Chapter 15

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With a trembling grip, I carefully shut the shop door behind me, my heart torn by the storm of emotions raging within me. Draco followed me outside, his eyes filled with remorse as he pleaded for a chance to explain. But I couldn't bear to listen to his words, not after all this time.

His mere presence was enough to amplify the chaotic tempest raging inside me. I spun around, tears blurring my vision, a maelstrom of emotions engulfing me. My anger surged like a tsunami, and I raised my arm, ready to strike out. But the weariness that followed soon quelled my rage, and my arm fell limply by my side in surrender. I realized that violence could never heal the profound wounds I had been carrying.

The words choked out of me, punctuated by sobs. "All this time... I thought you were dead." Draco's regretful gaze met mine, and he whispered, "I'm so sorry."

Through my tears, I tried to explain the depth of my sorrow. "I want to believe you," I whimpered, "but I can't do this right now. I have to get back to..." My words were cut off by Draco, his voice barely audible as tears streamed down his face. "Our kids."

"Yes," I whispered, barely audible against the backdrop of my anguish as I walked away, leaving him broken and crying. My vision blurring, I hastily wiped away my tears before entering the store, where Harry, Ginny, and my children were waiting.


As we silently made our way back home, walking through the familiar streets, I glanced over at Harry and Ginny, feeling a mix of nerves and hope welling up inside me. It was late in the evening, and the sun was beginning to set, casting a soft golden glow over everything around us.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered the courage to speak up. "Hey," I said softly, catching their attention. "I was wondering if you both don't have any plans for tonight. Would it be alright if you could keep my kids for tonight? I need to sort through some things," I emphasized, my voice barely above a whisper.

Harry and Ginny exchanged a glance, their expressions full of understanding. They knew what I meant by "things." The weight of my recent challenges had been overwhelming, and I desperately needed some time alone to gather my thoughts and find some clarity.

"Of course, Sofia," Ginny replied gently, her voice filled with empathy. "We'd be happy to have them over. It'll be like a little sleepover!"

Relief washed over me as I thanked them sincerely. Their support meant the world to me, and I knew my kids would be safe and loved with Harry and Ginny. Crouching down to be eye level with my children, I held their small hands in mine, their innocent eyes fixed upon me.

"Listen, my darlings," I began, my voice filled with love and reassurance. "I need you to stay with Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry tonight, alright? But don't worry, tomorrow I'll come and get you, and we'll make pancakes together for my birthday!"

Excitement sparkled in their eyes as they nodded eagerly, their little faces lighting up with joy. They tackled me in a big hug, their tiny arms wrapping tightly around me. The warmth of their embrace melted away my worries, if only for a moment.

As they started to walk away, a bittersweet smile played on my lips. I watched them go, feeling a mixture of pride and a pang of longing. They were growing up so quickly, but at that moment, they were still my babies, filled with innocence and love.


As I closed the front door behind me, a heavy wave of exhaustion washed over me. The weight of the day settled on my shoulders, and I had to summon all my strength to keep myself from crumbling. Slowly, I made my way towards the couch, my haven, and sank into its comforting embrace.

Pulling my legs to my chest, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, desperately trying to hold back the tears threatening to escape. It had been an overwhelming day, filled with emotions I never thought I would experience again. And now, as I sat there in the solitude of my living room, the truth that had been hidden from me for so long came crashing down like a tidal wave.

Just as I thought I couldn't bear the weight of it all any longer, the front door creaked open, and in walked Harry. Without a word, he sat down beside me, his presence offering solace amidst the chaos of my thoughts.

I looked at Harry, tears welling up in my eyes, and mustered the strength to speak. "I can't believe I spent eight years believing that he was dead when he wasn't," I said, the pain evident in my words.

The memory of Harry's reaction when he saw Draco in the shop flooded my mind, and I couldn't hold back the question that had been haunting me. "Did you or the others know he was alive?" I asked, my voice filled with a mix of hope and fear.

Harry met my gaze, his expression heavy with sorrow. He nodded silently, confirming my worst fear. The tears fell from my eyes, my heart breaking at the realization. Harry apologized, his voice filled with remorse. He admitted that he had been the only one who knew and had kept the truth from me for a whole year.

A surge of disbelief washed over me, and I stood up, shaking my head in disbelief. I wanted to retreat to my room, to process everything that had been revealed. But Harry reached out, stopping me in my tracks. I looked up at him, tears still streaming down my face, and saw the sincerity in his eyes as he spoke his apology.

"I am so sorry for not telling you. It was wrong of me to believe that you were better off without him, without considering how it would affect you and your kids. I couldn't bear to see him hurt you even more. But now I realize how wrong I was and that he meant well, just went about it the wrong way. So whether you give him another chance or not, know that we'll always be there for you. We trust you'll do what's best for you and your kids."

His words moved me deeply, and I clung to Harry in a tight hug. Tears ran down my cheeks as I felt the pain, relief, and confusion in my heart. He kissed my head, and his embrace gave me comfort in my distress. "Thank you so much, Harry," I murmured, my voice full of admiration. "I'm so grateful to you and the others for all you have done for me and my children. You have always been more than just friends to me. You are part of my family, more like brothers and sisters to me."

Harry chuckled, pulling away from the hug, but his concern remained etched on his face. He asked if I would be okay tonight, and I managed a small smile through my tears, nodding my head. Walking him to the door, I bid him goodnight, thanking him once again for his kindness and for letting my kids spend the night at his and Ginny's place.

Watching Harry disappear down the street, a whirlwind of emotions filled my heart. The pain of the past was still raw, and the newfound truth was difficult to process, but I knew I had the love and support of my children and family. Tonight, I would find solace in their embrace and draw strength from within myself to navigate the uncertain path ahead.

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