Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Kayce's POV

The following morning, I was one of the first people to wake up aside from Rip who was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. "Mornin'," I say softly, walking downstairs and into the kitchen. "Mornin'," Rip politely replies, sipping his coffee, deep in thought. I quickly made myself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with him. "You okay?" I ask, taking a sip of my coffee. Rip nods and sighs, " Yeah, I'm just worried about her," Rip says softly. "I know, man, but we've got our girl, we'll be right there every step of the way," I say trying to encourage him. "What if she's not, Kayce? Her face was so happy when she said she might be pregnant. I don't want the pain of not being pregnant to hurt her," Rip says looking down at his hands. "We'll find out today, man. She's either pregnant or she's just late either way we'll be here to comfort her," I say, squeezing his shoulder. "You're right, thanks Kayce," Rip says appreciatively. "Of course man, hey we might have to be the ones to go talk to my dad about getting in the process of building our wives a house," I say smirking at Rip. Rip laughs and shakes his head, "I'd do anything for them, what the fuck let's go," Rip says laughing and standing up finishing his coffee. I nod and stand up finishing my coffee and walking to grab my hat off the hat hook by the door, before heading to the lodge.

"Dad?" I called out at Rip and I walked into the lodge. "In the dining room, son," I hear my dad's voice call out and we walk into the dining room, "Mornin', dad," I say, taking my hat off and sitting it beside me on the table. "Mornin', sir," Rip follows suit, placing his hat on the table on the opposite side of me from my father. "Mornin', everything alright?" Dad says curiously. "Everything's fine, we just wanna talk to you about somethin'," I say, smiling softly. "Is that a fact?" Dad says amusement washing over his face. "We have Tate now, Jamie's working on getting me full custody of him, and... well Care might be pregnant, We aren't for sure yet but either way, we need our wives in a bigger house," I say looking over at Rip with pride in my eyes. "That's wonderful sons I'm so proud of y'all," Dad says to Rip and me. Rip clears his throat and coughs softly, ridding himself of his emotions. "Thank you, sir," Rip says, his voice laced with emotion. "You build them whatever they want, they deserve the world. In the meantime, I know it's crowded up there at the cabin, I'll move into the trapper and y'all can move up here until the house is built," My dad says to us. "Are you sure sir?" Rip asks nervously, chewing on his toothpick. "Of course, this is more than big enough and I want you to decorate it exactly how they want it, understand me?" Dad says, smiling at us. "Yes sir, we can have the cowboys do it while Care goes to the hospital to get checked out," I say smiling and pulling out my phone to text Lee, telling him the plan for the day. "Just a word of advice," Dad says chuckling, "They better not forget those girls' hot tub, They're gonna need that with winter comin' pregnant or not," Dad laughs, shaking his head. I laughed and nodded my head, "Yes sir," I agreed, nudging Rip. "She'd kick all of our ass so they better get on it!" Rip laughs. "Make our girls a plate of breakfast boys and take it up to 'em, before Caroline has to go to town, and ask her to take her cousin with her today," Dad tells us and we both nod, "Yes sir."

