Chapter 9

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October 15, 1998

I was in the middle of assisting a customer at the shop, carefully attending to their needs, when I noticed Harry and Ron walking through the door. Surprised and delighted, I greeted them with a warm smile, "Hey, guys! What brings you two here today?"

Ron, always the joker, couldn't resist teasing me. Grinning mischievously, he responded, "Oh, you know, Sofia, I was just craving a muffin." I couldn't hide my disappointment and jokingly pouted, "And I thought you were here because you missed me."

Ron quickly reassured me, his face softening, "I'm only messing with you. Of course, I missed you." He then gave me a tender hug and a gentle kiss on the cheek. Harry, shaking his head with a chuckle, followed suit, embracing me tightly and planting a friendly kiss on my cheek as well.

With their playful greetings over, Harry spoke up, "Actually, we're here because we have a surprise for you." I looked at them both, my curiosity piqued, and a hint of confusion crossed my face. "A surprise? What is it?" I asked, eager to unravel the mystery.

Realizing the state of the shop, I quickly started tidying up, preparing to close for the day. The customer I had been assisting understood and graciously left, wishing me well. Once the shop was in order, I clocked out and locked the door, ready to discover what Harry and Ron had in store for me.

The guys gestured for me to follow them, and I fell into step beside them, my heart pounding with anticipation. We strode through the familiar streets, and after a few minutes, we stopped in front of a stunning house that was adorned with vibrant flowers in the front of it. Perplexed, I turned to Harry and Ron, my voice filled with confusion, "What is this place?"

Harry and Ron beamed with joy, their eyes radiating excitement. "Sofia, welcome to your new home! We spoke to your parents and thought it would be best for you to move in with us, so you don't have to take the train back and forth for work and doctor's appointments. This way, everything is close and convenient for you.

"Yeah, and the girls couldn't be more thrilled - it's a great walking distance to almost anything you need!"Ron enthusiastically added.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked around, feeling the love and support. It was a moment of pure joy and gratitude, and I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful surprise. "You guys didn't have to do this," I said, barely managing to hold back my tears.

"I know," Harry said. "But we wanted to, so come on! There's one more surprise inside!" He and Ron beamed as they helped guide me inside.

After following them inside and having a tour of the entire house that I now shared with them, Hermione, and Ginny. They led me to where my room was as Ron asked if I was ready, and I eagerly replied, "Yes!"

With anticipation building, they opened the door to my new room. As I stepped inside, my hand flew up to my mouth in utter astonishment. The room was beyond anything I could have imagined. It was beautifully decorated and filled with warmth and love.

I walked further into the room, taking in every detail. But it was when I reached the nursery area that I couldn't contain my emotions any longer. I turned to Harry and Ron, staring at them in awe. My eyes widened, and I placed a hand on my stomach, feeling a sudden ache.

Concerned, Harry and Ron panicked, asking me what was wrong. Nervously, I started to laugh and said, "The babies are kicking!" It was a mix of joy and surprise that overwhelmed me.

Without hesitation, I grabbed both of their hands and placed them gently on my stomach. Almost instantly, the babies kicked again, their tiny movements beneath our touch. Harry and Ron exchanged amazed glances, their eyes filled with wonder.

"Woah," they both exclaimed simultaneously, their voices filled with astonishment. I couldn't help but chuckle at their reaction. "Not only do you have my approval of how beautiful of a job you did," I said, "but you also have the twins' approval."

They thanked me with genuine gratitude, but Harry and Ron were quick to give credit where it was due. "We just put everything together," they said, "Hermione and Ginny did an incredible job with the rest of the decorations."

At that moment, standing together in the nursery, we realized the true significance of our shared home. It wasn't just a place to live; it was a sanctuary filled with love, friendship, and the excitement of new beginnings.

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