Sydney Sage I miss you and Wren so much, dude. delivered
Sydney Sage It's so weird to me when you have actual plans with a boy instead of us, your family. delivered
Baby Chandler Like you don't also have a man you're spending time with, dude. delivered
Sydney Sage Well yeah, I guess. delivered
Sydney Sage But I kinda adore this one. I know how much I joked about wanting a hockey man all to myself. But honestly think he might be the man of my dreams, Chan. delivered
Baby Chandler I get it. I'm kinda feeling the same way about Trevor but I think it's just me romanticizing the fact that I'm having sex with someone on the regular. delivered
Sydney Sage Yeah, I get what you mean. I can't wait to see you guys around each other in person again. Whenever that finally happens. delivered
Sydney Sage You should convince Z to invite you to the team's family events. Pretty sure there's a skate day soon. I'm Gibby's plus one for the foreseeable future. delivered
Baby Chandler Oh my gosh, Syd. delivered
Baby Chandler I might try tbh. It would be cool to take Wren out on the ice with the guys. delivered
Sydney Sage Gibby is over for dinner. I was thinking alfredo. Could that tempt you and Wren into coming over for dinner? delivered
Baby Chandler Yes 100%. delivered
Sydney Sage You're also allowed to invite Z if you want. delivered
Baby Chandler I think I can survive a night without him. delivered
Baby Chandler We're coming over now, she's so hyped to see you. And probably, more importantly, Tank. delivered
Sydney Sage Yes okay fine with me. I'll make sure I'm wearing pants. delivered
Baby Chandler Jesus Christ, Syd, you better be fully dressed when we get there or I will puke. delivered
Sydney Sage Love youuuu. read | 4:57 p.m.
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