"Gator, would you make up 3 plates to go please?" Dad asks Gator in the kitchen. "Yes sir," Gator turns and immediately makes up the plates and hands them to us. "Thanks, Gator," I say, smiling at him. "Yes sir, any requests for dinner?" Gator asks me, I look at Rip and he shrugs. "None of that Mediterranean shit Beth would have you make, that would make the girls freak out, just a normal meal please," I say, shaking my head and chuckling. "Thank the Lord, yes sir," Gator says before leaving us in the dining room. "Whatever they want for the house, do it, I know great contractors who can do anything," Dad says nodding and looking out the window. "Yes sir, thank you," we say, smiling at my father. "I'm so proud of you, my two sons. You two are finally getting the love you deserve and I'm so happy to be able to see it," Dad says before going upstairs to pack his stuff. I turned to look at Rip who had tears running down his face, "He called me his son..." Rip said in between breaths. "You've always been his son, Rip, it just took him a little while to notice who is loyal to him..." I say hugging Rip softly. "Thanks, man," Rip says, hugging me back. "Come on let's go wake our girls up," I say smiling at him before we walk up to the cabin. Ryan, Colby, and Jimmy were all sitting on the couch drinking their coffee when we walked back into the cabin. "Are our girls still asleep?" I ask softly. They all nodded and smiled. "We're moving up into the lodge today, Don't say anything to Care or Teeter, it should be a surprise," I say smiling and placing the plates of food on the kitchen table. "I'm gonna go get Care up, Go get Teeter, Rip, and guys I'd start by packing your rooms up a little bit later," I say chuckling then running upstairs to Caroline's room. I softly opened the door to Caroline's room and walked in. She was so beautiful sleeping so peacefully, hair messily in a bun on her head, I wouldn't have it any other way honestly. I quietly walked over and knelt beside her on the floor and brushed her hair out of her face. "Babygirl, wake up, sweetheart," I say softly, kissing her forehead. Caroline stirs awake and she peeks up at me and smiles brightly. "Good morning, my beautiful girl," I say while softly stroking her cheek. "Good morning, Daddy... where's Tate?" Caroline says sweetly her voice soft and groggy. "He's asleep in my room with Teeter, Rip's waking her up now, sweetheart," I whisper to her while admiring her natural beauty. "Okay," She says with a happy smile on her face. "C'mon baby, We have a plate of food downstairs for you ladies," I say, taking her hand in mine. "Okay, I need to get dressed..." Caroline says, rubbing her eyes. "Not today you don't breakfast should be eaten in comfort, pj's work just fine baby girl," I encouraged her. "I figured y'all didn't wanna look at this dumpster fire that I am every morning," She says, shaking her head. "You are gorgeous, never think otherwise. You could be covered in shit head to toe and we'd still think you were drop-dead gorgeous," I stated matter of factly. Caroline laughed loudly and shook her head, "You always know just what to say, my love," Caroline said getting out of bed. "It's the truth, baby," I say before kissing her lips deeply. "I love you," I say, taking her hand in mine. "I love you too, baby," Caroline says, squeezing my hands before walking to the door of the bedroom. "Let's go, Daddy," Caroline says softly, pulling me with her, out of the bedroom. Following behind her, I start smiling wide when I realized that she was still just only in her tank top and panties, god damn she looks so fucking good. "Good morning, my loves," Caroline says to the group of boys and our girl at the table. Everybody's eyes land on her and her beautiful legs walking down the stairs, "God, you're beautiful," Rip says walking over to her. I smirked and nudged her softly, "See, what did I tell you," I commented, chuckling. "Oh hush, you were right, and thank you, Daddy," Caroline says to Rip and me before she laughs and walks over to the table. Jimmy pulled her chair out for her and smiled as he sat beside her, "He's right, you are beautiful, just the way you are," Jimmy said before placing her plate in front of her with a cup of coffee. "Thank you, sweetness," Caroline says to Jimmy before digging into her breakfast. I walked over to stand beside Rip and looked at our girls, "Do you think we'll be able to move all of our stuff before she gets back?" I whisper to Rip, with a smirk. "Yeah, Teeter and Maranda are gonna go with her today, I asked Teeter to help her relax by making a day out of the trip to town, regardless of the results, I also called a moving company they're sending their whole crew to move the stuff, they'll be here in an hour or so, " Rip replied his voice barely above a whisper so the girls didn't hear. I nodded happily at his initiative, "How'd you manage that?" I asked him, amazed. "It doesn't hurt that your father is about to be the Governor," Rip laughs. "Our father, you're as much a Dutton as the rest of us in my eyes," I say, placing my hand on his shoulder. Rip turns to face me and hugs me unexpectedly, "Thank you, Kace, you don't know what that meant to me," Rip says to me before releasing me from the hug. "I mean it, man, now let's go see our girls, huh," I say, giving him a smile before going over to sit between Teeter and Caroline. "So, are you girls ready for today?" I asked our girls, smiling. Just then the front