Working for a wolf devil.

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Felix's POV at the club 11:25 PM

I am Lee Felix, 23 years old, and I came from a poor family, so I have to make extra money to help my family with financial problems my brother is only 10 years old, and I have to save up money for his school bills. I work at a hostess club meaning a club/bar with woman who serve you when you book them although I am a man, so I have to dress in a maid fit which I guess works out saying as I am flat *Ehem* everywhere. "Felix!" "Oh yes sir?" "Another male customer has asked for you." "Okay which room?" "Room 24" Room 24 alright you got this Felix for your brother. "Hello sir" "Come in." Wow what a handsome voice I wonder who my client is? Just bow Felix. "How may I help you sir." "Sit" Sit on his lap? "Yes sir" Did he just put his arm around me? "How can I serve you?" "Just stay here with me for a while." So he just wants me to sit on his lap, while he hugs me, and puts his head on my shoulder? Well he looks rich meaning I will get paid a lot for this. *Sigh* I have to stay strong!

"Sir you are up?" "Sorry for my rudeness last night." "it is no worries this is my job!" "I am leaving now oh, and your payment is up front." "Bye thanks!" *phew* He gave me shivers going down my spine he seems nice, but that look of his is intimidating. Let me go get my pay. "Hey Felix here is the pay he left!" "Thanks Nayeon." Woah god damn ten thousand dollars for one night he really was rich. "Okay well I will check back in later tonight." "Okay bye Lix!" "Bye Nayeon, and bye to you too Hwasa!" "Oh bye." *Sigh* Today was a good day for me, but Jihyun is probably waiting for me to return. 

At his house

"Jihyun I am home!" "Lixie your back!" "Did you do your homework?" "Mhm I did!" "Good what do you want to eat?" "I want tteboki!" "Okay, but you eat it way too much it isn't healthy next time I am going to make something healthy." "Humph fine..." This kid what am I going to do with him? I should get started with the tteboki though. "Jihyun do you want it spicy?" "Yes please!" Okay spicy that should be enough time to plate it. "Jihyun tteboki is ready!" "Yay!" "Is it good?" "Yep it is delicious" "listen Jihyun brother-" "Has to work don't worry I get it I have gotten used to it by now." "Sorry, but we can go to the zoo if you want this weekend?" "Sure!" Jihyun I am sorry, but this is for you. "Let's get your homework done" "okay.." "So 5 x 5 is?" "25!" "Correct!" Shoot it is almost time for me to work again  how did time go so fast? I left the club at around 2pm, then at 4 I got home because I had to walk home, then at 4-5 we ate, finally 5-6 we got homework done. Man I am late! "Jihyun I have to go now" "okay bye hyung" "see you later!" I have to run. 

At the club No one's POV

"Sorry I am late Nayeon!" "It is fine Lix, but you got room 24 again." "Alright." Felix walked over to room 24 to hear the same voice. "Sir I am coming in!" "Oh yes come in." "How may I serve you sir?" "I want to talk to you." "Oh sure?" "Ehem this is a bit weird, but I fell in love with you at our first meeting.." Felix was shocked his client fell for him, well many did a lot of men actually, but his richest client ever fell in love with him? "Don't worry sir everyone does.." "what?" "A lot of men seem to find a liking to me no need to be shy about it." "Sorry, but I think you got it wrong-" "I understand that you have taken a liking to my hosting I mean I am a host after all." "Yeah sure.." "Am I wrong?" "No your not wrong you got it all right.." Felix was confused obviously his client took a liking to him right? "What is your name?" "My name is Lee Felix, but most people call me Lix." "Lix that is a cute name.." "Thank you, and your name is?" "Hwang Hyunjin." Felix was surprised one of the biggest ambassadors son liked his hosting. "Hwang Hyunjin?" "Confusing right." "Kind of." "Listen Lix instead of working here at the club how about working for me instead." "Working for you seems nice, but what am I doing?" "Be my personal maid, you will get paid thirty thousand for every day you come." "That is a good offer although I have a younger brother so I don't know if I can do that." "You two can live with me." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "No conditions, or anything strange going on?" "Mhm guaranteed" Felix couldn't refuse he got payed a lot more, and it seemed like a good job. "Fine I agree.." "Alright see you tomorrow then your dismissed oh, and here is the address." "See you tomorrow." "Pack your bags remember!" "I know."

