Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Caroline's POV

It's been two months since the attack. That's right, it has been 60 whole days since someone ambushed my family, unprovoked might I add. John is finally being released from the hospital, and we're all trying to piece our lives back together. Lloyd controlled the ranch hands while Kayce, Lee, and Rip worked day and night together to ensure Teeter, the family, and I were safe. However, something has been amiss lately. I have been secretly awake at night, unable to get comfortable enough to sleep, and waves of sickness come at all hours of the day. Little did I know, it wasn't as much of a secret as I thought.

Jimmy's POV

"Hey Lloyd! Has anybody seen Rip and Kayce?" I asked Lloyd curiously, scratching my head nervously. "Yeah, they're up in the office at the house. Everything good?" Lloyd answered, watching me wearily. "Yeah, no, I just need to talk to them," I answered before dismounting Ray and leading him to the stalls. "Hey Jimmy," Carter says, smiling at me from the stall he was cleaning. "Hey, little dude, have you seen momma?" I asked him with a smile as I put away Ray into his stall. "She's in the house," Carter said, nodding towards the house. "Alright, thanks, little dude," I say, smiling towards Carter before leaving the stalls. I head in through the back to sneak into the office quickly. I gently knocked on the door before slowly opening it, revealing Rip, Lee, and Kayce all standing around the desk. "Everything okay?" Kayce asked me as I quickly closed the door. "Honestly, I'm not sure. It's about Care..." I say nervously, fidgeting with my hands. "What do you mean, Jimmy?" Rip asked me, giving me his undivided attention. "Well, she's been awake almost all night for the past couple of months. She's awake when I leave in the mornings and you can tell she wasn't sleeping. And she's been feeling sick at all hours of the day," I explained sympathetically.

Kayce nodded and cocked his head. "What's that look for?" Rip asked Kayce curiously. "Sounds like she's pregnant, to me at least," Kayce says with a smirk. "Really?" I asked excitedly. "Don't wanna get her hopes up again, so maybe we can just slip her a couple of tests in the bathroom and go from there?" Rip suggested after pausing for a minute. "Sounds like a good idea," Kayce nodded in agreement. "I think I'll get her some chocolate and stuff, just to make her feel better," I confirmed, placing my ball cap backward on my head. "Good looking out, Jimmy," Lee praised me as I smiled and nodded before hurrying out of the office and out of the house. I ran over to one of the Yellowstone trucks designated for the ranch hands to use and immediately started the truck before speeding my way to town.


After getting the pregnancy tests, I grabbed some essentials that Caroline may enjoy, like candles, bath bombs, and Caroline's favorite white chocolates. Teeter would likely enjoy some of these too, so I doubled up on the supplies other than the pregnancy tests, of course, and sped my way back to the ranch. After an hour, I arrived back at the ranch where Carter, Tate, and Lee were out front throwing a football around happily, which is a rare occurrence here. Teeter rushed over and smiled at me, "Hey, gorgeous is everything okay?" I asked as I grabbed the bags of supplies from the passenger seat. "Yeah, everything is fine, I think. Kace and Rip are in there with her on the couch." Teeter said, brushing her hair back out of her face. "Why aren't you in there with them, baby?" I asked her, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "I was for a while, but I wanted to give her time with them," Teeter says with a shrug. I nodded and intertwined our fingers together and led her toward the back entrance of our house. "What's all that?" Teeter asked, glancing at the bags in my hand. "Goodies, you'll see in a minute, baby," I winked at her, opening the door for her. "Mkay then, thank you," Teeter giggled, walking up the back stairs towards our bedrooms. "I'll be right back, love," I say, before dipping into my bedroom. I quickly separated the items I picked up for Caroline and walked into her bathroom and placed all the tests on the counter. After completing that task, I placed the bear and chocolates on her bed, before hurrying back to Teeter's room to place her teddy bear and chocolates on her bed, and scurried back downstairs. I walked into the living room to see Kayce, Caroline, Teeter, and Rip on the sofa. Caroline had her head on Kayce's lap as he stroked her hair, and Rip rubbed her legs soothingly as he cuddled up with Teeter. I slowly walked over and kneeled in front of Caroline. "Hey my angel, how are you feeling?" I ask, softly stroking her cheek. "I've had better days, baby. I'm not sure what's going on," Caroline whispered, looking up at me with her hazel eyes. "I know, baby girl. Would you mind coming upstairs with us?" I ask her softly, glancing at Kayce and Rip, who nodded. "Sure," Caroline says softly as she slowly moves to stand up. "Fuck," Caroline said before running to the hallway bathroom. Almost instantly we could hear her violently vomiting, before coming back out and wiping her mouth. "I'm sorry y'all had to see that," Caroline whispered, embarrassed. "You have nothing to apologize for, baby," Teeter spoke up. We all nodded in agreement with her. "She's right, it's not your fault, darlin," Rip confirmed. "Come on baby," Kayce said softly as we headed upstairs. I opened the door to Caroline's room and gestured for her to enter first. Caroline instantly ran over to her bed and smiled. "Oh, this is the sweetest thing ever! Thank you!" Caroline said excitedly before hugging me tightly. "Anything to see that beautiful smile back on your face, Angel..." I say sweetly in her ear. "Thank you," Caroline says softly again. "Sweetheart, don't bite my head off for asking you this... but would you be okay with taking a few tests for us in the bathroom?" Rip asked Caroline, waiting for her reaction. "What do you mean by tests?" Caroline asked, cocking her head. "We thought it'd be a good idea to see what's been causing you to feel so uncomfortable, and with the symptoms you've been displaying, we think you could be pregnant..." Kayce answered soothingly. Caroline nodded and turned to walk into the bathroom and we all sat on her bed waiting for the results. After five minutes, we all heard screaming coming from the bathroom, causing us to run into the bathroom. "What's wrong?" Teeter said worriedly as she pushed her way to Caroline. "I'm pregnant!" Caroline squealed with tears running down her face. "Holy shit, we're having a baby!" Teeter said, hugging Caroline tightly. "We're so happy, baby," Rip said, with tears in his eyes. "This is one of the best days of my life," I said, wiping tears from my face. "Ditto," Kayce agrees, sniffling. "This is the best thing ever, fuck. We should have called Ryan and Colby..." Caroline says, instantly pulling out her phone. "I'll go get them, darling," Rip says proudly. "Okay Daddy, thank you," Caroline says, smiling. "Your goodies are on your bed, baby," I said to Teeter with a wink. Teeter smiled before rushing to her room. "You are such a sweetheart, babe. Thank you so much for this," Caroline said before walking over to kiss me. "Mm, it's my pleasure, angel. Wanna wait downstairs? I'm not sure this bathroom will hold all of us." I said with a chuckle. "Sure, come on my loves," Caroline said to Kayce and me, giggling as she walked out of the bathroom. "Good call," Kayce said, patting my shoulder as we followed Caroline out of the en suite bathroom and headed downstairs. Teeter rushed out of her room before catching us, "Thank you for everything, I love it," Teeter said before kissing me softly. "It's my pleasure, darlin," I say sweetly as we enter the living room.


