Sober up.

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No One's POV the next morning

Felix slept out in the living room, but the sound of someone hovering over him woke him up. "Felix you up?" "Yeah.." "Sorry about yesterday." "It isn't your fault it is okay.." "Well to make up for it I would like to take you on a date?" "I don't know Hyunjin." "Please come on we barely get any time together anymore.." Hyunjin gave Felix his big puppy eyed look. "I guess.." "Great get dressed!" "Okay." Hyunjin ran out excitedly going to get ready for their date. Felix went upstairs to get dressed still upset waiting for Jihyeon to come from school so he could apologize. "This should be fine I don't really know what else would match Hyunjin?" Felix walked downstairs, Hyunjin turned around seeing Felix in his outfit made him turn a dark red he felt as if he was going to explode at any moment. "Do I look good?" "Very good my love.."


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Hyunjin walked over to Felix kissing him on the cheek. "Let's go" "Yeah.." The two walked to one of Hyunjin's many cars. "Let me open it for you." "Thank you." Hyunjin started the car, and the two drove off. Driving, and talking was a good way for Felix to get his mind off things, but before he knew it they were already at the resturant. "Take my hand darling." Felix took Hyunjin's hand getting out of the car. "Hello sir do you have a reservation?" "Yes I do it should be under Hwang Hyunjin." "Oh your an ambassador apologies for not noticing sooner sir your table is all ready." "Don't sweat it come on dear." Hyunjn walked to a very luxurious table setting smiling at his little lover. "Sit." "Thank you Hyunjin." "No problem, but later you have a fee." "A fee?" "I want 1,000 kisses." "Ehem we can talk about that kind of fee later.." Felix blushed a bit. "Hyunjin is that you?" A gorgeous, young woman walked up to the two she seemed like a model. "Uh who are you?" "Stop pretending I was one of your blind dates." "Oh.." "Who is this another hook up?" Felix looked down at his empty plate. "No he is my boyfriend." "Boyfriend?" "Yes" "Wow who could have known the player himself is loyal?" "Hyunjin on second thought let's go.." Hyunjin knew Felix was upset so he nodded in agreement. On the ride home the two remained silent. "Felix listen.." "Forget it." Hyunjin was a bit torn, how could his beauty be so indifferent to him because of an old blind date.

Felix walked into the house to find Jihyeon. "Jihyeon!" "Brother.." "Sorry." "What?" "I am apologizing for my actions yesterday.." Jihyeon had tears streaming down. "I AM SORRY TOO!" He exclaimed while hugging Felix, Felix smiled feeling the warmth of his brothers hug. "Go do your homework now." "Okay!" "Study hard!" "Felix listen.." "I get it your rich so you obviously had a lot of blind dates.." "You get it great!" "Yeah.." Hyunjin kissed Felix on the cheek. "Okay well I have another 'business meeting' so see you later." "Another one?" "Yeah sorry, but I promise someday we will have a full day together again!" "Okay.." Hyunjin shut the front door, when he left Felix felt a cold shiver running down his spine he didn't understand why. That night he lied in bed thinking about Hyunjin, and when he would return, it wasn't until midnight when Hyunjin returned home, all drunk, and had a strong stench of beer. "Hyunjin?" "bAby~" "Your drunk again.." "No I am not~" "Yes you are." "Hug me love!" Felix was tired of the smell of beer, and other people's perfume all over him. *Ring Ring* "Hyunjin your phone." "Forget it!" Felix just sighed picking up his phone to decline the call, until he saw the name 'Veronica' Felix looked over at Hyunjin he felt he shouldn't snoop around, but he picked up the call anyways. "Hyunjin did you get home okay our blind date was amazing we should do it again sometime I get you may be drunk so I will leave you for tonight!" A womans voice projected loud, and clear out of the call *Beep*. Suddenly Felix's whole world came crashing down, he actually believed Hyunjin really liked him so the girl from the resturant was right he was just a plain hook-up. Felix sat next to Hyunjin who fell asleep on he couch he just sobbed. He felt betrayed like someone had stabbed him in his heart.

So he ran as far as he could away from the mansion, crying while running to no where was something Felix had done before. "Ouch!" Felix had bumped into someone. "Sorry sir!" "Are you okay?" "No not really.." The man wiped Felix's tears "Do you need a hug?" "I am fine really.." "No you just said you weren't fine?" "Did I well maybe you heard wrong?" The man hugged Felix either way. "No one should have to feel sad on their own, so let me be sad with you.." The man whispered into Felix's ear, Felix hugged the man back after a while. "Thank you.." "No worries I am not a creepy guy, just wanted to help." "I have to go back home now, but before I go may I have your name so in the future if we meet again I can repay your kindness.." "Sure my name is Choi Yeonjun." "Thank you for today Yeonjun" "I didn't do a lot go back home now before it gets even colder!" "Okay see you again maybe?" "Bye!" Felix walked home feeling warm again even though Yeonjun was just a stranger to him he still felt some sort of connection to him maybe it was his heart that made Felix feel happy. "Lee Felix!" Hyunjin was waiting for Felix at the porch. "Where did you go?" "Hyunjin let's break up." "What?" "You heard me stop asking again." "No, but why now?" "Because Veronica may be upset if she finds out." ' went through my phone" "So?" "You went through my privacy!" "Oh sorry about that." "Felix stop acting so cold to me.." "Stop acting desperate first." "You" "What mad, so am I." "Why?" "Stop asking questions we aren't dating that is final." Hyunjin felt angry, sad, torn all at the same time, but he knew it was his fault. "Okay let's break up then.."

(Message from author) Let's go Felix in his badass phase! Sorry anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this series, I am thinking about completing it soon T^T sadly because I want to be able to focus on a few series at once so I am probably going to keep doing three at a time some longer than others, but I really want to finish one series so this is going to be finished first. And as always Eat, and Sleep well^^

Word Count: 1175 Words<3

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