Chapter 7 (Edited)

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Chapter 7

Caroline's POV

We arrived back at the ranch an hour after picking up Maranda, without any hitches and Kayce pulled my truck beside the bunkhouse. Everyone hung around the arena, laughing and watching Travis and Rip slide their horses. "Baby, are you okay?" Kayce asks me, placing his hand on my thigh. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm just happy. I realize just how lucky I am right here at this moment. My cousin is safe, and my soulmates are all here secure and protecting the thing that matters most to all of us, I realize how much love I have near me and I know I keep saying this but it's just amazing to think I'm the one God chose to make you all love me, and I adore every single one of you. Thank you for everything." I say, wiping the tears threatening to roll down my cheeks. "Sweetheart, you're so easy to love, and she's well protected, now let's go introduce her, and make her comfortable," Kayce says as he places a soft kiss on the back of my hand. "I love you, Daddy," I say, biting my lip. "I love you too, princess," Kayce said as he leaned over the center console and kissed me. "Alright let's go before she gets weirded out," I say giggling as I pull away. Kayce laughs and agrees getting out of the truck, Maranda and Lee parked by the lodge and started walking over to us. "How was the ride here? Did everything go okay?" John hollered as he walked over to us. "Yeah Dad, everything worked out without a kink, she just has her stuff to get out of the car," Lee says with a nod. "Lloyd, get some of the guys to unload her car would you?" John said to Lloyd. "Yes, sir! Jake, Ethan, Walker, unload the car and bring it to the bunkhouse!" Lloyd hollered to the ranch hands. "Yes sir," They replied, walking over to Maranda's car. I smiled and walked over to Maranda, "Everyone this is my cousin, Maranda, Maranda this here is Mr. Dutton, he's the boss and Lee and Kayce's father, You already know Lee and Kayce, The older man is Lloyd he's second in command when Rip isn't working, The dark brown haired guy with the beard is Jake, the other one is Ethan, and I'm not sure who the last one there is he must be new," I say introducing her. "Thank you for allowing me here, Mr. Dutton, you don't know what this means to me," Maranda says, shaking John's hand. "Nonsense. You are Caroline's family, therefore you're a part of this family. We'll keep you safe and you'll always have a home here. Welcome home," John says, offering Maranda a genuine smile. "Thank you, sir. It's nice to meet all of you!" Maranda smiles gratefully. "C'mon, I want to introduce you to my soulmates," I say, taking her hand and pulling her over to the arena. "Hey, guys!" I holler over to the group. "Hey baby girl, who's this?" Ryan says running over to me and picking me up engulfing me in a tight hug. "Hey, baby! This is my cousin, Maranda, she's our newest ranch hand, Maranda this is Ryan," I say smiling. "Hello, ma'am nice to meet you!" Ryan says before shaking her hand and smiling at Maranda. "Nice to meet you too!" Maranda says, shaking his hand. "Everyone this is my cousin Maranda and she's our newest ranch hand, Maranda this big guy here is Rip, don't worry he may look intimidating but he's a sweetheart and a big teddy bear, This pink-haired beauty is Teeter, She's a firecracker now lemme tell you," I say giggling. "That's right baby," Teeter joked and smiled at Maranda. "Hi, nice to meet you!" Teeter says with a smile. Rip smiled and walked over to us, "Nice to meet you, Ma'am. Was your trip okay?" Rip politely greeted her. "It was long but it was okay, thank you. Nice to meet you too Rip and Teeter," Maranda says with a smile. "Now this babe here is Colby, he's such a sweetheart. Colby this is my cousin, Maranda," I say walking over to Colby and ruffling his hair. "Nice to meet you, Colby!" Maranda says giggling and smiling. "Nice to meet you too!" Colby says, smiling at her. "Last but not least This is Jimmy, he's super sensitive and respectful, something you don't get to see much of anymore, and boy he gives killer foot massages, Jimmy baby, this is my cousin, Maranda," I say after pulling her over to Jimmy who was beet red from blushing. "Nice to meet you, ma'am." Jimmy smiles trying to hide his blushing red cheeks. "Nice to meet you too Jimmy!" Maranda says, smiling. Maranda looks over to the bunkhouse. "Who was the other guy bringing my stuff into the bunkhouse?" Maranda asked. I shrugged and turned to Rip, "I dunno, Daddy who is he?" I asked, walking over. "He's a new ranch hand, Walker." Rip says nodding towards the bunkhouse. "Walker huh?" Maranda says wrapping one hand subconsciously around her stomach. "Ohhh shit." I say realizing what was going on. "We're gonna get her unpacked, I think we've gotta talk." I say to everyone as I excuse us from the group. "I'll come to get you when dinner's ready angel." Jimmy says, kissing my cheek before we depart. "Thank you, sweetness," I say, kissing his lips softly. "Hot tub later?" I whisper in his ear. "You name the time and place angel I'll be there." Jimmy says winking at me and I giggle. "Yes, sir." I wink before walking off with Maranda. "I saw that look in your eye!" I say pulling her to the side of the bunkhouse. "I've never felt that way before..." Maranda says, biting her lip. "I understand exactly what you mean. C'mon, let's go introduce ourselves." I say walking hand in hand with Maranda into the bunkhouse. "Hiya boys!" I greet Lloyd Jake and Ethan. "Hey, Care! Who's this beautiful young lady?" Lloyd says, flashing a smile. "This is my cousin Maranda, This is Lloyd, Jake, and Ethan." I say