Snooping Gone Wrong

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"Good morning honey!" Miles cheered as you walked into the kitchen, a tired expression on your face because you had stayed up all night working on your computer. You flash him an apologetic smile as if you were saying, sorry I didn't wake up in time, but he didn't mind.

He loved helping out especially when he realised you really needed it. Your husband kisses your temple and places your plate on the table, smiling down at you as you sit. "How did you sleep?" "Like ass." You openly admit, "how about you?" You didn't get to see Miles come in last night, so you hadn't a clue if he even spent the night in bed with you.

It wasn't likely though, because many of mornings you would wake up and find him sleeping on the couch with his work clothes still on.

Miles gives you a smile that was obviously fake to the trained eye. "Me? I slept great last night! You should've seen me. All passed out and cuddling the sheets next to you~ Haha.." Yeah. Ha indeed. His side of the bed barely had any wrinkles if you could recall.

You didn't like the way he moved sometimes. He's always been off, ever since you guys first met! And it was really off because you were in trouble with your boss, at an old job, running to get back to work with coffee for the other office members, when you almost slipped and fell on the slippery concrete outside. The coffee could've fallen and burnt you, but you were just pulled up and into the arms of this tall, strong black man. His other hand was on your tray of coffee.

He came from nowhere, literally. And here he was, your hero for the day.

So, you sensed he was off just from that first meeting. When you guys met again he was actually coming into your old workplace for a job interview, and you two were 18 at the time.

You stir the cup of tea in front of you as you stared at Miles while he cleaned the kitchen. You look at his attire. He was dressed in his work clothes. Either he never changed out of them or he was dressed for work.

"Something the matter?" Miles' asked with his back turned. He could feel your eyes on him. "No." You look away. You were burning with questions. Saturdays he didn't have work. "Why are you dressed for work?"

Miles' body tensed visually, then he took a breath and turned to face you, grabbing a toast from the table and biting into it giving you a bright smile. "I have work today! Why?" You try your best not to screw your face. You weren't about to be playing 20 questions now. You were gonna head straight to the point.

"I thought you didn't work on Saturdays."

"The shift changed. I have to take over for a coworker and work Saturdays now!"

"Which coworker? Susan? She's the only one I know about that's your lab partner."

"Susan? Oh. Yeah, Susan. She's the one."

Hm. Oh yeah, Susan? What kind of response was that? You bite your tongue and you don't say anything else. Miles could tell you didn't approve of his words. He could tell you were upset but he really didn't want to argue with you. You already started off the morning waking up late, he didn't want your day to start off a bad one. "Okay honey I don't have a clue where you're coming from or getting at, but I am going to work now! I love you, and I will call you when I get there mi amor."

He gives you a soft kiss at the corner of your lips, to tease you a little. When Miles pulls back he looks into your eyes with stars in his, because he admired you so much. "See you soon love." He picks up his car keys and he leaves the house, leaving you sitting and plotting.

You got up and washed the dishes. Miles. Was. Weird.

Let's get one thing straight.

He was hiding something and you didn't have all those brains for nothing. You've been in enough relationships to know when your man was cheating. Definitely. You had a feeling this nigga was cheating.

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