Caroline?" I heard Colby say from my bedroom. I smile and turn around going back to my bedroom. "Sorry, I was getting my stuff put away," I say, walking over to where Colby was standing, hands-free of food. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, I left our plates downstairs at the table. I didn't think you'd wanna eat up here." Colby answers sweetly. "That was super kind of you. Are you gonna be joining me?" I ask, nodding towards the door. "Of course. I would love to get to know you," Colby says as we head downstairs. "You're sweet." I smile up at him with a flirty smile. We approach the table, and he pulls my chair out for me. "Thank you, you're such a gentleman." I giggle sitting down in my chair. "It's my pleasure," Colby says, smiling as he sits beside me. "So, tell me about yourself," Colby says, scooting my plate over to me. "Okay, well there's not too much to say, I'm 26, I grew up on my grandpa's ranch, I have been riding since I was 3, roping and barrel racing since I was 12, and bronc riding since I was 20, my parents are amazing, my Daddy's a surgeon and my Mama tends to the horses and the housework while daddy is at work then daddy does whatever needs to be done while he's home, I just finished my Clinical rotation like two weeks ago so I'm officially a veterinarian. Hence as to why I'm here," I explain to Colby. He stares at me in awe. "Jack of all trades here, aren't you?" Colby gushes while eating his food. "I don't want to be prideful, but I like to be prepared. Plus, working on this ranch has been a dream of mine since I was a kid." I nod, eating my food. We sit in silence for a couple of moments eating our supper. "Say, I need to know who cooked this food so I can marry them." I laugh out loud. "Hey!" Colby looks at me, shocked. "I already have to share you with Ryan now, Gator, too?" Colby laughs. "I'm kidding! But Gator surely can cook!" I giggle. "I know he's our ranch's chef. The boss doesn't play about his food." Colby answers, eating more. "Shit, neither do I," I reply, finishing my plate. I stand up to put my plate in the sink and look over at Colby. "Have you ever had a soulmate before?" I ask Colby sheepishly. Colby notices the nervousness in my voice as he stands up with his plate and walks over to me. "No, I've never felt this way with anybody before. I've only ever heard other people talk about their soulmates like Mr. Dutton and his late wife, but I've never experienced it for myself. What about you?" Colby answers me, placing his plate in the sink. "My parents have told me about it before, but no, I've never experienced it before now. I don't want it to go away, though." I reply, looking down at my boots. "People aren't normally lucky enough to find one soulmate, let alone 2 of them. How do you feel about that?" I continue. Colby lifts my chin softly, making me look up at him. "I'm perfectly fine with everything. We can't choose our soulmates and I'm honored that you're my soulmate." Colby says, staring into my eyes. I blush and bite my lip. "Thank you for being so understanding." I smile up at him, looking into his eyes as Colby smiles and softly kisses my cheek. "No jealousy?" I ask as I look up at him. Colby shakes his head in response. "You're my girl. As long as I can kiss you and hold you whenever I want, I'm happy. Plus, Ryan is my best friend," Colby answers with a slight shrug, smiling at me. "Where's Ryan at right now?" I ask softly. "In the bunkhouse, I asked for some time with you alone for a little bit," Colby replies, stroking my cheek. I nod and smile. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but you're so beautiful," Colby says, lifting my chin. "Really? You think so?" I ask softly. "I know so..." Colby says, smiling at me as I hug him close to me. "You're extremely handsome yourself, and you could never make me uncomfortable," I say, looking up at him. "I don't want to be rude, but I figured I oughta introduce myself to the bunkhouse," I murmur. Colby glances up at the clock. "I think that you should wait until tomorrow. It's late and I don't want you walking down there late at night. Never know what might be waiting for you out there," Colby answered softly, trying to mask his worry. I smile at his thoughtful comment. "I understand. Thank you for thinking of me. Is there a way to pull my truck up here? Not now, I was just thinking of the future of me walking up here at night." I replied. "Of course," Colby says, smiling at me. "It's late. I don't want to keep you up," Colby continues. "Thank you for everything. I do so appreciate it." I say with genuine appreciation. "It's my pleasure. Ryan and I will see you in the morning." Colby says, placing a kiss on the cheek at the corner of my mouth. I smile and nod. "Goodnight, Colby," I say sweetly. "Goodnight, baby," Colby says, backing up from me and heading for the door. I decided to finish unpacking my stuff, putting away all my clothes and shoes in the closet and taking Minnie's food bowls down to the kitchen. I send a quick message to Mama to let her, and Daddy know I'm here and unpacked, before showering for bed. I finish my shower and then pick up Minnie before climbing into bed, quickly falling asleep.                                                                     

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