Chapter 12

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June 30, 1999
(5 months later)

As I woke up to the sound of crying, I groggily opened my eyes, realizing it was one of my five-month-old twins who needed my attention. As I sat up, rubbing my eyes, I noticed it was my son, Atlas, who was fussing. I quickly got out of bed, my mind still half-asleep, and made my way to his crib.

Bending down to pick him up, Atlas instinctively reached out and grabbed onto my necklace, accidentally tugging it. With a sudden jolt, the clasp broke, causing the necklace to fall to the ground. However, my focus was solely on comforting Atlas, so I ignored the fallen necklace for the time being.

Cradling Atlas in my arms, I made my way to the rocking chair, settling down to feed him. As he hungrily latched onto me, I gazed down at his tiny face, marveling at the miracle of motherhood. After he finished feeding, I gently patted his back, coaxing out a satisfying burp. Gradually, his cries softened, and he began to calm down.

Carefully, I placed Atlas back in his crib, ensuring he was comfortable and settled. It was then that I noticed the fallen necklace on the ground, glinting in the soft morning light. I picked it up, examining the delicate design, wondering who had gifted it to me. Lost in my thoughts, I was startled by a gentle knock on the door, pulling me back to reality.

With a tired sigh, I made my way to the door and opened it, revealing Ginny on the other side. She asked if the babies were okay, and I nodded, moving aside to let her enter my room. Ginny smiled warmly, her eyes lighting up as she quietly made her way toward the babies. She commented on how big they had become compared to when they were born, and I couldn't help but smile in agreement.

As Ginny observed the twins, her gaze shifted to the broken necklace in my hand. She gave me a sad look and softly asked, "You really don't remember, do you?" Confused, I took a seat on the edge of my bed, clutching the broken necklace. I confessed that I had a lingering feeling that something was missing within me, but I had never delved deeper into it.

A brief memory flickered in my mind, recalling a conversation with Harry, during which he mentioned me doing something to myself during my pregnancy with the twins. It was a vague recollection, but it held a hint of importance. Sensing my confusion, Ginny asked if I was ready to know the truth about what I felt was missing.

Nodding, I looked at Ginny expectantly, hoping for answers. She gave me a weak smile, her eyes brimming with sympathy, and began to explain the untold story of my relationship with Draco Malfoy, my first love and the father of my twins. She recounted the memories I had seemingly lost, painting a picture of a past filled with love, joy, and heartbreak.

However, as Ginny finished her tale, I still felt a void within me. I strained to remember, to feel something, but it was as if those memories were locked away in a distant realm of my mind. Sitting there, grappling with the weight of Ginny's revelation, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever truly remember or regain what I had lost.

Once Ginny had left, I heaved a sigh as I rose from the edge of my bed, the weight of my responsibilities heavy on my shoulders. I quickly rushed into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, tying my hair back in a neat bun to look presentable before attending to my little ones.

Leaving the bathroom, I walk into the nursery, where Atlas and Stella are cuddled up peacefully in their cribs. I smile at the sight of their angelic faces and gently pick them up one by one, careful not to wake them too abruptly. It's time for a diaper change, so I carry them over to the changing table.

After changing their diapers, I make sure to wash my hands thoroughly, aware of the importance of cleanliness. With the twins in my arms, I make my way to the kitchen, where Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron are already gathered for breakfast in our shared home.

As I enter the kitchen, Ginny and Hermione's eyes light up with excitement when they see Atlas and Stella. They reach out eagerly, wanting to hold the twins. I gratefully hand them over, thanking my friends for their willingness to help. It's heartwarming to see the bond they've formed with them.

Ron, always thoughtful, hands me a cup of apple juice. I appreciate the gesture and thank him with a smile before taking a seat at the table. I ask the girls if they're excited about graduating today, knowing that it's a big day for them. They both nod enthusiastically, their faces beaming with anticipation.

The conversation shifts to how we should celebrate this milestone. Harry suggests we go to the Three Broomsticks, reminiscing about the good old times. It's an idea that resonates with all of us, and we quickly agree on the plan. I assure them that I'm in, mentioning that my parents can watch the twins without any issue.

With breakfast served, we dig into our meal, enjoying the company and the sense of camaraderie that years of friendship have forged. We talk animatedly about our plans for the day, sharing ideas on how to make the celebration truly memorable.


As I stood at the doorway, I glanced back at my parents and kids with a smile on my face. "Now remember," I said, trying to sound serious, "be on your best behavior for Grandma and Grandpa while I'm gone." My children looked up at me, their innocent eyes filled with curiosity. They were still little, and I knew they probably wouldn't understand my words, but it was worth a shot. I chuckled to myself, realizing that their mischievous nature would likely prevail.

With a final wave, I stepped outside, my excitement palpable. Today was a special day - a day to celebrate the accomplishments of Ginny and Hermione, who had just graduated from their 7th year at Hogwarts. It felt like just yesterday when we were all in school, embarking on our magical journey together.

I walked down the path, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. Harry appeared by my side, a mischievous glint in his emerald eyes. Ron, always a step behind, caught up and gave me a playful nudge. We were a tight-knit group, bonded by years of shared adventures and unforgettable moments.

Finally, we arrived at The Three Broomsticks, where Ginny and Hermione were waiting for us. Their smiles beamed with pride, their Hogwarts robes exchanged for stylish attire befitting the occasion. Hugs were exchanged, laughter filled the air, and we congratulated them on their remarkable accomplishment.

As the evening unfolded, we all raised our glasses in a heartfelt toast, celebrating Ginny and Hermione's commitment, intelligence, and indomitable spirit throughout their magical journey at Hogwarts. The room reverberated with applause and congratulatory cheers. Afterward, we shared stories of our time at Hogwarts, fondly remembering the pranks, Quidditch victories, and the countless hours spent studying in the library.

On that magical night, surrounded by loved ones, I realized that even though my children were too young to understand my words, they would one day embark on their own adventures, create their own friendships, and experience the joy of celebrating milestones with their own chosen family. And when that day came, I would be there to bid them goodbye with a smile, just as my parents had done for me.

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