The next day No one's POV

Felix, and Jihyun headed to the address the next day ready to see where they were going to live for the next few years, months, or so. *Ding Dong* "Hello?" "Uh hi I am the new personal maid." "Oh yes come in." Felix took his brother's hand, and went inside following the old woman. "Oh Lix your here." "Yep so where can I put my items?" "In the guest room follow me." Hyunjin lead them to their new living space "This is where you two will be staying" "Thanks Hyunjin." As Hyunjin left the two to get their stuff in the right places, Felix saw an outfit a maid outfit this wouldn't be all that bad if it wasn't for the outfit being for woman. Felix was ashamed to put this on in front of his younger brother. "I must look pathetic to you Jihyun.." He started to tear up. "It isn't pathetic when your trying your hardest for someone you love Lixie." "Your right I guess.." "No I know I am right Lixie now go, and try your hardest!" For Felix seeing his 7 year old brother talk as if he was an adult was worrying, but he knew it was for the best that his brother acted mature. "Alright set your toys up I will go now." Jihyun nodded. Felix walked downstairs to see a girl clinging on to Hyunjin "I am done getting dressed.." "Good." The girl looked at Felix with disgust, and back at Hyunjin with loving eyes. "What should I do first?" "Well you can start by getting me a glass of water, and can you sort out my files." "Sure Hyunjin." "Oh also call me Sir." "Of course sir." Felix was raging inside, but for the sake of money he did what he was asked. 

Felix looked around Hyunjin's office for the files noticing a ring on the table, it seemed quite expensive. "It is nice right?" "Huh oh yes.." "It is our rings." "Are you two perhaps married?" "No we're engaged as if of right now." "Oh apologies ma'am I should've known my place." "Yes you should've." Felix quickly grabbed the files, and rushed out of the room. *Sigh* -This is a lot harder than I thought.- Felix thought to himself, he got the files all sorted out, but by the time he finished he was tired, and felt faint there was pile after pile after piles of files to sort out being stuck in such an uncomfortable chair made it worse. He decided to take a break, walking out he noticed Jihyun, and the lady from earlier was HITTING HIM? Felix rushed over to his brother protecting him, his actions resulted in him getting smacked instead. "YOU STUPID MAID GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Felix slapped the woman. "Shut up who do you think you are?" "I am-" "Your what someone who is engaged to my boss, woman please you can't even get him to marry you." "Y-You how dare you say that to me!" "What did my brother even do?" "H-He ruined my expensive dress." "NO I DIDN'T I WAS JUST THERE AT THE WRONG TIME!" "If he says he didn't he didn't." "NO HE IS A ANNOYING WASTE OF SPACE!" Felix had enough he grabbed the woman by her hair, and slapped her again she fell to the ground this time with mascara running down her face. "What is going on here?" "HYUNJIN I am so glad your here this maniac came out of no where, and hit me!" Hyunjin looked over at Felix who was now sitting on the floor sobbing frantically holding his brother. "Is this true Lix?" "N-No she came, and accused me of ruining her dress, when I didn't I was busy with the files, and then she grabbed my brother, and tried to hurt him resulting in slapping me after I tried to protect him, then she hit herself, and said that she would get you to fire me.." Of course Felix knew only a bit of this was true, but he noticed before there were no security cameras so there was no way of getting evidence. "WHAT THIS SKAVING WENCH IS LYING!" "ENOUGH!" 

Hyunjin looked furious was this the end for Felix?

(Message from author) Hello so I know I know "Bubbles why are you making so many new stories you haven't finished one yet?" Well that is because I have many new ideas also hope you guys enjoyed. And as always Eat, and Sleep well^^

Word Count: 1658 Words<3

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