Chapter 8

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September 17, 1998

As I looked at my reflection in the mirror one last time, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotions. Today was my gender reveal party, and Ginny and Hermione had been helping me set everything up at my house. The guests were starting to arrive, and I was taking longer than expected to get ready.

Just as I was about to leave to meet the others, I spotted the beautiful necklace Draco had gifted me for Christmas. My heart sank and tears welled up in my eyes. Draco, my first real love and the father of my children, was no longer with us. I had only recently heard the devastating news of his passing, and the grief was still so fresh.

I clutched the necklace tightly in my hand, feeling the weight of loss pressing down on me. How I wished Draco could be here to witness this joyous occasion, to share in the excitement of our gender reveal party. The thought of him not being able to experience any of it made me cry harder.

Unable to withstand the unbearable pain that gripped my heart any longer, I reached for my wand on the dresser. I clutched it tightly, seeking respite in the familiar solace it offered. The pain in my chest intensified a tangible agony that echoed the internal chaos I felt. I caressed my stomach, feeling the tiny lives growing within me, and silently apologized to Draco and our unborn children.

With a deep breath, I cast a spell to alleviate the pain, hoping to find some relief. But in my distraught state, the spell backfired. An unexpected surge of magic engulfed me, and in an instant, my memories of Draco were wiped away.

I found myself sitting on the edge of my bed, tears staining my face, completely disoriented. The weight of loss still lingered, but now, I couldn't even remember why I was mourning. Confusion washed over me as I tried to piece together what had just happened.

My attention was suddenly drawn to the sound of a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in," I managed to choke out, my voice trembling with a mix of emotions. Harry entered the room, concern etched on his face.

"Is everything okay, Sofia?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry. I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to share my inner turmoil. But today was meant to be about celebration, and I didn't want to burden my friends with my pain.

"Yeah, everything's okay," I replied, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. Harry sighed, sensing that there was more beneath the surface, but he respected my choice not to delve further.

Before we made our way out to join the others, I paused to take one last look in the mirror. I wiped away any traces of tears and followed Harry as I admired the beautiful job Ginny and Hermione had done in decorating the place.

"Ah, there you are!" Ginny exclaimed when she saw us, handing each of us a popper. "You look stunning! Are you ready to discover the gender of your babies?" she asked, as we followed her in anticipation.

As we joined my parents, Hermione, and Ron, I couldn't shake off the lingering sadness. But amidst the cheers and congratulations that filled the room, a glimmer of hope managed to find its way into my heart.

With a deep breath, we all twisted the popper, and in a burst of colors, the revelation was made. I was having a boy and a girl! The room erupted with joy and excitement, and for a brief moment, I allowed myself to be enveloped in the celebration.

As my heart rejoiced with the reverberating cheers, I experienced a complex blend of feelings. I was filled with joy for the blessings life had bestowed on me, but a deep longing for something that I couldn't quite recall also lingered.

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