Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Caroline's POV

"Jimmy, C'mon wake up we've got work to do," I hear from beside my bed, waking me up. "I'm sorry Angel, we didn't mean to wake you up," Jimmy apologizes, quickly getting dressed as Rip walks over to my side of the bed. "It's okay baby," I assure him, turning to face Rip, "Good morning, Darlin'," Rip says smiling. "Good morning, sweetheart, what's goin' on?" I ask groggily. "Lee asked me to get you to check the heifers we got from the auction yesterday, they need the full work up, we were just gonna get them ready before you head out there today, and I'm gonna be gone for a little while today," Rip explained to me, making worry shoot through my body I sat up quickly and looked at him, "Leaving?" I ask worriedly. "Mr. Dutton needs more hands but he wants someone who wears the brand this time, so I've gotta go get one, I'll be back, don't worry," Rip explains, relaxing my worried nerves. "Please be careful," I say with a yawn. "Go back to sleep for a while, I'll tell Kayce to get Jimmy or somebody to come to get you when they need you, princess," Rip said, placing a kiss on my head. "I'm hungry, I'm getting up," I say softly. Rip chuckles and shakes his head, "I can make you breakfast if you want?" Rip offers, with a smile. "I'm gonna go up to the lodge actually, I'll eat up while I'm up there baby," I assure him, standing to my feet before sliding a pair of jeans on. "Alright baby," Rip says with a smile before ushering Jimmy out. "I'll see you later Angel," Jimmy says before winking at me and leaving my room. Rip turned to me and smirked, "What happened last night," Rip asked with a smile. I laughed and shook my head, "Nothing, we cuddled, talked, and watched stand-up comedy on Netflix," I said, pulling off my shirt and putting on a sports bra. "Is it cold this morning?" I asked Rip. "Nah, it's nice and warm," Rip says smiling. "Tank top it is then," I say giggling. "I wish I would be here to see that, your fine ass out there," Rip says playfully, slapping my ass. "Better hurry up and get back to me huh?" I say playfully. Just then my phone rang and Rip chuckled, "I'll see you later darlin'," Rip said before walking out of my bedroom and leaving me alone. "Hello?" I say into the phone. "I need help!" my cousin Maranda, panted through the phone. "What's wrong?" I quickly asked. "My Ex, he's been harassing me, stalking me, and threatening to kill me if I don't get back with him," Maranda cries through the phone. Maranda was my cousin on my mom's side. She was a good girl who was dating a cop in a little small town whose name I couldn't even remember, but she worked hard on my grandfather's ranch just like I did and she even rode in some rodeos in her early twenties. "Where are you right now?" I asked her going downstairs. "Just Driving, I'm scared to stop," Maranda says, panic settling into her voice. "Listen to me, Take a deep breath, and go get a burner phone and turn this off! I'm going to see what I can do, but call me from the burner phone and head to Bozeman, Montana, okay?" I explain to her, trying to stay calm. "Thank you, Care! I will!" Maranda says, taking a sigh of relief. "Call me later, hopefully, I'll have updates," I say with a sigh. "I will, I love you, cousin, thank you," Maranda says appreciatively. "I love you too, be careful and get here to Montana," I say instructively. "I will, bye," Maranda says before hanging up the phone. "Dear lord," I say, taking a deep breath before walking out the front door and jumping into the gator parked outside driving up to the lodge. I put on my best normal smile before walking into the lodge, seeing John, Lee, and Kayce sitting in the living room. "Did I miss breakfast?" I ask softly. "No, you're right on time, sweetheart. It's about to be served, now are you alright? You're pale as a ghost," John acknowledges. Kayce's head immediately snapped over to me, giving me his undivided attention. "I'm fine but my cousin, Maranda is being stalked and threatened to be killed by her ex-boyfriend, who's a cop. I told her to get a burner phone and get to Bozeman and I'll do whatever I can to help her, but I don't know what to do.'' I say as my eyes fill up with tears. "Hey, don't cry, your family is our family, we protect our family." John says walking over to me and stroking my cheek before wrapping me into a hug. "We need to be prepared for anything, she will be protected by all means necessary," John orders out to Lee and Kayce, who both immediately agreed. "She'll be safe here, I'll bet my life on it," Lee stated confidently. I immediately walked over to Lee and hugged my best friend. "Thank you, thank you all so much," I say, sobbing into Lee's chest. "Can she cowboy?" Lee asked me as he rubbed my back. "Hell yeah, almost as good as me," I giggle through my tears. "She'll be fine, we've got her." Lee says, smiling at me. "Come on baby, let's get breakfast and then we'll settle everything else." Kayce says sweetly, taking my hand. "Okay," I nod and wipe my face walking into the dining room. We all sat down at the table and started working out strategies. "The bunkhouse has plenty of room, right?" I ask. "Do you think she'd mind?" Lee asks curiously. "She'd be grateful for anything," I say appreciatively. "Okay then it's settled, she'll be in the bunkhouse where she'll be protected and work here on the ranch," John says matter-of-factly. "Thank you," I say with a smile. "We're family," John says as Gator walks in with our food and starts serving us our breakfast. "Thank you, Gator," I say with a smile as Gator places eggs, sausage, biscuits, and gravy on my plate. "My pleasure Ms. Caroline," Gator says with a smile before he continues to serve everyone else their breakfast. I start eating my breakfast and remembering the animals I must check today. "How many examinations do I have today?" I ask curiously while eating my food. "About 60, but it's just vaccinations," Kayce says smiling. "Okay," I nod while debating on how the process is going to go. "But keep your phone close to you, When she calls you, grab Kayce and Lee and go get her, she doesn't need to be alone." John explains to us all. "Yes, sir," We all agreed and finished our breakfast.

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