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The next morning No one's POV

Felix woke up with his eyes all puffy from crying himself to sleep the night before. "God I hate crying so much." Felix was lost in thought. "Lixie I am off to school now!" Jihyeon came skipping happily into the bathroom. "Oh it is time already okay well then you have fun!" "Bye bye!" Felix washed up feeling quite refreshed, although he was determined to find out who Choi Yeonjun was. He ran downstairs to make breakfast for Hyunjin, even if he hated his guts he still had to attend to him. "F-Felix.." "What do you want for breakfast?" "You." Hyunjin whispered into Felix's ear. Felix quickly pushed him away. "I don't know if you were too drunk last night to remember, but we broke up I ended it with you already." "I remember.." "Then stop acting like we are still together." "I am sorry." "I am surprised you still have enough dignity to say sorry." "I APOLOGIZED ALREADY WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!" "See this is the wolf devil I know." "Look I am sorry for yelling, for lying, for everything, so please don't forget everything we did together.." Hyunjin took Felix's hands, he put on his sorry expression to make Felix melt, but he didn't realized that the Felix who loved, and cared for him was long gone since last night. "Hyunjin your giving me a headache." "Why?" Felix turned to look at Hyunjin. "Why because you cheated, you brought this onto yourself." Felix was surprised he said that he wasn't the badass bottom that was showing now, he was soft, caring, had a big heart, but at last in this world that kind of persona will get your heart broken.

Later that day

Hyunjin had a business meeting that day, saying as Felix was still his personal maid, he took him along. "Quick it is the boss!" "Why is he here so early?" "Shoot the documents still aren't done!" Felix could hear all their whispers it seemed his boss had a very big reputation. "Let's start the meeting." "Erm well Mr. Hwang this is Mr. Choi.." "Mr. Choi I heard you were coming today it is a pleasure to meet you." Felix looked up at the supposed Mr. Choi. It was the man from last night! He was Mr. Choi! "Yes Mr. Hwang it is a pleasure to meet you as well." The two shook hands, Mr. Choi glanced at Felix with his eyes widening with shock. Hyunjin noticed he look Mr. Choi was giving to his personal maid. "Sir has my personal maid perhaps offended you?" "Oh no Mr. Hwang he just looks familiar?" "Oh really." Hyunjin glared at Felix. "In what way?" "He looks like someone I met the day before?" "Maybe you have met him he is with me 24/7, so it is possible?" "Well then maybe that is it Mr. Hwang." The meeting continued, the tension was very awkward throughout most of it due to all the stares Felix was getting from both Hyunjin, and Mr. Choi. "I hope we can continue our contract further into the future Mr. Hwang." "I do as well Mr. Choi." 'Uh well I must take my leave now, but can someone appoint me to the door?" "Sure." Hyunjin turned to Felix. "Felix what are you waiting for?" "Oh!" Felix quickly got out of his trance running to Mr. Choi. "Apologies this way sir!" The two continued to walk to the door together with Felix leading the way.

"Right here Mr. Choi." "Admit it." "Sorry, but what do you mean Mr. Choi?" "Your the boy from the other night." "Ah that well-" "Can I add you onto wechat?" "Mr. Choi I don't know if that is very appropriate." "It only isn't appropriate if you make it seem as so." "Uh very well then." "Great!" Felix gave a last goodbye to Mr. Choi rushing to get back to Hyunjin's side. "Mr. Hwang I am back." *SLAM* Hyunjin pinned Felix to a wall after locking the door. "Why were you gone for so long?" "It isn't any of your business, also didn't you ask me to see him off?" "Felix my patience is very low, and your not any exception." "Yes I know boss." "Then tell me why does he think you look familiar?" "Mr. Hwang I suggest you keep to your boundaries." "This is MY company I can do as I please." "Yes well I have a fist, and I am hoping I won't have to use it." Hyunjin scowled at Felix. "Why have you become like this?" "You should ask yourself that question Mr. Hwang." "YOU-" "Control yourself Mr. Hwang don't make things worse for the both of us." With that statement Hyunjin just glared at Felix, and walked to the car. The two went home after a very awkward car drive. Felix went to his room because it was his break luckily. *Ding!* "Mr. Choi?" Felix picked up the phone. "Hello Mr. Choi." "No need for formalities." "Yes erm.." "Yeonjun I don't suppose you forgot already?" "No sir.." "Good I wanted to ask you if you were perhaps free this weekend?" "For?" "I want to take you out somewhere." "So your asking me out on a date?" "I guess you could put it that way?" Felix hesitated for a moment he knew he had just broken up with someone, so he wasn't sure if he was yet ready for another relationship. "Okay I will go out with you." "I will pick you up at 10:00 AM then, just dress casually!" "See you.." *Beep* Felix had hung up, he had to look for someone to babysit Jihyeon he couldn't trust Hyunjin with him anymore. Luckily Han Jisung Felix's best friends said he would gladly help Felix, because his new boyfriend Minho was good with kids. Then it was settled he would be going on this date with Mr. Choi.

(Message from author) Hello, so I know I said this series would be over soon, but I feel like that would be a tad bit boring? So Kiss a Maid is getting more chapters hopefully! I hope you enjoyed the story! And as always Eat, and Sleep well^^ ~Bubbles~

Word Count 1036 Words<3

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