with a smile. "Who are you?" Maranda asked the new guy with a curious smile biting her bottom lip. "I'm Walker," the new guy introduces himself to us, his hazel eyes not leaving Maranda's chocolate brown ones. "Nice to meet you Walker, I'm Caroline, and this is my cousin, Maranda, she's a new ranch hand," I say introducing us all formally. ''Sorry ma'am, I don't mean to stare, I just can't figure out what's going on." Walker apologizes and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. "No no, it's fine, I feel the same way actually," Maranda says and slowly turns to me. "Care?" Maranda says to me curiously. "Is the feeling you're experiencing like an internal pull towards that person?" I asked, smirking at them, while they thought about my question. "Yeah, like I got this feeling when we entered the ranch and I just didn't know what it meant..." Maranda says softly, smiling. "Walker? I believe you have just met your soulmate..." I say smiling at the two of them. "Wait, that's real? I have never experienced anything like this up until today," Walker asks curiously. I smiled and nodded, gesturing my head toward the door. "It's real, some people never meet their one soul mate, however, I've been blessed with 6 soulmates and thankfully now you two have each other, what a way to end a busy day, huh?" I say smiling at them. "Wait a minute, you have six soulmates, how does that work?!" Walker says, sitting on the couch and Maranda and I sit beside him. "Started pretty much just like yours did, I was invited to work here as the ranch's vet and I happily took it considering it's been my dream to work here ever since I was a kid, anyway as soon as I drove onto the property it was like something was pulling me here, my stomach had knots but it wasn't uncomfortable it was like the world was trying to let me know everything would be okay and my heart was about to be full, unknowingly, Rip, Ryan, and Colby were here waiting for me and feeling the same thing," I say, their attention never moving from my face. "Later on, I met Jimmy, who got his ass kicked by a dickhead who tried to rape me; he's gone now, but he risked everything to protect me and we hadn't even met yet. The next morning, Kayce came back home while I was up at the lodge visiting with John, or should I say, Mr. Dutton, he was checking up on me after the attack the night before and he was speeding his truck down the driveway and he's known all about soulmates his whole life especially with his parents being soulmates themselves. Anyway, I had a fear of being rejected by my soulmates, but that never happened, they are all some of the best people I could have asked for, and Kayce accepted me with open arms. A few hours later we all met Teeter, our last soulmate. She was trying out at the job fair and as soon as we all saw her we knew she was our soulmate too." I conclude the whole story. "Now here we are," I say with a smile. "Damn, that's something," Walker says wide-eyed at my story. "Now, here we are sitting in the bunkhouse and we meet each other..." Maranda says softly taking in the whole conversation. I nodded. "Makes sense. I mean, I felt completely normal until y'all pulled into the property. It was like a switch flipped and everything was gonna be okay," Walker says smiling. "I understand, I felt that way too and it feels good to not have to worry about anything anymore." Maranda says, smiling happily. Walker tilted his head in confusion, "What were you worried about?" Walker asked. "Oh um, my ex was harassing me and stalking me, threatening to kill me if I didn't get back with him, I couldn't go back but I didn't want to die so I thankfully called Caroline, and she spoke to Mr. Dutton and he welcomed me here with open arms." Maranda said finally relaxing her body. "I feel like I need to tell you this so you can make your decision about me, ma'am." Walker started while hanging his head. "I uh just got released from prison, I was sentenced to 7 years for manslaughter." Walker finished. "What happened?" Maranda asked curiously, no judgment showing on her face. "I was at a bar and a guy got mouthy and he swung on me. I swung back and hit him right between the eyes and the motherfucker just dropped and died." Walker said, shaking his head. "Well, fucker shouldn't have gotten mouthy don't swing if you can't face the reality of your actions, his fault." Maranda says with a shrug. I couldn't help myself. I laughed at her reaction. "She's right," I agreed with her and Walker smiled at us. "Thank you for making me feel better, do you need help unpacking?" Walker says to Maranda. I smirk and stand up. "I'll leave ya'll to it, I'm gonna go feed Snow and Minnie, if you wanna hang out later just ask one of the guys they'll show you where my cabin is or just look for my truck but I don't recommend you walk at night by yourself." I say smirking. "Okay, I'll text you before just showing up. I don't wanna intrude like I did earlier," Maranda says laughing. "Then make sure you stay away for a few hours after dinner, I'm having hot tub fun with Jimmy," I say with a wink before going to the door. "Jesus Christ, Care, I didn't need those details," Lloyd laughed as he walked out of the bathroom. "Sorry, Lloyd! See y'all at supper!'' I laughed as I left the bunkhouse. I smile as I walk over to the barn to go feed Snow her supper for the night and jump into my truck. I pulled my phone out and texted Jimmy: I miss you, come see me. Then, I put my truck in drive and drove back home quickly parking and running inside to feed and water Minnie and change into a sexy bikini for the hot tub, while changing my phone beeped. '

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