Chapter 11 (Edited)

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Chapter 11

Caroline's POV

~~A Week Later~~

I woke up with excruciating pain radiating all through my stomach and back, Ryan was lying beside me when I whimpered. "Sweetheart, are you alright?" Ryan asked me as he sat up beside me in the bed. I shook my head and groaned, "No, Ry, I'm cramping so bad," I moaned into my pillow that I was holding tight against my stomach. "I'm gonna run you a hot bath, my love, I'm sorry you're in so much pain right now," Ryan says, placing a kiss on my forehead before walking to the bathroom. "Thank you, baby," I say before another cramp strikes me again. I swear to all things holy, these cramps get worse and worse every month. Ryan came back out of the bathroom a few seconds later, "Honey, your bath is ready, I put some bath salts in for your pain and lit some candles for you to relax." Ryan says squatting beside the bed beside me. "Thank you, baby," I say softly as I get off the bed. Ryan gave me a tight hug before releasing me to walk into the bathroom. I quickly undress myself before putting my dirty clothes into the hamper. I step into the tub, sink into the steamy bathwater, and sigh deeply, letting the hot water soothe my aching muscles. There was a soft knock on the door before Kayce and Rip walked in. "Darlin' you feelin' okay?" Rip asked as he and Kayce squatted beside the bathtub beside me. "I'm okay, just cramping really, really bad," I say clutching my stomach. "Do you need anything, baby?" Kayce asked as he stroked my hair. "I don't think so, it's just really painful," I say, groaning. "We're gonna be hangin' around here today to help you, plus we're keeping an eye on the builders," Rip stated as he stroked my cheek. "I love you, both so much. Y'all know this happens every month right?" I smirked before a cramp shot through my body. "Sweetheart, we're gonna be here by your side forever, through everything," Rip says smiling at me. "Thank you both, I think I do need something actually," I say looking up at them. "Oh yeah, what's that?" Rip asked. "A warm towel, fresh out of the dryer?" I ask with a pleading look. "Of course sweetheart, anything else?" Rip says, smiling at me. I nodded and pointed to my lips with a smile. "I think I can manage that," Rip says playfully as he leans in to kiss me sweetly. "My turn now share," Kayce jokes, nudging Rip playfully making me giggle. "Alright, Alright, I'm gonna throw in a towel into the dryer, I'll start breakfast for us too," Rip says standing up from beside the tub. "Thank you," I say smiling at him, Rip winks at me before grabbing a large towel and taking it with him downstairs. Kayce smiles at me before kissing me softly. "Is the bath helping?" Kayce asked me as he stroked my cheek. "A little bit, my cramps are the worst," I groan. Kayce nods and goes to the medicine cabinet pulling out some Midol, ibuprofen, and filling up a glass of water. "How are you guys so perfect?" I ask gratefully, taking the medication from him immediately with the water. Kayce smiles and shakes his head, "We're not perfect, but for our girls, we sure try to be," Kayce says sweetly. I smile and lay my head back against the back of the tub, "Where's our boys?" I ask Kayce curiously. "Tate's got Carter out there teaching him how to clean out a stall," Kayce said with a smirk. "Tate has to do his schoolwork today," I say with a yawn. "It's Saturday, Sweetheart," Rip says, chuckling as he brings in my warm towel. "Shit, that's right," I say giggling. "You ready to get out darlin?" Kayce asked me. I nodded and started to stand up. "I think, ugh, I might need to clean my damn sheets, Fuck," I grumble as a stand up from the bathwater. "Ryan took care of that for you already baby," Kayce responded, offering his hand for me to take. I take his hand gratefully as I step carefully out of the bathtub. "So embarrassing..." I mumble under my breath. "Nothin' to be embarrassed about baby, it's a natural thing a woman has to go through," Kayce reassures me. "Thanks, baby, but still it's the least sexy thing that can happen to me," I mumble, reaching for the cabinet under the sink. "What're you lookin' for baby?" Rip asked me bending down for me. "Uh, tampons..." I say my face is as red as a tomato. Rip chuckled and pulled a box out for me. "It's fine darlin, Kayce's right, nothin' to be embarrassed about, especially with us," Rip says comfortingly. "Especially if we want some babies," Kayce says lowly in my ear, causing a shiver to cascade down my spine. I smile and nod my head before wrapping a towel around my body, "I love you both, but this is not something I can do with you in the room," I say to both Kayce and Rip. "We'll go get breakfast goin', your coffee's waitin' by the couch on the coffee table for you darlin'," Rip says, smiling a reassuring smile at me. "Thanks, babes, I'll be right down," I say smiling, before they exit the room closing the bathroom door behind them to give me some privacy. I quickly did what I needed to do before grabbing a fluffy bathrobe out of the closet in the bathroom to put on over my panties and tie it off. I quickly put my hair up in a messy bun and left the bathroom, to grab my phone off the charger on the bedside table, and slowly make my way downstairs. Just as Rip promised my coffee was made and waiting for me as I sat down in my corner of the sectional, I took a sip of the coffee, feeling the warmth radiating through my whole body. The coffee was made just the way I liked it and damn he must pay attention