Chapter 16

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July 25, 2006

I woke up to the gentle rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains, signaling the start of a new day. Stretching my limbs and rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I yawned and slowly sat up in bed. It was my birthday, and I couldn't wait to spend the day with my family.

With a smile on my face, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and made my way to the bathroom. The warm water from the shower cascaded over me, washing away any lingering traces of sleep and rejuvenating my senses. After a refreshing shower, I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and walked back to my bedroom.

I picked out a comfortable pair of off-white shorts and a casual crop top, nothing too extravagant since I was just going down the street to pick up my kids from Ginny and Harry's house. Once I finished dressing, I made my way out of the house, excitement brewing within me.

As I reached Ginny and Harry's house, Ginny welcomed me with open arms, engulfing me in a warm hug. She wished me a happy birthday and remarked that twenty-six looked good on me, causing me to chuckle gratefully. Following her inside, we entered the kitchen where Hermione, Ron, and Harry were engaged in lively conversation. The room fell silent as they caught sight of me, and Hermione excitedly got up and pulled me into a tight hug.

One by one, they wished me a happy 26th birthday, their warm words filling me with joy. I thanked them sincerely for their good wishes as Ginny offered to fetch my kids for me. I nodded appreciatively, acknowledging her kind gesture. Ron, ever the thoughtful one, asked if there was anything specific I'd like to do for my birthday. I mentioned that my parents would be in town, and perhaps we could celebrate with a small dinner. Everyone agreed, including Ginny, who returned with my twins in tow.

The twins eagerly hugged me and joined in wishing me a happy birthday. After bidding everyone goodbye, they thanked Harry and Ginny for letting them spend the night. As we made our way back home, Stella noticed someone on our steps, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. It was Draco, standing up with a bouquet, watching us approach.

Unlocking the front door, I instructed AJ and Stella to go inside and wash their hands. Stella asked if we were still going to make pancakes, and I nodded, assuring her that I would join them in a minute. They curiously glanced at Draco before stepping inside, leaving us alone.

Turning to Draco, I couldn't help but ask what he was doing here and how he had found out where I lived. With a smirk, he replied that he had his ways, playfully causing me to roll my eyes. Clearing his throat, he handed me the bouquet and wished me a happy birthday.

Thanking him, I turned to go inside when he stopped me, asking if we could talk. Peeking inside the house to see the kids engrossed in watching TV, I sighed and agreed, on the condition that it had to be quick since I had promised the kids we would make birthday pancakes.

He chuckled at my response, but his expression quickly turned serious as he began to apologize. He poured his heart out, explaining how he had faked his death to protect me and our family from Voldemort, I listened intently, my emotions in turmoil. Anger, hurt, and confusion swirled within me, but deep down, I couldn't deny the love I still held for Draco.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered the words Harry had spoken to me last night, urging me to consider forgiveness. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "I'm sure you are sorry, Draco," I said, my voice trembling. "But you had me believing in a lie for eight years, and because of that, I'm not sure if I can put myself through any more hurt, even if you promise not to."

My words hung heavy in the air, filled with the weight of our complicated past and an uncertain future. I knew I had to think about our children in this decision too. "I also have to consider the kids and how this will affect them," I added, determination lacing my voice. "So know that I will always put them first, no matter what."

Draco's eyes filled with longing and regret as he gently grabbed the bouquet and placed it on the bench. He stepped closer, his hands reaching out to cup my face tenderly. "Please, Sofia," he pleaded, desperation evident in his voice. "I swear on my life it'll be different this time. I already missed so much of their lives, and I want to be there for you guys."

My resolve wavered as I looked into Draco's eyes, searching for sincerity. My heart ached for the love we had lost, and the possibility of rebuilding it tugged at me. "I'll give you another chance," I finally whispered, cautious hope creeping into my voice. "But remember, if you mess it up, I-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Draco silenced me with a passionate kiss. My defenses momentarily crumbled as I melted into his embrace, craving the familiar connection we once had. Reluctantly, I pulled away, taking a shaky breath.

"I need to get back inside before the kids start complaining," I said, mustering a small smile. "But you're welcome to join us and properly meet your children." Draco's face lit up with excitement as he eagerly accepted the invitation.

We made our way inside, where I gathered our children. I explained to them that Draco was their father, bracing myself for their reaction. To my surprise, they exchanged knowing glances before declaring that they already knew.

I looked at Draco, astonishment and relief swirling in my eyes. I turned back to our children and asked how they felt about the revelation. Their smiles were bright and genuine as they expressed their happiness, assuring me that their ultimate concern was my well-being.

Draco and I exchanged a smile, our hearts swelling with newfound hope. He began getting to know his children, engaging in conversation and laughter, while I excused myself to the kitchen to prepare pancakes. The warmth of the moment filled the air, signaling the start of a journey toward healing and a future filled with possibilities.

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