Caroline's POV

I'm pregnant. God, that explains all the symptoms I've been having: not being able to sleep at night, the sudden bursts of nausea, the mood swings. I don't know how I didn't recognize the signs. Thankfully, I know now, so I've got to schedule an appointment with the OBGYN office and then call my Mama and Daddy. I sighed happily as I sat with Kayce, Teeter, and Jimmy on the couch. "Hey, has anyone seen Beth recently?" I asked, looking up at Kayce. "Yeah, she's meeting Dad at the hospital. He's coming home today," Kayce answered with a smile. "That's fantastic. Tell Gator to fix a big spread for dinner tonight, please," I say happily. "I will do that," Kayce said, pulling his phone out to text my request to Gator. "Done," Kayce said quickly. "Thank you," I say with a smile. Just then, the front door opened to reveal Colby, Ryan, and Rip carrying their boots, placing them next to the shoe rack. "We're in here, my loves!" I called out from the sofa before they entered the living room. "Hey babes, have a seat," I smile. Rip, Ryan, and Colby all sat down on the couch and gave me their undivided attention. "What's goin' on, sweetheart?" Ryan asked curiously. "Well..." I said, smirking. "Well?" Colby asked, chuckling. "We're having a baby!" I exclaim happily. Ryan and Colby look at each other before immediately smothering me in hugs. "I'm so happy!" Colby says, placing a kiss on my lips. "So am I, darlin," Ryan says sweetly. "That's why Rip wouldn't say a word the whole walk over." Ryan chuckled, looking at Rip, who was smirking at them. "Wanted it to be a surprise," Rip says, shrugging with a smile. "The best surprise I've ever had, that's for sure," Colby said, chuckling. "Alright, the boss should be on the way home soon," Rip said, rising to his feet. "Go get showered up and get ready," Rip told the guys before heading towards the stairs. "I'm gonna go find the kids," Teeter says, smiling as she stands from the sofa. "Oh, I'll come with you," I say with a big smile, quickly rising from the couch. "We'll be right back, sweethearts," I said, winking as we exited the living room and headed outside. As we reached the porch, we saw Lee throwing the football with my boys. "Hey best friend," I hollered out playfully to Lee. Catching his attention, Lee turned his head to us on the porch. "Hey beautiful, how are you feeling?" Lee asked curiously. I called him closer before whispering, "I'm pregnant." Immediately, Lee scooped me up into a bear hug. "I'm so happy for you, Care. Maranda has been asking about you nonstop. Now, we'll know for sure that you're okay," Lee says, grinning proudly. "Uncle Lee has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" Lee stately proudly. "Lee, you're already an uncle," Teeter stated, making me laugh. "Shit, you're right," Lee laughed. "Boys, go on inside and shower, please. Grandpa will be here soon," I say, urging the boys inside. "Yes, ma'am, come on Tate," Carter respectfully answered immediately going inside with Tate. "We're feasting tonight. Make sure the whole bunkhouse is there. Okay?" I tell Lee. "You got it, see ya there." Lee nodded before heading back to the bunkhouse and we headed back inside. 

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