Chapter 14

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July 22, 2006

As I walked behind the counter of the quaint tea shop, I noticed my coworker Scarlett diligently brewing a fresh pot of chamomile tea. It was a busy afternoon, with customers bustling in and out, enjoying their favorite blends and pastries.

Taking a deep breath, I approached Scarlett with a smile. "Hey, Scarlett," I called out, catching her attention. "I'm about to go on my lunch break. I'll be heading to the Three Broomsticks. Would you like me to bring you something back?"

Scarlett paused for a moment, her brows furrowing as she pondered her options. "Hmm, that sounds tempting. Actually, could you get me a grilled cheese sandwich? I've been craving one all day."

"Sure thing!" I replied, happy to help fulfill her craving. "Consider it done. I'll make sure to get you a delicious grilled cheese."

With that settled, I quickly grabbed my jacket and headed out of the tea shop, eager to enjoy a well-deserved break. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm golden glow over the bustling streets. As I made my way to the Three Broomsticks, the familiar aroma of freshly brewed butterbeer and food filled the air, making my stomach growl in anticipation.

Arriving at the pub, I found a comfortable spot near the window and settled in. The aroma of caramel wafted through the air, mingling with the soft chatter of fellow patrons. I placed my order for a hearty meal, savoring the thought of a quiet moment to myself.

After a short wait, my grilled cheese sandwich arrived, perfectly toasted and oozing with melted cheese. I took a bite, relishing the combination of flavors and textures. The warm, buttery bread and gooey cheese melted in my mouth, providing a comforting respite from the busy day.

As I enjoyed my meal, I couldn't help but think about Scarlett back at the tea shop, patiently attending to customers' needs. I hoped the grilled cheese would bring her a moment of delightful indulgence amidst her busy schedule.

With a satisfied sigh, I finished my lunch and headed back to the tea shop, holding a takeout bag that contained Scarlett's grilled cheese. However, when I stepped outside and rounded the corner, I was abruptly bumped into, causing me to groan in frustration as I dropped Scarlett's takeout onto the ground.

As I bent down to pick it up, the person who bumped into me apologized. My eyes widened in surprise and slight panic as I stood up straight, coming face to face with an old classmate and so-called friend.

"Blaise?" I said softly, my voice filled with a mix of shock and confusion. Blaise looked at me with equal surprise written all over his face. He stepped forward to hug me, but I instinctively backed up, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Sofia, what's wrong?" Blaise asked, concern evident in his voice. I shook my head, finding it difficult to find the right words. "Y-you're the one... who pulled me into that room in Hogwarts, during the battle and..."

Blaise's expression turned to one of regret as he realized what I was referring to. He pleaded with me to let him explain everything. I sighed, feeling a mix of emotions but ultimately allowing him a chance to speak. "You have five minutes," I told him, my voice laced with a hint of hesitation.

Blaise guided me towards an empty area, away from the bustling streets. He began to explain how he had been coerced into doing what he did to me that day at Hogwarts. He expressed his deep regret and remorse for his actions. Just as I was beginning to absorb his words, someone nearby gasped.

Turning around, I was welcomed by a comforting embrace from Luna. She asked me about the kids, and I happily informed her that they were doing great. I mentioned that they were already seven years old, which seemed to surprise Blaise.

Once Luna bid us farewell, Blaise gazed at me in disbelief, but soon replaced it with a gentle smile as he congratulated me on becoming a mother. I thanked him for his kind words, feeling truly grateful. Nevertheless, I knew that I had to get back to work, and I mentioned this to him. He responded with a nod of understanding before bidding me a swift goodbye.

As I walked back to the tea shop, my mind swirled with a mix of emotions. It was an unexpected encounter, and while I still had unanswered questions, I felt a glimmer of hope that one day I could find forgiveness and closure in the face of an old friend.


July 24, 2006

I had been working tirelessly at the tea shop, pulling double shifts ever since Scarlett fell sick. Determined to keep things running smoothly, I found myself stocking the shelves alone on a particularly busy afternoon. As I bent down to arrange the tea tins on the bottom shelf, the jingle of the doorbell caught my attention, signaling the arrival of a customer.

With a sense of urgency, I tried to finish up quickly while warmly greeting the customer, assuring them that I would be with them in just a moment. Still crouched down, my heart skipped a beat when I heard the customer's voice call out my name, "Sofia, is that you?" I froze in my spot, disbelief and confusion flooding my mind. It couldn't be him, could it?

Shaking off the shock, I nervously stood up, only to accidentally hit my head on the counter. Cursing quietly, I held my head and rubbed the spot, trying to stall and gather my thoughts before facing the person behind me. My mind raced, questioning the reality of the situation. Why was my mind playing tricks on me?

Summoning the last of my courage, I slowly turned around, avoiding eye contact, and asked in a shaky voice, "How can I help you?" I couldn't bring myself to look directly at the man standing before me. But he gently tilted my face, forcing me to meet his gaze. Tears welled up in my eyes as I gasped, taking a step back in sheer disbelief. It was Draco Malfoy, unmistakably him.

"How are you here?" I whispered, my voice trembling with a mix of shock and vulnerability. I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, taking in every detail of his appearance. His striking white-blonde hair mirrored our son's, and his ocean-blue eyes held a profound sense of guilt and sadness.

Before he could answer, a wave of sickness washed over me, overwhelming my senses. The shock of seeing Draco alive, combined with a rush of emotions, became too much to bear. At that moment, I fainted, my body falling backward.

As my consciousness slowly returned, I found myself cradled in Draco's arms, his face etched with worry. Confusion and disbelief still clouded my thoughts, but deep down, I couldn't ignore the love I once felt for him.

Taking a deep breath, I looked into Draco's eyes and firmly said, "I thought you were dead." The tea shop was filled with commotion, and people called for medical help, but I calmly reassured them that I was alright. With Draco's help, I stood up, but I quickly stepped away from him, feeling an intense anger welling up inside me.

Draco pleaded as I sat down to let the medical examiner check me for any injuries. After they were done, they told me that I was okay; just to take it easy with work. Ignoring Draco's pleas to explain everything, I nodded and thanked them for coming as everyone in the shop began to leave.

Right as I stood up, Ginny and Harry burst through the door of the tea shop. Their eyes widened as they spotted me, standing there. Before they could say anything, though, Atlas and Stella, rushed towards me, their little faces filled with concern.

"Mommy, are you okay?" they both asked in unison, their voices filled with worry. I mustered a smile and reassured them, "I'm fine, my loves. Just feeling a bit sick, but the doctor said I'll be alright." Relief washed over their faces as they hugged me tightly.

Draco, frozen in his spot, looked at the twins and then at me, shock written all over his face. It was clear he hadn't expected this encounter. Ignoring his reaction, I turned to Ginny and Harry, who were glaring at Draco. "Could you two do me a favor?" I asked, hoping to diffuse the tension. "Take the kids out for some ice cream. My treat. While I close up the shop."

Ginny and Harry exchanged glances, their anger towards Draco evident. After a moment, they nodded in agreement. But just as they were about to leave, Draco finally found his voice. "Wait, how old are you guys?" he blurted out, his gaze fixed on the twins.

Stella remained quiet, while Atlas, looked to me for permission. I sighed and nodded. "We're seven," he replied, his voice steady and confident. With that, they left, leaving me alone with Draco, who kept his gaze on me the whole time I tidied up the shop before closing it.

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