Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Caroline's POV

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining; the birds were singing, and I was spending time with two of my favorite ladies - Teeter and Beth. We had planned to take a day for ourselves, away from the chaos of the ranch and the drama we endured with Monica. We deserved it. While we sat on the porch, sipping our sweet iced tea and enjoying the peacefulness of the day, I couldn't help but think about our soulmate bond. It was a topic we had discussed before, but I wanted to dive deeper. "Girls, can I ask you something?" I said, turning to Teeter and Beth. "Of course, babe," Teeter replied, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "What does it mean to you to be soulmates?" I asked, looking at both of them. "I mean, we're all in a relationship, but what does that mean?" I continued. Beth thought for a moment before speaking. "For me, being soulmates means that we're connected on a deeper level. We understand each other in a way that no one else can." Teeter nodded in agreement. "It's not just about love. It's about trust, respect, and support. We're a team, always." I nodded, taking a sip of my sweet tea. "Exactly. And I think that's what makes our relationship so strong. We're not just three individuals; we're a unit." I acknowledged with a smile. We sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the comfort of each other's company. "Come on, baby, we've gotta get ready to head to town, remember?" Kayce said, rushing from the bunkhouse over to the front porch. "We're ready babe, we're just waiting for you," I say, smiling as I stand from my chair and walk over to the front door, grabbing my purse from the hook. "Let's go then," Teeter said as she and Beth followed suit and we all headed for the truck.


I sat nervously in the ultrasound room, surrounded by a few of the people I loved - Beth, Teeter, Kayce, and my baby bump. Today was the day we would find out the gender of our little one! Dr. Smith smiled warmly as she began the ultrasound. "Okay, Caroline, let's take a look at your baby." I held my breath as the screen flickered to life, showing our tiny human wiggling around. Beth, Teeter, and Kayce gushed excitedly over the little fingers and toes. Dr. Smith chuckled. "Well, it looks like your baby is quite the active one!" I laughed, feeling a sense of pride and joy. "Sounds about right! Kicking at all hours of the day, making me sick for the first 3 months." I giggled. After a few minutes of scanning, Dr. Smith turned to us with a sly grin. "Ready to find out the gender?" We all nodded eagerly, our eyes fixed on the screen. Dr. Smith pointed to a tiny image on the screen. "See this? This is the gender reveal!" We all leaned in, our hearts racing with excitement. "It's... TWINS!" Dr. Smith announced, beaming. "And it's a boy and a girl!" Tears of joy streaming down my face, I turned to my soulmates, who were all grinning from ear to ear. "We're having twins!" Beth and Teeter hugged me tightly while Kayce cheered and kissed my forehead tenderly, "Welcome to the twin mom club, baby!" As we left the ultrasound room, I felt a sense of joy and gratitude wash over me. Our little family was growing, and we were all in this together. "Let's go celebrate with some ice cream and double the cupcakes!" Teeter suggested, winking at me. I laughed, rubbing my baby bump. "You know the way to my heart, love." As we walked out of the hospital, arm in arm, I knew that our love and support for each other would only continue to grow stronger with the arrival of our little twins. We walked into the ice cream parlor, beaming with excitement. "Two scoops of everything, please! She's having twins!" Teeter exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy. The ice cream shop owner, Mrs. Jenkins, smiled warmly. "Congratulations, Caroline! Twins, oh my! Let me get you a special treat." She handed us each a cone with two scoops of ice cream and a pink and blue sprinkle on top. "For the twins and the three of you, a match made in heaven!" We laughed and thanked her, taking a lick of our ice cream. The cold sweetness was the perfect celebration for our little family's big news. As we walked out of the shop, Kayce turned to us with a grin. "You know, we need to start thinking about names for our little duo." "Let's wait to name the babies until the guys are around," I said, looking at Beth and Teeter. "We can all decide together." Beth nodded in agreement. "That's a great idea, Caroline. We can make it a special moment for all of us to share." Teeter smiled. "And it'll be fun to see what Rip, Jimmy, Colby, and Ryan think of our name choices." We all nodded in agreement, excited to share the moment with our soulmates. As we drove back to the ranch, I couldn't help but think about how much our little family was growing. And with the arrival of our twins, we were all in for a wonderful adventure together. When we arrived at the ranch, we gathered everyone in the living room, eager to share the news. "Guys, we have something to share," I said, looking at Rip, Jimmy, Colby, and Ryan. Rip grinned. "Is it what I think it is?"
I nodded, smiling. "We're having twins!" The room erupted in cheers and congratulations, our little family overjoyed at the news.
"We're so excited to meet our little duo!" Beth exclaimed, beaming with joy. "And we can't wait to see what names you guys come up with," Teeter added, grinning at Rip, Jimmy, Colby, and Ryan. Rip chuckled. "Well, we've got some time to think about it. But I'm sure we'll come up with something perfect for our little twins." Jimmy nodded in agreement. "Definitely. We'll make sure to choose names that fit our little family's spirit." Colby smiled. "And we'll make sure to include Maverick and Remi in the naming process, too." Ryan grinned. "Yeah, we're all in this together. Always."

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