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Hyunjin's house. No one's POV

Felix awoken due to the new maids cleaning. "Good morning." Hyunjin was in the room getting dressed for work, Felix stayed quiet not feeling like talking. "Breakfast is made don't starve yourself." Hyunjin kissed Felix on the forehead. "Rest well while I am at work." As Hyunjin left, Felix made sure he heard the front door. When he finally heard it he pulled out the phone he found last night in one of the maids rooms, he called Yeonjun. "FELIX!" "Hyung shh.." "Right.." "I am at Hyunjin's place please come get me!" "I will just wait for me.." "HURRY." The call ended, Felix walked downstairs trying his best not to look suspicious while eating his breakfast. Hyunjin returned home early, Felix was confused why he got here earlier than Yeonjun. "Your home.." "Yes did you miss me?" Felix nodded. "Since you were obedient I will grant you one wish." "I want to go home.." "Besides that." "Why can't you just let me go." "I won't let you go Lix, not unless you become mine again." "I will never become yours again." "Well then you will never leave." Hyunjin whispered into Felix's ear. That night Felix went to get some water downstairs, he heard knocking on the kitchen back door, he opened it after grabbing the key secretly from Hyunjin's bedside table. "Yeonjun!" "Shhh hurry." Felix took his hand, and they both ran to the car as fast as they could. "JIHYEON!" "LIXIE!" "Were going to Florida." "Florida why?" "Because we need to change our whole life styles, and live there where he won't find us." "Right right.." Yeonjun drove them to the airport, they were in a rush as they were scared Hyunjin would find them. "Get on hurry." They were taking off, Felix felt at peace knowing that he was now safe.

Hyunjin woke up to his maid shouting for him to wake up. He saw the door open, and his lover missing. He was pissed. "FIND HIM SEARCH EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD FOR HIM!" His team searched everywhere day, and night, but Felix was no where to be found.

A month later

Felix was living peacefully with Jihyeon, and Yeonjun in Florida. Not once did Hyunjin cross his mind he wasn't dating anyone because he didn't want to go through any of it again. Hyunjin was stressed, and tired. He couldn't find Felix anywhere, and his work was building up at the company, but he wouldn't give up. "BOSS!" "Mhm?" "WE FOUND HIM!" "WHAT!" Hyunjin shot up from his chair. "He is in Florida as if of right now." Hyunjin was ecstatic to hear the news. "Quickly book me a flight." That night Hyunjin packed up, he boarded the plane happily ready to see his lost lover. "This must be it.." Hyunjin thought to himself before walking into the apartment building. *Knock Knock* "Coming hold on!" Felix opened the door. "Yeonjun your back!" "Yeonjun?" "Hyunjin..." Felix took a step back, he quickly reacted after his shock trying to close the door, but of course he was weaker than Hyunjin. "I missed you love." "I didn't." Felix tried again to push Hyunjin out, but no luck. "Leave." "Come back with me.." "No." "Felix I can't sleep, or eat enough without you.." "Not my problem leave now." "Felix please come back with me.." Hyunjin hugged Felix gently, Felix still had a soft spot for him, but he knew better than to go with him. "I said leave." Felix successfully got Hyunjin out he quickly shut the door. "LOVE!" Felix sighed with relief. Hyunjin sat at the doorstep waiting for Felix to change his mind. "Felix.." Felix was shocked that he was still there. "Go away.." "Please Lix.." "No." Hyunjin stood up walking downstairs. "Fine, but I will be back.." Felix was sobbing all because of a one month dating trial he was kidnapped, and now Hyunjin is back. 

(Message from author) Annyeong! I hope you guys enjoyed this part of the series, I know a bit toxic, but trust me when I say I am aware that it is pretty toxic...T^T apologies, but I will make more stories saying as I only have two for right now I think I am going to make two more at least because I feel like this series is coming to an end, but who really knows? And as always Eat, and Sleep well^^

Word Count: 735 Words <3


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