Chapter 7

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August 7, 1998

I woke up to the gentle rays of sunlight peeking through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Stretching my arms, I blinked a few times, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. It took a moment to remember where I was. I had spent the night at Ginny's, and today was the day we were heading back to Hogwarts for the first time since we had defeated Voldemort.

As I sat up, I saw Ginny already awake and bustling about the room, getting ready for the day ahead. Her red hair danced around her shoulders as she moved, and she flashed me a bright smile. "Good morning, Sofia! How are you feeling? Ready for our trip to Hogwarts?"

"Good morning," I said with a smile, feeling a mixture of nerves and anticipation. "I'm a bit nervous, but I'm ready. I'm eager to find out if I graduated or not."

Just then, Hermione emerged from the bathroom, her hair pulled back in a neat bun and her face lit up with a warm smile. She joined the conversation, her voice optimistic and reassuring, "Me too! But I'm sure everything will be alright."

Once we had finished getting ready, the three of us descended the stairs, our footsteps reverberating through the tranquil house. As we entered the kitchen, we were greeted by the sight of Harry and Ron, who had already taken their seats at the table and were enjoying their breakfast.

"Morning, you three," Ron said, his voice filled with sleepiness. "Where are you off to?"

Hermione replied as we took a seat at the table, "We're going to enroll ourselves for our seventh year at Hogwarts."

Ron, with a mouthful of toast, raised an intrigued eyebrow at me and asked, "Didn't you already graduate?"

I gave a slight shrug as I ran my hand over my stomach. "Yeah, but I never got anything to confirm it."

Harry chuckled warmly as he handed me a cup of chia tea, which made me look at him with a mixture of confusion and shock.

"You have the same expression on your face that you always get when you're about to be ill." He said, slightly blushing.

"Thank you! And what about you two? Are you both planning to go back to Hogwarts too?" I asked, sipping my tea and conveying my genuine curiosity.

Harry shook his head sadly. "No. We've been offered amazing positions at the Ministry of Magic, and we couldn't pass up the opportunity."

Ginny, Hermione, and I exchanged surprised glances before Ginny exclaimed with excitement, "That's fantastic! Congratulations!"

Hermione nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, well done, both of you. You'll do great things at the Ministry."

I joined in, adding, "I'm proud of you guys. It's a huge achievement."

Harry and Ron grinned, clearly pleased with our reactions. "Thanks, everyone. We're pretty excited about it too."

With that, we bid Harry and Ron farewell and made our way to Hogwarts. As we walked, discussing our plans for the upcoming year, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and curiosity about what the day would bring.


As I stepped off the Hogwarts Express alongside Ginny and Hermione, a wave of nervousness washed over me. The sight of Hogwarts Castle in all its magnificence filled me with awe and excitement. It had been three months since I last set foot in this magical place, but as we made our way towards the castle, something stirred within me.

Suddenly, flashes of memories began to bombard my mind. I saw myself walking down the Great Hall, nervously waiting to be sorted into my house. The Sorting Hat's voice echoed in my ears, offering guidance and a sense of belonging. The memories continued to flood in, overwhelming me with their intensity.

I could remember vividly the countless thrilling adventures, meaningful friendships, and difficult challenges I encountered during my stay at Hogwarts. From casting spells in Charms class to cheering on my house during Quidditch matches to laughing with friends in the Gryffindor common room, and even falling in love. Every memory was filled with bliss, nostalgia, and a tinge of sorrow.

Feeling my steps falter, I instinctively reached out for Hermione's arm for support. Ginny and Hermione instantly turned towards me, their faces filled with care and understanding. Without needing to utter a single word, they were able to fathom my distress and compassionately led me toward a nearby bench.

Hermione's hand rested reassuringly on my shoulder, and Ginny offered me a warm smile. "It's okay, Sofia," Hermione whispered. "We understand how overwhelming it can be to return to a place filled with so many memories."

Ginny nodded in agreement. "Take all the time you need, Sofia. We're right here with you."

I managed a weak smile, gratitude welling up within me. "Thank you, both. I think I just need a couple of minutes to gather myself. You can go ahead; I'll catch up."

Ginny and Hermione exchanged a knowing glance before giving me a final squeeze. "We'll be waiting for you outside of the library," Ginny said gently. "Remember, you're not alone. We're here for you."

As they left me alone, I took a deep breath, allowing the familiar surroundings to embrace me. I closed my eyes, surrendering to the rush of memories. The strength I had gained, the lessons I had learned, and the friendships that had sustained me washed over me like a comforting tide.

After taking a few moments to find my inner strength, I brushed away a tear and stood up. I was ready to take on the next chapter of my life with newfound courage and optimism, bolstered by the love and support of my friends. With their backing, I felt ready to face whatever was to come.


As I made my way through the corridors of Hogwarts, my heart raced with anticipation. Ginny and Hermione had told me to meet them outside the Library, where they would be talking to Professor McGonagall. The thought of seeing her again after so long filled me with a mix of joy and nervousness.

As I approached the Library, I could see them standing there, engaged in a conversation with Professor McGonagall. My emotions overwhelmed me, and tears threatened to spill from my eyes. But I held them back, not wanting to make a scene. I took a deep breath and approached the trio.

Professor McGonagall noticed my presence and turned toward me with a welcoming smile. Without hesitation, she gently pulled me into a warm hug. The floodgates opened, and I broke down, unable to control my tears any longer. I felt a mix of relief and embarrassment as I chuckled through my sobs, apologizing for my emotional outburst and blaming it on my "dumb hormones."

To my surprise, Professor McGonagall looked at me with a raised eyebrow, clearly intrigued by my comment. Ginny and Hermione couldn't help but chuckle at my candid response. Curiosity filled the air as Professor McGonagall asked if I was expecting. With a nod, I confirmed that I was indeed pregnant, and not only that but with twins.

A genuine smile spread across McGonagall's face as she congratulated me on the news. She then proceeded to ask me a few more questions about my pregnancy, showing her caring and nurturing side. We discussed my well-being and plans for the future, and I felt a sense of comfort knowing that she genuinely cared about me.

After our conversation about my pregnancy, Professor McGonagall revealed the true reason for my visit. She informed me that I had indeed graduated from Hogwarts, and not only that, but I had passed all my classes without needing to take any exams. I was shocked and elated by the news, barely able to believe my ears.

Ginny and Hermione's excitement was contagious as they enthusiastically congratulated me on my achievement. With heartfelt goodbyes to Professor McGonagall, we set off towards Hogsmeade, ready to celebrate. Our mission was twofold: to commemorate my graduation and to help me find a job.

As we wandered through the charming streets of Hogsmeade, we stumbled upon the very tea shop that I had always loved. To my amazement, they were hiring, and without hesitation, I applied for the position. The shop owner was delighted to have me on board, and I happily accepted the job offer.

At that moment, surrounded by my supportive friends, I felt a sense of fulfillment and excitement for the future. Hogwarts had been a crucial chapter in my life, and now, armed with my graduation and the prospect of a new job, I was ready to embark on the next adventure that awaited me.

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