Chapter 11

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January 28, 1999
(3 months later)

As I walked out of my room, a sudden gasp escaped my lips. My eyes widened in shock, and I couldn't help but call out to whoever was nearby. "Guys!" I exclaimed, hoping they would hear me. To my relief, Ron rounded the corner, his eyes widening as he dropped his bag of chips. "Is it time?" he asked, his voice filled with both excitement and panic.

I groaned, feeling the discomfort intensify. "Yes, Ron, it's time," I replied, trying to hide my nervousness. Realizing we needed help, Ron quickly called out for Harry. Harry, with wet hair from showering, hastily tugged on a shirt and rushed to join us. He took in the scene, his eyes widening as the reality sank in.

At that moment, Ron and Harry snapped out of their initial shock and jumped into action. They led me to the bathroom, unsure of what to do but determined to help. I clutched onto the bathroom sink, feeling a mix of excitement and fear coursing through my veins. This was happening, and I had a week left until the babies were supposed to arrive.

Through gritted teeth, I managed to tell them to call everyone, including the midwife Mrs. Weasley had recommended. Ron and Harry agreed, their eyes filled with determination, and they hurriedly ran out of the bathroom to fulfill my request. As I stood there alone, a sense of vulnerability washed over me. I couldn't help but feel a little scared, but deep down, I knew I had the support of my friends and family.

Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself and prepared for the journey ahead. I knew that no matter what, Ron, Harry, and the others would be there for me. As I awaited their return, I couldn't help but smile through the discomfort, knowing that soon I would hold my precious babies in my arms.


Moving so I can sit on the edge of the bathtub, my hands grip the sides as I feel another contraction wash over me. The pain was intense, but I knew I had to stay focused and breathe through it. Inhaling deeply, I exhaled slowly, trying to find a rhythm that would help me manage the waves of discomfort.

I had been waiting in the bathroom for what felt like hours, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the midwife. Harry and Ron had been kind enough to stay with me and keep me company during this challenging time. They had promised to update me as soon as they had any news about the midwife's arrival.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Harry stepped into the bathroom. His face was filled with concern as he saw me breathing through another contraction. "Sofia, how are you doing?" he asked gently, his voice laced with genuine care.

I looked up at him, my eyes welling up with tears that I fought to hold back. "I'm fine for now," I managed to say, my voice shaky but determined. "Just breathing through the contractions."

Harry nodded understandingly, his hand reaching out to offer support. "You're doing great, Sofia. Just keep breathing. We're here for you."

Feeling a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability, I managed a weak smile and nodded in acknowledgment. Then, a surge of concern washed over me, and I remembered the others. "Are the midwife and the others on their way?" I asked, my voice tinged with anxiety.

Harry's reassuring presence was comforting as he replied, "The midwife and your parents should be here shortly. And Ron went to get Ginny and Hermione so they'll be here as soon as they can."

Relief washed over me, knowing that my friends and family were making their way to support me during this pivotal moment. I took a deep breath, finding strength in their imminent arrival. I knew that with their love and encouragement, I could face whatever lay ahead.


As the midwife arrived at my house, I could feel the excitement and nervousness building up inside me. She met me in the bathroom, where I had been seeking solace during the intense contractions. She greeted me with a warm smile and guided me gently to my bed, where she assured me that everything would be okay.

With a calm and reassuring demeanor, the midwife began to check my dilation progress. I anxiously awaited her verdict, hoping to hear that I had made significant progress. She looked up at me and said, "You're at four centimeters, Sofia." My heart skipped a beat, and a wave of nerves washed over me. I knew I had a long way to go, but I also knew that I had the support of the midwife by my side.

Feeling overwhelmed, I mustered the courage to ask the midwife if my mom could stay in the room with us while everyone else waited in the living room. The midwife kindly agreed, understanding my need for familiar comfort during this intense experience. With my mom's presence, I felt a renewed sense of strength and determination.

Time seemed to stretch as the contractions intensified. After three hours and a half of intense labor, the midwife gently touched my arm and said, "It's time to push, Sofia." I took a deep breath, drawing upon every ounce of strength within me, and began to push. With each push, I could feel the immense effort and energy coursing through my body.

In just two minutes of pushing, a cry filled the room, and tears welled up in my eyes. My son had entered the world, and the relief that washed over me was indescribable. The midwife and her team quickly cleaned him up before running tests to ensure his well-being. To my immense joy, he passed with flying colors.

As I caught my breath, the midwife gently encouraged me to push again. I summoned all my remaining strength and pushed with determination. In just two in a half minutes, my daughter arrived, and I felt an overwhelming sense of relief flood through me. The midwife and her team swiftly took my daughter away to clean and check her, ensuring she was in perfect health, which thankfully she was.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of anticipation, the midwife placed my babies in my trembling arms. Instantly, I fell in love with their tiny faces, marveling at the precious lives I had brought into the world. As I glanced toward my mom, tears streaming down her cheeks, she praised me for my strength and resilience.

At that moment, surrounded by love and the beautiful cries of my newborns, I knew that all the pain and uncertainty had been worth it. I had crossed the threshold into motherhood, and the overwhelming joy and gratitude that filled my heart were beyond words.


As the midwife made sure everything was nice and cleaned, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I knew it was time to let my dad and the rest of the family in. I caught my mom's eye and gave her a reassuring nod, letting her know that everyone could come in now. She acknowledged it with a subtle nod of her own and gently placed my daughter into my arms before leaving the room to update the others.

Within seconds, I could hear gentle footsteps approaching. The room filled with a sense of anticipation mixed with quiet excitement. My father was the first to enter, his eyes instantly welling up with tears. He hugged me tightly, whispering how proud he was of me. Then, with a tender smile, he asked if he could hold the babies. I nodded, feeling a surge of joy as he cradled them in his arms.

Next came Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, their faces brimming with joy and curiosity. They asked if they could also hold the twins, and I happily obliged. Seeing their beaming smiles as they held my babies filled my heart with warmth.

Ginny and Harry entered the room next, their eyes glistening with tears of happiness. They gently embraced me, congratulating me on the arrival of my precious twins. As they held the babies, their emotions overflowed, and a few tears escaped. Their love and support meant the world to me.

Taking a seat at the edge of my bed, Ginny and Harry made way for Hermione and Ron. Hermione's eyes filled with tears as she held my babies, her expression a mix of awe and adoration. Ron, trying to hold back his tears, asked what their names were. I looked at him with a warm smile and shared that my son's name was Atlas John and my daughter's name was Stella Grace Mikaelson.

The room was filled with unanimous agreement that their names were truly beautiful. It was a moment of pure joy and love, as my family celebrated the arrival of Atlas and Stella. And in that moment, I knew that my children were surrounded by an abundance of love and support that would guide them throughout their lives.

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