door opened and Maranda walked in quickly. "Good morning! I'm sorry I'm late!" Maranda quickly approached us at the table. "You're fine, you're not in any trouble! We're just talking, nothing has happened yet," Caroline said laughing as Maranda sat beside Rip across from Caroline. "Okay good, I just saw the message to get up here like 20 minutes ago and I had to get ready," Maranda said, sipping from Caroline's coffee cup. "You're good," I say to her smiling. Maranda smiles at me gratefully and smirks at Teeter and Caroline. "We're leaving in 30 minutes," Maranda says, smiling at Caroline. "Yes ma'am, go chill, make yourself a drink or something," Caroline says playfully dismissing Maranda while finishing her breakfast. I laughed and looked at Teeter, "Y'all have fun, okay, you all deserve to have a good day out," I said to the girls. "Thanks, baby we will," Teeter says to me, shooting me a smile and a wink. I smile and take out the black card Dad gave me for whatever we need, "Enjoy yourselves, neither of you will have to pay for anything again," I say again, handing Teeter the black card. She smiles and takes the card gratefully. "We'll have a great time, baby," Teeter says, leaning across the table and kissing me softly. "Good girl," I say, biting my lip. Caroline stands up from the table and places her plate in the dishwasher. "I'm gonna go get dressed right quick, I'll be right back," Caroline says with a smile before scurrying upstairs quickly. "Thank you for going with them, Maranda," I say gratefully, patting her hand softly on the table. "It's the least I can do after everything she's ever done for me, and everything she continues to do for me," Maranda says with a smile. Five minutes later, Caroline came back down in a pair of blue jean shorts, a tank top, her hair in a messy bun, and a pair of flip-flops. "Y'all ready?" Caroline asks as she places her phone in her back pocket. "Yeah, let's go!" Teeter and Maranda said excitedly. I laugh as I walk over to Caroline, "I want you to enjoy your day, ma'am, regardless of what happens today at the doctor's okay? If you need me, I'm always one call away sweetheart," I say before placing a soft but passionate kiss on her lips. "I will baby, I love you," Caroline says as she hugs me tight. "Good girl," I say, patting her ass softly. I walked over wrapped my arms around Teeter and hugged her tight, "I love you, Please enjoy yourself, pamper each other, and relax baby," I said softly in her ear. Teeter nods and turns to face me, "I will, maybe I'll even have a new look when I come back," Teeter says, biting her lip. "You can do whatever you want baby, you'll still be beautiful, you know that," I say smiling and kissing her nose. Caroline and Teeter gave all of us a hug and kiss goodbye before grabbing their purses from beside the front door and the three of them walked out of the house and jumped into Caroline's truck. I stared out of the front door and watched Caroline's truck drive past the lodge before I turned back to the guys, "Alright, now the girls are gone, we've gotta start packing up everything that's ours and take it up to the lodge, we're moving up there while our girls are gone until our house is built," I say with a smile to the guys. They all smiled and nodded. "The movers should be here any time now so get started on what you can and we'll go from there. I suggest we start in the living room," Rip says, delegating the guys as he sends a text to the rest of the cowboys to come up here. "Alright let's get to work," Rip says sitting his coffee cup on the bar. Not even 10 minutes later 4 moving trucks stopped at the lodge and 2 more drove down and parked in front of our cabin and at least 10 men jumped out of the back of the moving trucks. Lloyd, Jake, Ethan, and Walker were speeding up behind them on the gator before cutting the engine and hopping out making their way inside with the movers. "Colby, would you show the movers what's going upstairs, everything that you know Caroline and Teeter like and whatever we bought plus our stuff." I instruct him as Tate walks down the stairs sleepily, "Daddy, what's going on?" Tate asked, expressing confusion all over his face. "We're surprising Caroline and Teeter by moving us all into the Lodge until our house is built, wanna help?" I say crouching in front of him. "Yes! What can I do?" Tate asked, looking around. "First, you can eat your breakfast on the front porch, so you aren't in the way and accidentally get hit by the movers," I explain taking his plate and walking outside with him. "Okay," Tate says, sitting down and devouring his food. "I'll be back to check on you in a few, I'll grab the iPad so you can watch YouTube while we do this," I say walking over to the coffee table by the couch, grabbing the iPad, and taking it out to Tate. "Here you go, buddy," I say, opening the YouTube app for him. "Thanks, Dad!" Tate says clicking on a dinosaur video before taking a bite of his food. "You're welcome, buddy," I say before walking back inside. "Damn, y'all mean business in here," I say to the guys in the living room. They had already removed the mounted TV from the walls and had the couches and recliners all wrapped up to protect the materials during the move. "That's what we're here for Commissioner Dutton," the mover said smirking and I nodded, "Well, alright then, I'm gonna go pack up my ladies' room," I laugh and run up the stairs.

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