because I've never had anyone make my coffee besides myself. "Feeling better?" Rip asks, standing behind me. "A little, I think the medicine is kicking in," I say, kicking my legs up onto the chaise lounge part of the sectional. "How is our house coming along?" I ask the guys as they make breakfast. "Really well actually, they're ahead already. They've got the whole bottom floor practically built, it's nice," Kayce answered from the stove. "That's so amazing, I'm surprised with what they can do in just a week, plus they're working weekends too," I say in amazement, sipping my coffee and watching them do their thing in the kitchen, I love watching men do the simplest tasks it's so sexy to me. "I know, I can't wait to see you and Teeter's gorgeous reaction to the reveal," Rip says, winking at me. I giggled and blushed softly, God knows the things his manly ass can do to a lady, I swear. "Ya know, maybe when they're completed we can have a dinner for them?" I suggested as I finished the last sip of my coffee. "That sounds great sweetheart," Rip says, smiling at me. "Good, that's what we'll do then," I say giggling as I stand up, to get more coffee. "Hey sit down babe, I can get it for you," Rip says sternly. "Baby, I'm fine, I'll just have to smoke a blunt later on because of these damn cramps," I say as I place my hand on his chest. They both immediately jerked their heads and immediately looked at me, "What the hell? Since when do you smoke?" Kayce asked with an amused face. "I guess I haven't smoked since I've been here yet, but my periods have been bad recently so my dad gave me some relief," I said nervously. "Jimmy's gonna love you so much more now, hell Ryan and Colby too," Kayce joked playfully as he brought over 3 plates of our breakfast. "Did our boys eat?" I asked quickly as Kayce handed me my plate. Kayce and Rip looked at me with the most proud expression. "You just said, 'Our boys'," Kayce says with a big grin on his face. "They are my boys," I say shrugging my shoulders, "I wish someone would tell me differently," I say with a deadly glare. "No one would dream of it, darlin, you're the perfect mother material, and Tate and Carter both love you and Teeter," Rip says smiling at me as he and Kayce sit on both sides of me. "How's Tate holding up?" I ask Kayce as I bite into my eggs. "He's happy, he doesn't even mention Monica and she hasn't contacted me since we left, Jamie's finishing up the custody battle, she's not even fighting for him. Everything is working in our favor. I told Jamie I don't even want child support, I just want full custody and her rights terminated. Tate doesn't deserve to go through her mental abuse and now he won't have to," Kayce finishes with a deep sigh. "We're proud of you man, for sticking up for Tate, for everything you're doing," Rip says, patting Kayce on the knee. "Thanks, man, I appreciate it," Kayce says before chuckling and grabbing my coffee cup, "Tellin' us about you smokin' kinda lost your train of thought there huh?" Kayce teased as he refilled my coffee cup and added the perfect amount of French vanilla cream and sugar. "I guess so, Thank you though," I giggled as I ate my breakfast, and Kayce returned with my coffee. "Has anyone had time to bond with Carter? I've been so backed up on the heifer logs I haven't been around until after supper," I ask after finishing my biscuits and gravy. "I'm trying to teach him how to be a cowboy," Rip shrugged, causing me to raise my eyebrow at him. "I didn't mean in a boss kinda way, big daddy," I say looking over at him, shaking my head. "I can take him for a ride or we can find something to do I'm sure," Rip says chuckling, making me smile. "Thank you, baby, he needs as many role models as possible," I say stroking his cheek. "What about you, daddy, any bonding time with Carter?" I asked Kayce sipping on my coffee. "I've been trying to get to know him as much as I can but I'm thinking we all can go to the fair and enjoy the day together," Kayce suggested. "I love the idea baby but that's more of a Tate and Carter bonding time, they're kids they love running wild at the fair," I smile nervously. "Uh huh, now what's the reason you don't wanna go to the fair?" Kayce teased me. I smiled and groaned, "Ugh fine, I'm supposed to be the main performer with Walker opening for me at the fair next weekend," I said blushing into my hands. "Wait a damn minute you can sing?" Rip asks me with a shocked expression. I nod and run over to the closet, pulling out my guitar case. "AND play guitar?!" Kayce asked in amazement. "Yes, I do," I laugh before sitting back down in my spot on the couch. "Wait wait wait, we need the boys and Teeter in here before this happens." Rip says running out the front door hollering for everyone who lives in the lodge to hurry the fuck inside. Everyone ran back in and gathered around me, "What's the matter?" Jimmy asked me rushing around the couch to sit in front of me. "Nothing, everything is fine, Rip just thought it'd be nice to let everyone hear me sing for the first time together," I explained. Carter and Tate run around and sit on the couch beside Kayce, "You can sing too?!" Tate says excitedly. "I do, What do you mean too?" I ask giggling as I fix my guitar strap. "Daddy can sing too!" Tate says excitedly. "Fuck," Kayce murmured under his breath with a smirk. "He's another day, you go," Rip says saving Kayce. "Alright here's one of my favorites, 'Watermelon Moonshine'," I say strumming the chords to the song.

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